Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Superconductivity [Cond-Mat.Supr-Con] | 2019-01-02

in #arxiv6 years ago

Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.

ω/T scaling and magnetic quantum criticality in BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2 (1812.11902v1)

Ding Hu, Haoyu Hu, Wenliang Zhang, Yuan Wei, Shiliang Li, Yanhong Gu, Xiaoyan Ma, Douglas L. Abernathy, Songxue Chi, Travis J. Williams, Yu Li, Qimiao Si, Pengcheng Dai


We used transport and inelastic neutron scattering to study the optimally phosphorus-doped BaFe(AsP) superconductor ( K). In the normal state, we find that the previously reported linear temperature dependence of the resistivity below room temperature extends to 500 K. Our analysis of the temperature and energy () dependence of spin dynamical susceptibility at the antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering wave vector reveal an scaling within . These results suggest that the linear temperature dependence of the resistivity is due to the presence of a magnetic quantum critical point in the cleanest iron pnictides near optimal superconductivity. Moreover, the results reconcile the strange-metal temperature dependences with the weakly first-order nature of the quantum transition out of the AF and nematic orders.

Growth, Characterization and High Field Magneto-Conductivity of Co0.1Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator (1812.11713v1)

Rabia Sultana, Ganesh Gurjar, S. Patnaik, V. P. S. Awana


We report the crystal growth as well as transport properties of Co added Bi2Se3 single crystals. The values of the lattice parameters a and b for Co added sample were observed to increase as compared to the pure Bi2Se3. The Raman spectroscopy displayed higher Raman shift of corresponding vibrational modes for Co0.1Bi2Se3, and the resistivity curves with and without applied magnetic field shows a metallic behaviour. Both the crystals were subjected to magneto-resistance (MR) measurements under applied fields of 14Tesla. The value of MR is found to decrease from about 380 (5K, 14 Tesla) for Bi2Se3 to 200 degree for Co0.1Bi2Se3. To elaborate the transport properties of pure and Co added Bi2Se3 crystals, the magneto-conductivity is fitted to the HLN (Hikami Larkin Nagaoka) equation and it is found that the charge conduction is mainly dominated by surface driven WAL (weak anti-localization) with negligible bulk WL (weak localization) contribution in both crystals alike. The MH curves of Co0.1Bi2Se3 crystal at different temperatures displayed a combination of both ferromagnetic and diamagnetic behaviour. On the other hand, the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) revealed that pure Bi2Se3 is diamagnetic whereas, Co orders ferro-magnetically with resonating field around 3422Oe at room temperature.

Dynamical effects on superconductivity in BCS-BEC crossover (1812.11698v1)

Tae-Ho Park, Han-Yong Choi


We investigate the dynamical effects of pairing interaction on superconductivity in BCS-BEC crossover by studying the Holstein model at half-filling where the electron-phonon coupling controls the crossover. The dynamical mean-field theory was employed in combination with the numerical renormalization group technique. The dynamical effects induce distinct features such as absenceof the dispersion back-bending of Bogoliubov quasi-particles, non-monotonous coupling dependence of the pairing gap, and the soft phonon spectrum due to the Goldstone mode of local pair phase fluctuations. Also interesting is the maximum critical temperature being at the normal state phase boundary. Some of these features have intriguing similarities with the recent observations in the FeSeS and FeSeTe iron-chalcogenides in the BCS-BEC crossover.

Upper bounds on the superfluid stiffness and superconducting : Applications to twisted-bilayer graphene and ultra-cold Fermi gases (1811.12428v2)

Tamaghna Hazra, Nishchhal Verma, Mohit Randeria


Understanding the material parameters that control the superconducting (SC) transition temperature is a problem of fundamental importance. In many novel superconductors, phase fluctuations of the SC order parameter determine , rather than the mean field collapse of the amplitude due to pair breaking. We derive rigorous upper bounds on the superfluid phase stiffness valid in any dimension. This in turn leads to an upper bound on in 2D, which holds irrespective of mechanism, strength of pairing interaction, or order-parameter symmetry. These bounds lead to stringent constraints for the strongly correlated regime of low-density and narrow-band systems. We show that across the 2D BCS-BEC crossover in ultra-cold Fermi gas. For magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MA-TBG), the band structure constrains the maximum possible to be close to the experimentally observed value, demonstrating that MA-TBG is in a phase-fluctuation dominated regime. Finally, we discuss the question of deriving rigorous upper bounds on in 3D

Does the existence of Majorana zero mode in superconducting vortices imply the superconductivity is topologically non-trivial? (1805.12150v2)

Lokman Tsui, Zi-Xiang Li, Yen-Ta Huang, Steven G. Louie, Dung-Hai Lee


We show that the presence of Majorana zero modes (2D), and chiral-dispersing Majorana modes (3D), in the vortex cores of superconductors are neither sufficient nor necessary conditions for one to conclude the superconductivity is topologically non-trivial. We discuss the relevance of this result to the proximity-induced superconductivity, in the presence of magnetic field, on the surface of topological insulators.

