Blewitt’s SteemFest Photos & Stories Part 2

in #backfromsteemfest6 years ago (edited)

214A75A8-859E-4A66-B9FE-8581CD31F8D1.jpeg The lovely @evecab, the lovlier @el-cr, & the loveliest @gillianpearce at the Salt Mines.

Man, I was hoping to be done with these already but it’s been a crazy week at home. I still have a few more to do as my phone is choc full of tasty evidence of the absolute blast we had last week that I can’t wait to share with you all. I must have liked all of you as I snapped a metric ton of shots. I popped up some photos and stories in these posts a couple of days back if you are interested in peeping them out.



Don’t want to?!? Fine...don’t have to be a dick about it. Well let’s just jump right into it...shall we???

Let’s Play

I believe it was the very first evening after dinner and drinks, a group of about 35-40 of us went in search of a bar. Well we ended up at this place, where we all crammed into one of several rooms and learned a bit more about each other up until the wee hours of the morning.


2FB31088-4E6C-4521-ABCE-53D5884BBF52.jpeg These animals @anomadsoul, @peixeboi, & @zlatan-spielberg all convinced me to try some Absinthe. I got a video of it that I’ll be sharing a bit later but let’s just say it’s pretty funny listening to me trying to weasel my way out of it while being called a pussy. Classic! Oh, and the barkeep wanted in on this testosterone filled pic to give it a bit of balance. You know how silly those Polish barkeeps get...

AC010A45-570B-4AB0-8572-EA42D6E55CDD.jpegBehold, the bowling team to fear!!!!!! The mighty @el-cr & @evecab were 2 folks that I just adore and got close with throughout the week. I am so sorry as I cannot for the life of me remember our other teammates name. He saved us in the first Game and came up clutch as hell to help us advance to the next round. I am sorry brother, I’m the worst. If anyone knows, please comment below so I can add him in the tags!

We ended up going several games deep where we finally ended up getting our asses pummeled by @lukestokes and his beautiful family. We just kept looking at each other in disbelief. After the loss I was chatting with @abh12345 about a mom, dad, and a couple of booger eaters beating us where he let me know that they eliminated his team as well. That made me feel a bit better. Misery loves company.

3F683BB2-C6B9-4638-8922-5250F451A4CA.jpeg@escapist & @llfarms both looking lovely as always. A flabbergasted @abh12345 was still stunned at how I could have botched that last shot in pool as you can see. He may never recover. Then there is @raj808 ...we hit it off extremely well and even discussed a bit of potential future business if he would only accept my discord friend request...

63ACD0B2-DC83-4B6F-B2D8-44B95E592CFE.jpegAfter days of stalking her unsuccessfully, Superstar Steemian @coruscate finally felt bad for me and told her people to step aside for a few seconds so she could “appease the commoners”. We ended up talking for about 2 or 3 seconds, but not before she showed me her cool new magic trick where she makes an arm appear out of her head!!!! So talented! In all seriousness, she’s one of the few that I wish I was able to chat with more. There’s just not enough time...we will make up for it in April my dear!

F6CBFF40-BD47-4EAD-BDB2-FEC2C282FF71.jpegAh, this is when @crimsonclad checked both mine and @tarazkp’s prostates. Then wanted to pose showing off the guilty digits. She yelled loudly “no butt jelly!!” as I snapped the pic. Yup...she’s a gross one. All I’m going to say is that she’s from Canada. Makes sorta sense once that’s thrown into the equation. All things considered, She’s a good egg for caring about our health. Thanks for the exam during closing drinks you crazy ginger.

4DDC3780-092E-4DC5-953B-0D695B255A8F.jpegClosing drinks are wrapping up and I’m still a 16 year old girl taking selfies. @things & @sjennon were absolute rockstars who I had a blast with throughout the week. I think the first time I spoke to them was at bowling and I kept popping up and they didn’t get completely grossed out by me like most women so I kinda just clinged to them as they somewhat tolerated me.

Now for the actual rockstars, both @dan-atstarlite & @jaybird absolutely slayed it with their performance. I had seen these fellas pop up often through resteems and posts since I had joined but never gave em a follow. During their second song at the club I took out my phone and followed them both. They sold me. Kudos fellas!!! I can’t wait to rock my tight ass V-neck Crypto Babes shirt front row next year at SteemFest 4. Play yer cards right...maybe I’ll even flash ya!!! Oh, and @llfarms ate 13 weed brownies and was tripping ballz!!! When she wasn’t talking to the elevator or decorative plants, she was posing for pics with what she later told me were simply, “cyber angels”.

97B511CC-9A0F-4437-A740-5BC63FFBC8DC.jpeg I first met @karinxxl outside of the bathroom at the club on Friday night. Its not like I was creepily hanging outside the ladies room. It just happened that way. We struck up a conversation and she let me know that she had just flew in a few hours prior. We said we’d catch up tomorrow and we chatted quite a bit over the next few days. She’s one of those people that is just real and makes you feel comfortable and we shared a lot of awful laughs together. I like people that can laugh at the shitty things in life and boy did we laugh. I think we will be good friends. Also, I was creepily hanging outside the ladies room....
@meno was a fine chap that I threw back a few beers with on multiple nights. Such a good dude. Asher is one of my favorite meets as well as I think I’ve stated several times already.

D036ADD1-3C22-43D1-A03D-1E4605A259A2.jpegThis is a guy I’ve been following since I started on the platform. @exyle was the first person to thank me for the comics in the goodiebag on one of his posts, so I wanted to thank him for the mention and just chat it up a bit. We ended up talking for a while...all about Spider-Man, which is my kind of conversation. We both expressed our love for the webhead. How we both collected statues. We yapped about the new PS4 Spidey game which is awesome, and he promised if he was out in NY...that he would come visit my shop which would be an absolute honor. Looking forward to more nerdy chats with this gentle giant.

