Get Paid $1,200 to Watch the 12 Best Prepper Movies as You Self-Quarantine to Avoid COVID-19

in #prepping4 years ago


Are you a “social distancing” prepper in the wake of the coronavirus? One lucky winner will receive $1,200 for watching 12 disaster movies – it’s every prepper’s dream job! Get all the details on what we’re looking for and how to apply.

Get Paid $1,200 to Watch the 12 Best Prepper Movies as You Self-Quarantine to Avoid COVID-19 from

To apply, you must be over 18, a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and in agreement with our Terms & Conditions. Deadline is April 3, 2020


We have to be a slave to corporate entity to get rewards?
no thank you. keep your monetary "donations".

"The devil is in the details but why bother reading? just sign here and get money."

If "money" was your soul would you trade it for glorified I.O.U's backed up by nothing but debt forced upon the collateral labor of your countrymen by "government"?

someone didn't read up on what the bank actually is and does.

Do we need to resurrect the 20 bill man to give him news that his last dying words "I killed the bank" was all in vain?

apart from that, tv bad for my brain.
Blah. Watch movies?
why not just give force Mercury into my vains while at it?

I was going to vote up till I read the fine print.

Chillax, it's for squares, not social revolutionaries.
If they are watching movies they can only square up their immediate vicinity.

sowwie. my ego got triggered. teehee