Monte Carlo simulations of a disordered superconductor-metal quantum phase transition (1808.00094v2)

Ahmed K. Ibrahim, Thomas Vojta


We investigate the quantum phase transitions of a disordered nanowire from superconducting to metallic behavior by employing extensive Monte Carlo simulations. To this end, we map the quantum action onto a (1+1)-dimensional classical XY model with long-range interactions in imaginary time. We then analyze the finite-size scaling behavior of the order parameter susceptibility, the correlation time, the superfluid density, and the compressibility. We find strong numerical evidence for the critical behavior to be of infinite-randomness type and to belong to the random transverse-field Ising universality class, as predicted by a recent strong disorder renormalization group calculation.

Stable p-wave resonant two-dimensional Fermi-Bose dimers (1807.06801v2)

Betzalel Bazak, Dmitry S. Petrov


We consider two-dimensional weakly-bound heterospecies molecules formed in a Fermi-Bose mixture with attractive Fermi-Bose and repulsive Bose-Bose interactions. Bosonic exchanges lead to an intermolecular attraction, which can be controlled and tuned to a p-wave resonance. Such attractive fermionic molecules can be realized in quasi-two-dimensional ultracold isotopic or heteronuclear mixtures. We show that they are stable with respect to the recombination to deeply-bound molecular states and with respect to the formation of higher-order clusters (trimers, tetramers, etc.)

Weak-coupling superconductivity in an anisotropic three-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model (1808.02039v2)

Henrik Schou Røising, Felix Flicker, Thomas Scaffidi, Steven H. Simon


We study a three-dimensional single-band repulsive Hubbard model at weak coupling. We establish the superconducting phase diagram in the parameter space of the chemical potential and the out-of-plane hopping strength. The model continuously connects the Hubbard model in two and three dimensions. We confirm previously-established results in these limits, and identify a rich structure of competing order parameters in between. Specifically, we find five types of - and -wave orders. In several regions of the phase diagram, even when the Fermi surface is a corrugated cylinder, the ground state is a time-reversal-symmetry-breaking superconductor with nodes, i.e. a Weyl superconductor.

Can one hear the shape of a Majorana Billiard? (1812.11331v1)

Barış Pekerten, A. Mert Bozkurt, İnanç Adagideli


Majorana billiards are finite sized superconductors or semiconductors in proximity to a superconductor, featuring ground state fermion parity switches. We study their "spectra", i.e. the set of external parameters at which said parity switches occur, and find formulae for the asymptotic mean value of the density of crossings and its oscillations that are analogous to the Weyl expansion and the Gutzwiller trace formula, respectively. Moreover, the statistics of the spacings of parity-crossings are universal and are described by a random matrix ensemble choice of which depends on the antiunitary symmetries of the system in its normal state. We thus demonstrate that "one can hear (information about) the shape of a Majorana billiard" by investigating its spectrum.

Possible pairing symmetry in the FeSe-based superconductors determined by quasiparticle interference (1812.11260v1)

Yi Gao, Yuting Wang, Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, Qiang-Hua Wang


We study the momentum-integrated quasiparticle interference (QPI) in the FeSe-based superconductors. This method was recently proposed theoretically and has been applied to determine the pairing symmetry in these materials experimentally. Our findings suggest that, if the incipient bands and the superconducting (SC) pairing on them are taken into consideration, then the experimentally measured bound states and momentum-integrated QPI can be well fitted, even if the SC order parameter does not change sign on the Fermi surfaces. Therefore, we offer an alternative explanation to the experimental data, calling for more careful identification of the pairing symmetry that is important for the pairing mechanism.

Effects of deep superconducting gap minima and disorder on residual thermal transport in (1810.00932v2)

John F. Dodaro, Zhiqiang Wang, Catherine Kallin


Recent thermal conductivity measurements on [E. Hassinger et al., Phys. Rev. X 7, 011032 (2017)] were interpreted as favoring a pairing gap function with vertical line nodes while conflicting with chiral -wave pairing. Motivated by this work we study the effects of deep superconducting gap minima on impurity induced quasiparticle thermal transport in chiral -wave models of . Combining a self-consistent T-matrix analysis and self-consistent Bogoliubov-de-Gennes calculations, we show that the dependence of the residual thermal conductivity on the normal state impurity scattering rate can be quite similar to the -wave pairing state that was shown to fit the thermal conductivity measurements, provided the normal state impurity scattering rate is large compared with the deep gap minima. Consequently, thermal conductivity measurements on can be reconciled with a chiral -wave pairing state with deep gap minima. However, the data impose serious constraints on such models and these constraints are examined in the context of several different chiral -wave models.

