"cats love rain!"___watercolor [4 steps] /// "I gatti amano la pioggia!"___acquarello [4 steps] [ITA/ENG]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ita6 years ago (edited)


"I gatti amano la pioggia!"
"cats love rain!"

2  0  1  8
watercolor on paper

I gatti sono tra gli animali più puliti del pianeta. Ci viene da sorridere quando vediamo un gatto che si bagna la zampetta e la scatta più volte nervosamente, con un atteggiamento buffo. Ma questo non significa che il gatto odii l'acqua, si è vero non ama fara il bagno, ma esso è molto sensibile alla pioggia, cioè al cambiamento del tempo meteorologico.

Ricordate il vecchio detto dei nostri nonni quando il gatto si lava con le zampe sopra le orecchie viene a piovere? Bene la spiegazione è scientifica ed è semplice allo stesso tempo, vediamo perchè: il gatto si prepara alla sua toilette all'arrivo di un temporale per il motivo che l'aria diventando ricca e carica di umidità, influisce sulle articolazioni del micio, rendendole più elastiche e allungabili, di conseguenza più facile per lui portare con particolare efficacia, le zampine, sopra le orecchie e pulirsi ben bene, a volte anche per un'ora!
Inoltre la carica elettrostatica nell'aria perturbata rende il pelo del gatto più elettrico e il micio più vispo ed eccitato del solito, andandosi a rifare anche le unghie su qualche divano, poltrona o tendaggio.

Il gatto, prima e durante un tempo piovoso, vuole uscire di casa perchè sente l'esigenza di andare a fare i suoi bisogni al di fuori dell'abitazione, trova più comodo e pulito farli in un ambiente dove c'è già dell'acqua.

Ma c'è un altro aspetto interessante sul comportamento del gatto dopo il temporale, infatti appena smette di piovere il micio uscirà molto volentieri, l'acqua piovana ha purificato la zona frequentata, e troverà un territorio libero,da rimarcare, senza odori concorrenziali di altri gatti, e soprattutto tutto da esplorare con rinnovata curiosità.
Un abbraccio micioso da


Cats are among the cleanest animals on the planet. We can smile when we see a cat that wets its paw and shoots it nervously several times, with a funny attitude. But this does not mean that the cat hates water, it is true it does not love to swim, but it is very sensitive to rain, that is to the change in weather.

Remember the old saying of our grandparents when the cat is washed with its paws over the ears comes to rain? Well the explanation is scientific and simple at the same time, let's see why: the cat prepares to his toilet when a storm arrives because the air becomes rich and full of moisture, affects the joints of the cat, making them more elastic and extendable, therefore it is easier for him to wear with particular effectiveness, the paws, over the ears and to clean themselves well, sometimes even for an hour!
In addition, the electrostatic charge in the perturbed air makes the cat's fur more electric and the pussy more lively and excited than usual, going to redo even the nails on some sofa, armchair or curtain.

The cat, before and during a rainy weather, wants to leave the house because he feels the need to go and do his needs outside the home, find it more comfortable and clean to make them in an environment where there is already water.

But there is another interesting aspect on the behavior of the cat after the storm, in fact as soon as it rains the cat will come out very willingly, the rain water has purified the area frequented, and will find a free territory, to remark, without competitive smells of other cats, and above all to explore with renewed curiosity.
A muggy hug from

alcuni passaggi del mio acquarello dipinto nella giornata di oggi.

some steps of my watercolor painted today.

step-2 the cats
final results

[all texts and images of my property]


Art teacher- Curator of cultural activities - Artistic director

separatore 2.jpg

author in the magazine

Immagine di proprietà di Discovery-it realizzata da @armandosodano.

Vieni a trovarci sulla prima rivista dedicata al mondo dell'arte&storia

separatore 2.jpg


Howdy from Texas armandosodano! what a wonderful painting and the education about the cats is very well done and interesting as well so good job!
I love the way the cats in the painting are the focal point even though there are people and buildings my eyes were attracted to the cats!
It's been awhile since I've seen your paintings, you usually do architecture and not animals right? But in this case both are showcased so effectively!

thanks for the appreciation and to be back, I love painting seascapes, architectures and sometimes cats and horses, good day to you too @janton

thank you so much for the comment and information armandosodano!

Very nice, but our cats don't seem to like rain... I've never thought of cats as clean, but they do groom themselves more than most animals.

I'm not a cat person so I didn't know about these facts :) Thank you for sharing! I really like when you tell a story alongside your painting.

Your painting really looks like it was raining there. Amazing watercolor art work! Those cats are cute but I like the umbrellas better :) I was always looking for a colorful umbrella here, but I haven't found one yet..

Thank you for sharing Armando! I love to see the curie vote here and I like to see that your rep is growing too! :)

thanks for your very nice comment @delishtreats I'm glad you appreciate my paintings a hug from the rain of Terracina

What a beautiful painting, Armando! I love it, specially the cats and the people with the umbrellas!

thank you @trincowski today early in the morning Im very inspired

Mi piace moltissimo come hai reso la strada bagnata e la dinamicità sia dei gatti che delle persone 😊

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grazie mille @isakost detto da una esperta mi lusinga molto ;-) imparerò a usare Dada

L’esperto di acquerelli sei tu 😍 Mi piacerebbe riprendere questa tecnica dell’attesa (come la chiamavo un tempo)... facciamo così: mentre io mi esercito con il pennello e la pazienza tu fai pratica con il mouse 😃

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi armandosodano,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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thank you for your support @curie

Beautiful artwork, Armando. I like that you captured the wetness of the rain in this picture. Very nice colours ^_^.
Congratulations for your curie vote =).

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

thank you for your support and great job! @artzone

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Wow is a very well done work, it is simply perfect .. Many beautiful details and works in your painting, it is a great work of art and you are a great artist, A big hug @armandosodano

thank you for your nice comment @naideth