Well, back to campaigning!

in #witness6 years ago


Today was a rough start. I woke up and saw that I have lost the Pumpkin vote! For those of you who don't follow witness voting Pumpkin is the largest vote that any of the witnesses receive. This vote has been on my account for over a year now and was instrumental in reaching the top 20. Pumpkin/Freedom thank you for your support as long as I've had it. I've accomplished a lot with the vote on me and it's helped me do a ton of things on this platform. I'm grateful for the vote while I had it and I hope you choose to support me again.

With the loss of the pumpkin vote I've fallen out of the top 20 witness spots. 1 to 21 is a hard fall. if you don't vote for me currently in part because you think "well, he doesn't really need the vote" things have changed and I'd love your support.

What I stand for

Since I started my witness journey I've had two key thoughts guiding me. The first is that people are the value. When it comes down to it a currency is valued as strongly as the goods and services it produces. The closest proxy for goods and services in an economy is the number of people involved in it. So, crucial to making a currency have value is attracting new people and keeping them around.

I've also stood for the values of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty. These aren't just abstract concepts but practices that can be put into work day in and day out. Helping people interact kindly and respectfully with one another, helping lift people up while remembering the universe is essentially infinite, and showing that it's ok to talk about any and all subjects so long as we can respect other people has been my mission.

Things I've helped build

I cofounded the Minnow Support Project and PALnet Discord groups. PALnet houses 20k Steemians in it and serves as a public non-profit meeting space. It's run and managed by many top witnesses who with tremendous support from the moderators have made it a great place to meet others, start projects, and hang out.

Within the Minnow Support Project and PALnet is a streaming internet broadcast station called msp-waves. It has dozens of DJs and hours of show every single week. I dedicate many hours every week to hosting shows that highlight the community, bring witnesses together, and help further the Steem ecosystem.

I cofounded Steem Monsters. This is a blockchain trading card game that can account for as much as 20% of activity on the chain in any given day. We have 6,000 total players, 2,000 daily players, and 20-50k battles on any given day. We keep people active on the network that otherwise would have abandoned Steem. I think it's been an inspiration to other app developers who now realize it's possible to build successful businesses on the Steem blockchain.

I facilitated Steem Keychain, which is a browser extension like Metamask that can be used to sign into any Steem Application without having to directly hand over keys.

Next major project

It hasn't been fully announced yet, but we've built a tool called steem-engine.com that allows people to make their own token on the Steem blockchain. We've collected 20 tokens as a starting point and will be gathering more especially as we have more announcements surrounding it. A fully functional dex is in the works giving all of the tokens created a chance at instant liquidity. If businesses can aggregate money on Steem more can come here who will need to hold the token. It'll be fewer speculators and bid bot operators and more more businesses seeking to use the bandwidth for their audience. I think this will be a critical tool for Steem to attract the businesses we need to mainstream our chain.

in the trenches

Since HF20 took so long to implement there haven't been a lot of opportunities to revamp the chain. I've been around for a few chain restarts and one major Hard Fork. Witnessing is a weird gig. You're always sort of on call, and always feeling the stress of someone trying to take your spot. The duties though come in spurts where the actual function of a witness sometimes just means that everything else in your life is put on hold for a day or up to a week to get the chain started and that's the highest priority. I'm not sure those are the times that I'd say I've enjoyed being a witness, but I can certainly say that I'll look back at those times fondly of being in the war room watching blocks tick by and hoping one and then another witness can latch on and get the chain restarted.

Who knows what's good or bad

From an objective standpoint losing the largest vote on the platform is a bad day for my witness, but who can know what's good or bad. This is already pushing me to campaign again and there will be other life changes that occur because of this and other events to come. It's impossible to know the outcome, but here's a good time to trust in the universe that plans are afoot and I welcome surprise changes as they come along. I had a feeling that witness 1 would be short lived and have come to trust those instincts. I was called to do a task and helped direct this community back towards 1 chain and creation of a foundation to benefit all Steemians. It's impossible to tell why I lost the vote, but I wouldn't change the actions that I've taken.

It's been an honor to serve as a consensus witness

I hope to hold that honor again. This is my home and I like holding the responsibility to maintain it. This change puts me back on the campaign trail asking for witness votes and support. If you think I've done a good job keeping this chain together, making changes, bringing about business, and you value Peace, Abundance, and Liberty and community growth then please vote for my witness.

Witness 21 on the Steem Blockchain


A whale that ef'ing big should be part of the community and communicating instead of playing the wizard of oz behind the curtain.

Awe, that's totally adorbs.


Maybe you should reconsider getting your witness up. I still got it voted lol.

Why would you keep your vote on someone who isn’t committed to running a witness? There are plenty here that are and continue even at a loss. Just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️

@llfarms 95% of top 100 stake holders are voting for inactive witnesses. More likely 80% of the platform. So its not much of a question - or we are just lazy. :)

Well, if 80% of the platform is voting for inactive witnesses @svemirac, it seems like a question we should be asking more often 😄

Well, It happens that you are voting for one of them too. It's been down for about 20 days now.
So better to not raise these crucial questions about the platform and let it develop itself like it has been from the start. :D

Which witness are you referring to, as far as I can see every witness she votes is active.

“Don’t ask questions” got it. Good luck with that!

Why do you vote for witness that spams the blockchain with dick pics?

Is that a better question? Then “why do you vote for a witness that is no longer running a witness?” Seems like a completely different question to me.

I vote for witnesses based on what they do for the platform, and when they do something I think is out of line, I share my thoughts with them.

Sort of like how I contacted you to end the flag war and you ignored me, then pretended on chain that it was your idea all along.