Anomalies of upper critical field in the spinel superconductor LiTiO (1812.11047v1)

Zhongxu Wei, Ge He, Wei Hu, Jie Yuan, Chuanying Xi, Qian Li, Beiyi Zhu, Fang Zhou, Xiaoli Dong, Li Pi, Fedor V. Kusmartsev, Zhongxian Zhao, Kui Jin


High-field electrical transport and point-contact tunneling spectroscopy were used to investigate superconducting properties of the unique spinel oxide, LiTiO films with various oxygen content. We find that the upper critical field gradually increases as more oxygen impurities are brought into the samples by carefully tuning the deposition atmosphere. It is striking that although the superconducting transition temperature and energy gap are not changed, an astonishing isotropic up to 26 Tesla is observed in oxygen-rich sample, which is almost doubled compared to the anoxic sample and breaks the Pauli limit. Such upper critical field anomalies were rarely reported in other three dimensional superconductors. Combined with all the anomalies, momentum dependent spin-orbit interaction induced by tiny oxygen impurities is naturally proposed to account for the remarkable enhancement of in oxygen-rich LiTiO films. Such mechanism could be general and therefore provides ideas for optimizing practical superconductors.

Magnetic-Field Tuning of Light-Induced Superconductivity in Striped LaBaCuO (1803.05420v2)

D. Nicoletti, D. Fu, O. Mehio, S. Moore, A. S. Disa, G. D. Gu, A. Cavalleri


Optical excitation of stripe-ordered LaBaCuO has been shown to transiently enhance superconducting tunneling between the CuO planes. This effect was revealed by a blue-shift, or by the appearance of a Josephson Plasma Resonance in the terahertz-frequency optical properties. Here, we show that this photo-induced state can be strengthened by the application of high external magnetic fields oriented along the c-axis. For a 7-Tesla field, we observe up to a ten-fold enhancement in the transient interlayer phase correlation length, accompanied by a two-fold increase in the relaxation time of the photo-induced state. These observations are highly surprising, since static magnetic fields suppress interlayer Josephson tunneling and stabilize stripe order at equilibrium. We interpret our data as an indication that optically-enhanced interlayer coupling in LaBaCuO does not originate from a simple optical melting of stripes, as previously hypothesized. Rather, we speculate that the photo-induced state may emerge from activated tunneling between optically-excited stripes in adjacent planes.

Lattice symmetry assisted second order topological superconductors and Majorana patterns (1812.10989v1)

Xiao-Hong Pan, Kai-Jie Yang, Li Chen, Gang Xu, Chao-Xing Liu, Xin Liu


We propose a realization of the lattice symmetry assisted second order topological superconductors with corner Majorana zero modes (MZM) based on two-dimensional topological insulators (2DTI). The lattice symmetry can naturally lead to the anisotropic coupling of edge states along different directions to the uniform magnetic field and conventional s-wave pairings, thus leading to a single MZM locating at the corners for various lattice patterns. In particular, we focus on the 2DTI with D lattice symmetry and found different types of gap opening for the edge states along the armchair and zigzag edges: the gap at the armchair edge is always dominated by superconductivity while the gap at the zigzag edge is dominated by Zeeman term in a broad range of parameters. As a consequence, a single MZM exists at the corner between the zigzag and armchair edges, and is robust against weakly lattice symmetry broken. We propose to realize such corner MZMs in a variety of polygon patterns, such as triangles and quadrilaterals. We further show their potentials in building the Majorana network through constructing the Majorana Y-junction under a uniform in-plane magnetic field.

Quantum anomalous vortex and Majorana zero mode in iron-based superconductor Fe(Te,Se) (1808.07072v3)

Kun Jiang, Xi Dai, Ziqiang Wang


In topological insulators doped with magnetic ions, spin-orbit coupling and ferromagnetism give rise to the quantum anomalous Hall effect. Here we show that in s-wave superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling, magnetic impurity ions can generate topological vortices in the absence of external magnetic fields. Such vortices, dubbed quantum anomalous vortices, support robust Majorana zero-energy modes when superconductivity is induced in the topological surface states. We demonstrate that the zero-energy bound states observed in Fe(Te,Se) superconductors are possible realizations of the Majorana zero modes in quantum anomalous vortices produced by the interstitial magnetic Fe. The quantum anomalous vortex matter not only advances fundamental understandings of topological defect excitations of Cooper pairing, but also provides new and advantageous platforms for manipulating Majorana zero modes in quantum computing.

