Birthday Notes for Dek Rafa: Striving to Always Make Parents Proud (Sekelumit Harapan)

in Steem SEA3 months ago

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The regional head election day was not too busy for me because Bawaslu in Aceh only supervised the general election. I had a lot of time to complete office tasks, especially writing and editing our supervision book. So, in the past week I have spent more time in the office.

After voting in the yard of the Tumpok Teungoh Mosque, I stopped by the office for a while. There was a leader from the Aceh Province Bawaslu who said he would visit, but after I confirmed he would only be there at 14.00.

Before voting, we looked for a small birthday cake for Muhammad Rafa el-Jufri, whom we call Dek Rafa because he is the youngest child in our family. Last night I had been going around Lhokseumawe City but did not find any bakeries that were still open. Dek Rafa did not ask for a birthday cake because he only wanted to buy new soccer shoes and I had agreed. I handed over Rp200 thousand to buy Rafa's shoes, but the shoes he wanted were not available in small sizes.

Memancing di Takengon, Aceh Tengah.

Menikmati makan malam di Hokben Lhokseumawe.

Some time ago, Rafa had asked for a fishing rod pulley for his birthday present. His mother and I did not immediately agree because Rafa was the type of child who always asked without knowing the time if we had promised. His mother said, when I was on duty in Banda Aceh, Rafa asked at the sports shop to buy soccer shoes from morning, noon and night.

The day of the simultaneous regional elections, November 27, 2024, Rafa turned 10 years old. Happy birthday, Rafa. May you continue to be a pious child, a child who is devoted to your father and mother. May you study more diligently, study the Koran diligently, and always be the pride of your parents.

So far, Rafa seems to have an advantage in the exact field, he is faster at calculating than Bang Atha who has finished two junior high schools. Maybe Rafa's future is in engineering, programming, and the like. We are thinking of adding more math and English lessons for Rafa.

Di Stadion Rawang Itek, Pantonlabu, Aceh Utara.

His oral skills are better than a year ago when he still had a lisp because he couldn't pronounce the letter R. Now, some phrases that start with the letter R are still unclear. For example, he says katol for pulley. It sounds funny, but we keep teaching him to pronounce the word correctly.

I also hope that Rafa has high self-confidence and is brave. In the first grade of elementary school, he still needed to adjust so it took a long time to adapt. Now the situation is very different, especially since becoming a soccer player at the Raja Bintang soccer school (SSB), he looks more confident.

Happy birthday, Aneuk Agam. Always be Dad's pride.[]

Lorong Asa, Wednesday, November 27, 2024.





Suka masuk TK Bhayangkari Lhokseumawe.



Catatan Milad Dek Rafa: Berjuang untuk Selalu jadi Kebanggaan Orang Tua

Hari pemilihan kepala daerah yang tidak terlalu sibuk bagiku karena Bawaslu di Aceh hanya mengawasi pemilihan umum. Aku memiliki banyak waktu untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugas kantor, terutama menulis dan mengedit buku pengawasan kami. Jadi, dalam sepekan terakhir ini aku lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di kantor.

Seusai mencoblos di halaman Masjid Tumpok Teungoh, aku singgah di kantor sebentar. Ada pimpinan dari Bawaslu Provinsi Aceh yang katanya akan berkunjung, tetapi setelah kukonfirmasi baru akan hadir pada pukul 14.00 nanti.

Arung jeram di Takengon, Aceh Tengah.

Sebelum mencoblos, kami mencari kue tart kecil untuk ulang tahun Muhammad Rafa el-Jufri yang kami panggil Dek Rafa karena ia merupakan anak paling kecil dalam keluarga kami. Semalam aku sudah mutar Kota Lhokseumawe tetapi tidak menemukan toko roti yang masih buka. Dek Rafa tidak meminta kue tart karena ia hanya ingin dibelikan sepatu bola baru dan aku sudah menyanggupi. Aku menyerahkan uang Rp200 ribu untuk membeli sepatu Dek Rafa, tapi sepatu yang ia inginkan tidak ada ukuran kecil.

Beberapa waktu sebelumnya, Dek Rafa pernah meminta katrol gagang pancing untuk hadiah ulang tahun. Aku dan bundanya tidak langsung menyanggupi karena Dek Rafa tipe anak yang selalu menagih tanpa kenal waktu kalau kita sudah berjanji. Bundanya bercerita, ketika aku sedang tugas di Banda Aceh, pagi siang malam Dek Rafa meminta ke toko olah raga untuk membeli sepatu bola.

Hari pencoblosan pilkada serentak, 27 November 2024, Dek Rafa genap berusia 10 tahun. Selamat ulang tahun, Dek Rafa. Semoga tetap menjadi anak yang saleh, anak yang berbakti kepada ayah dan bunda. Semoga makin rajin belajar, rajin mengaji, dan selalu menjadi kebanggaan orang tua.


Selama ini, Dek Rafa terlihat memiliki kelebihan di bidang eksakta, pelajaran menghitung ia lebih cepat dibandingkan Bang Atha yang sudah kelar dua SMP. Mungkin masa depan Dek Rafa ada di bagian teknik, programmer, dan sejenisnya. Kami berpikir untuk menambah les Dek Rafa di bidang matematika dan bahasa Inggris.

Kecakapan lisan sudah lebih baik dibandingkan setahun lalu ketika ia masih cadel ketika bicara karena tidak bisa menyebutkan huruf R. Sekarang, beberapa frasa yang dimulai dari huruf R memang masih belum jelas. Misalnya, ia menyebutkan katol untuk katrol. Terdengar lucu, tapi kami terus mengajarkannya mengucapkan kata yang benar.

Aku juga berharap Dek Rafa memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi dan berani. Di kelas satu SD dulu, ia masih perlu menyesuaikan diri sehingga butuh proses yang lumayan lama agar bisa beradaptasi. Sekarang situasinya sangat berbeda, apalagi sejak menjadi anak bola dari sekolah sepak bola (SSB) Raja Bintang, ia terlihat lebih percaya diri.

Selamat milad, Aneuk Agam. Selalu jadi kebanggaan Ayah.[]

Lorong Asa, Rabu, 27 November 2024.



Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 3 months ago 

Thank you very much for publishing your post in Steem SEA Community. We encourage you to keep posting your quality content and support each other in the community

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Congratulations!!! because your post has been upvoted by Team 7 using steemcurator09. Keep up the good work and keep making quality posts. Curated By @walictd

 3 months ago 

Terima kasih atas dukungan dan review-nya @walictd.

 3 months ago 

Sama-sama kanda... 🤗