So, if you want to go over why I vote for the witnesses I do, I’m for that. But the question was why vote for a “witness” that is no longer running a witness.

I vote for witnesses based on what they do for the platform

Is this the Twilight Zone? That is why I'm asking you the question. You're currently voting for a witness that spams the Steem blockchain with pictures of dicks and shit.

Sort of how I contacted you to end the flag war and you ignored me, then pretended on chain that it was your idea all along.

You mean the flag war that the guy posting pics of dicks and shit started? And only he was able to stop? I proposed a peace treaty a week prior before you ever got involved. Also, I ignored you because I don't know who the hell you are.

Yes, this is the twilight zone.. as a spammer is asking me why I vote for someone who spams.

As I said, I was questioning why someone would keep their vote on a disabled witness, but you clearly would like to make this personal.

So, I vote for him because I think he has done more for this platform than many others. I vote for him because he curates authors that add value and not just those in his circle jerk. I vote for him because he donates/delegates to many good causes. I vote for him because he runs a reliable witness that doesn’t just stop when it’s not profitable anymore. I vote for him because I think even despite the dick and shit pics that I am not a fan of, he adds value here.

Oh yeah, and he didn’t know who the hell I was either.. but somehow realized I was trying to make something stop for the good of the community.

Maybe his ability to listen to the whole community, not just people who hold a big stake and that he knows personally is another reason I support him.

Maybe it’s because I want to 🤷🏻‍♀️

But yeah, if his witness was disabled.. I wouldn’t still be voting it.

Feel free to take this personal spat of yours to my blog if you want, as I don’t want to spam up Aggys post anymore.

Well number one, I honestly hope @fulltimegeek would reconsider and I left my vote as a show of support.

Number 2 I am not voting for folks that I never, ever see on the chain, and I am on here a lot.

Number 3 I am not voting for witnesses that run bidbots.

Number 4, Ive been known to have a bit of a lazy streak...my bad.

Thank you for your response and I can understand those reasons. I just was curious as many leave votes on disabled witnesses and I never quite understood why. But you hope he will restart and then if so, your vote is already there. That seems reasonable, It’s your show for continued support. Thanks for explaining it to me.

Oh my pleasure. You are right though, I need to do a better job at researching and voting...again that lazy bone thingie I have...but I am writing a note and plan on being more proactive on voting. So I do appreciate the question :-)

Something we can absolutely agree on

Posted using Partiko Android

Agreed. Kinda makes you wonder if it's ned's sock account or something. Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm very sorry to hear this. This is a real problem that 1->21 is possible. But in general, I hope top witnesses have more active communications with users. For instance, I left this before: https://steemit.com/money/@aggroed/100-powered-up#@blockchainstudio/re-aggroed-100-powered-up-20181209t004332948z
, which was a detailed explanation about your misunderstanding about 100% powerup. Well not sure if you've seen my comment, but it'd be much better if you could just admit that you were wrong and edited the content in order not to give people misinformation. I think it's also an important role of witnesses.

While I'm not a steemmonster player, even only for that, you deserve witness voting from me and many people. I'll vote you for witness if I hear from you.

ps. You're right. So far many people might think you don't need votes. Will make a post about this situation for kr community where you and @yabapmatt are very popular. Here it is: https://steemit.com/kr/@blockchainstudio/aggroed-1-21-freedom

The @contestkings comunity is behind you! #voted

Looks like I've got a free vote...

Well, please consider putting it back on my witness if you think that the things I do here add value.

Considered, and, rejected. Thanks for playing!


Unfortunately, his sock accounts are more important than you.

!gif voter fraud bernie sanders

Are you implying I'm running multiple witnesses that I'm voting for?

Your mom must really be regretting not getting that back alley abortion. Flat Earth halfwit.

You got a link for me to vote you for witness?

Goodmorning @aggroed , 17 hours in : and campaining worked ! T20 again, I think if you repeat the SF3 pitch again more people Will vote,
That pitch was strong, clear and vote wurthy.
I See alot of accounts that did not cast their 30 votes, its a misunderstanding. So PEOPLE VOTE, I ( already ) voted for you as @blockbrothers is, but want to adress to the reader here to look at your witness list and See who is on it. Many witness reports and lists can tell if you think that their involvement on the blockchain steemit is deserving of your vote!
We Will have to See,
The year is still young😉
I am not playing Steemmonsters affraid to get hooked 👊
Good luck with the campaign

Eh - to go from 1 to out is kind of a hard blow. I'm already voting for you so can't add some sweet megavests to your witness now, but I'm confident people know what you do and where you stand for and indeed might now finally cast that vote now you 'need it'.

Good luck campaigning, looking forward to steem-engine :D

What a joke. Steemmonsters is the best thing on the chain and attracts new users. I wonder why the vote was removed? Do you know if he removed all of his witness votes or just yours? If he removed yours without other people's it would be strange but since when have the Stinc crew behaved in way that is best for Steem?

You've already got my vote and have done for some time. I will post later to see if I can secure you a few more votes.

Thanks Jimbo. Who knows? Plan is to just keep going and doing what i'm doing. I hope they change their mind and/or others come to support me. We'll see.

I just saw you are on the top witness rank the other day and felt that it was very well deserved. I am sure you will be back in the top 20 soon enough, as nobody else here is as loud and productive as you are. You should be glad to loose the whale support and look forward to be up there mostly due to community support.

of cause @flauwy ...we can see there performance in near day... congratulation @aggroed

Sadly I already vote for you so I can't support you with my vote, but I will add from my experience with you and many other witnesses, I know you are one of the most dedicated Steemians out there and definitely deserve to be one of top 5 witnesses.

Good luck on your campaigning, I know you'll get there again :)