Fractional Josephson Effect: A Missing Step Is A Key Step (1812.10920v1)

Fan Zhang, Wei Pan


Physicists are searching for superconducting materials that can host Majoranas. New evidence for these elusive particles is provided by missing Shapiro steps in a Josephson effect mediated by an accidental Dirac semimetal.

Universal superconducting precursor in perovskite-based oxides (1808.05763v2)

Damjan Pelc, Zachary Anderson, Biqiong Yu, Chris Leighton, Martin Greven


A pivotal challenge posed by unconventional superconductors is to unravel how superconductivity emerges upon cooling from the generally complex normal state. Some of the most prominent unconventional superconductors are oxides: strontium titanate, strontium ruthenate, and the cuprates exhibit greatly different superconducting transition temperatures , and although their respective superconducting pairing mechanisms remain unknown, they are thought to differ as well. Here we use nonlinear magnetic response, a probe that is uniquely sensitive to the superconducting precursor, to uncover remarkable universal behavior in these three distinct classes of superconductors. We find unusual exponential temperature dependence of the diamagnetic response above the transition temperature , with a characteristic temperature scale that strongly varies with . We correlate this scale with the sensitivity of to local stress, and show that it is influenced by intentionally-induced structural disorder. The universal behavior is therefore caused by intrinsic, self-organized structural inhomogeneity, inherent to the oxides perovskite-based structure. The prevalence of such inhomogeneity has far-reaching implications for the interpretation of electronic properties of perovskite-related oxides in general.

Calculation of currents around a triangular indentation by the hodograph method (1812.10798v1)

Jonathan I. Avila, Benoit Vanderheyden, Alejandro V. Silhanek, Sorin Melinte


Border indentations in non-linear conductors, such as superconducting thin films in the creep regime, alter the distribution of currents and magnetic fields near and far from the indentation. One of such disturbances are the discontinuity lines, or -lines, a parabolic-like line originating from the indentation where the current density direction changes abruptly. Hodograph series results are obtained for the currents around a triangular indentation and its corresponding -lines in a conducting stripe of finite width and in an infinite half plane, considering two cases: uniform creep exponent and mixed infinite and ohmic exponents. The mixed creep exponent case presents currents distributions resembling the purely ohmic case, with significant current disturbances only near the indentation. For uniform creep exponent, results similar to a planar indentation are obtained, with far ranged currents features and parabolic-like -lines with shapes depending on the creep exponent. In particular, the same -line asymptotic behaviour is obtained for the triangle indentation as that of the planar defect in the critical state, a result obtained here just on continuity considerations of the hodograph expansions, and quite similar but not identical to the popular Bean model. This equivalence is due to identical contributions to the Fourier series of the current stream-function in the hodograph space obtained from an images method expansion.

Critical current density of hole doped high-Tc cuprates and heavy fermion superconductors: relevance to the possible quantum critical behavior (1812.10632v1)

S. H. Naqib, R. S. Islam


The superconducting critical current density, Jc, in hole doped cuprates show strong dependence on the doped hole content, p, within the copper oxide plane(s). The doping dependent Jc mainly exhibits the variation of the intrinsic depairing critical current density as p is varied. Jc(p) tends to peak at p ~ 0.185 in copper oxide superconductors. This particular value of the hole content, often termed as the critical hole concentration, has several features putative to a quantum critical point (QCP). Very recently, pressure dependences of the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) and the critical current (Ic) in pure CeRhIn5 and Sn doped CeRhIn5 heavy fermion compounds have been reported (Nature Communications (2018) 9:44, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-02899-5). The critical pressure demarcates an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point where both Tc and Ic are maximized. We have compared and contrasted this behavior with those found for Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-d in this brief communication. The resemblance of the systematic behavior of the critical current with pressure and hole content between heavy fermion systems and hole doped cuprates is significant. This adds to the circumstantial evidence that quantum critical physics probably plays a notable role beyond the unconventional normal and superconducting state properties of copper oxide superconductors.

Spin diffusion equation in superconductors in the vicinity of Tc (1808.02973v2)

Takuya Taira, Masanori Ichioka, So Takei, Hiroto Adachi


We microscopically derive the spin diffusion equation in an s-wave superconductor in the vicinity of the superconducting transition temperature Tc. Applying the general relation between the relaxation function and the response function to the present spin diffusion problem, we examine how the spin relaxation time and the spin diffusion coefficient are renormalized in the superconducting state. The analysis reveals that, below Tc, both the spin relaxation time and the spin diffusion coefficient are increased, resulting in an enhancement of the spin diffusion length. The present result may provide an explanation for the recent observation of an enhanced spin pumping signal below Tc in a Py/Nb/Pt system that is free from the coherence peak effect.

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