72697668-66C0-4DA1-A723-DB58E5574144.jpegI first met @luzcypher at the dingy basement bar on the first night and he was a riot. He loves laughing and making people laugh. He holds no punches and isn’t afraid to talk about taboo topics. During the last evening right around the time of this pic, I made a joke towards him and he was like “yeah man I totally...blah blah blah”. It was fantastic. Such a fun dude that I hope to bond more with before the next SteemFest so I’m better equipped. What more can I say about @guyfawkes4-20 that I haven’t said already. Dude is a gem and I miss laughing with him.

I think I told the amazing @katrina-ariel to “gimme a dumb one” and this is what we ended up with.

E3527549-87EF-4803-994B-6A0ED3EBDFEA.jpegWe also apparently both slept wrong and had neck kinks as this one just naturally happened. She gave an amazing and beautiful performance for us all to take in on Friday evening. We had a really detailed discussion about what I experienced at Auschwitz and she was all around a super sweet Steemian. Full of life and laughter, but in desperate need of a neck and shoulder massage.

A6683E3D-7DCC-486D-BAD7-B3EB9AD6764D.jpegWe ended up meeting up one night by just being in the same bars and color me impressed. @crimsonclad was by far the quickest, wittiest, and most sarcastic Steemian I had met and had me laughing a lot. She was kind when she saw a bunch of hungry saps salivating over her bacon and shared with us grubby bastards. I promised her a nice pic after I posted some with her in “less flattering” expressions so I’m happy to provide this one my dear. Looking forward to getting to know you more so we can prep for the next go around.

1627AC16-837A-4A20-8259-185FFE7BDEC6.jpegIf I had ONLY met her at SteemFest and nobody else, it would have been hailed as a tremendous success. Sorry folks, but you are all just the icing on the tasty @nomadicsoul cake. I thought I was a strange bastard but I was completely thrown for a loop when I met this odd duck. I instantly knew we would mesh well which is super unfortunate for the rest of you. My new found long lost test tube twin sister and I have plans to conjure up some of the weirdest shit to ever hit the chain. If you aren’t following her yet, stop everything...including breathing, because you gon dun fucked up!

@steemmatt and I had the pleasure of enjoying dinner together one night where he had the big piece of chicken while mine was tiny, sad, and unsatisfying. Crazy how dinner reflects life! Some guys just get it all I guess. Regardless, I rose above and overcame the embarrassment and we shared a ton of laughs. He’s an incredibly funny dude and equally as insecure as I am as we both over explain jokes when they bomb. He was also my traveling partner back to the states where I looked like a zombie in what was the last official “SteemFest” pic I took.
60D1A91D-D7EF-4C6A-A936-CE4A7EACB0F6.jpegLook what you guys did to me...a week of partying and laughing...ol’ luggage eyes.

Thats it for this one guys! I think I’ll have one more of these to post that I can hopefully get around to tomorrow. You were all amazing and I long for the next time we can do this nonsense all over again...only this time the bonds will be greater and stronger!


Thanks for looking!



never let it be said I don't care about your health; in fact, Crimsonclad is good for you.™. Sarcasm is my sincere gift to those I love, along with no butt jelly.

I also think word must be getting around I'm all about buttz now... I can't imagine where such an idea would come from 🖤


All about da buttz! Thank you Dr. Clad. I appreciate your concern for my well being.


omg, you beyond made my day with this!!!!! I need to step up my game

Yeah yeah yeah. How I envision you minutes after reading this.


Yeah that arm thing is an old party trick of mine. 😂

You are definitely one of the people that I wished I had talked with more!! So excited that you are coming to Austin in April so that we will have more time to hang out!!

So fun that you and @steemmatt we’re travel buddies back home! It probably made staying up all night a little easier. :-)

Yeah, @steemmatt and I cuddled close to stay warm on the journey back to NY.

Awesome! I’m looking forward to it on April. Gotta step up my game more until then. I’ll probably bother you one day after the holidays for some advice on a few things as you seem on point. Happy Thanksgiving my dear. Hope you and your family have a perfect day! 😉

YAY!!!! Oh, this makes me so happy. It was a super pleasure meeting you and getting to hang out a bit. I never do funny face photos, so consider yourself special. ;) I'm so glad you enjoyed my performance, too. As for the others, @crimsonclad is one of my favourite people, and Luke's family is AMAZING! Also, I didn't get to spend a lot of time with @nomadicsoul, but that didn't stop me from falling in love with her fun, kind-hearted energy. I'd give you a 100% dustvote for all the joy you crammed in this post, but my mana is limping along from sharing the love, so I'll just beam you some appreciation for your humour and heart, and add you to the Steemfest resteems on my feed. :)

Well I’m truly honored that I got a funny face outta ya then since you are stingy with them. Lol

Thanks for the resteem. I hear ya...I don’t know how the big guns here do it. Spreading the upvote love amongst so many people and posts is a tricky thing. I’m dogshit on the platform and I’m having trouble...could just imagine what the top tier folks feel like. So many mouths to feed. Lol

this is literally the reaction I have each time I hear from you

Giddy like a Nick Offerman.

Your bowling teammate is @vvville, but even if you tag him, I doubt that he would notice, he is not really a Steemian :D

Interesting...thank you dear. Why is that though???

He and the other Finn with him run EtherLend and go to all sort of crypto related conferences and decided to attend Steemfest on a whim. I'm not sure if they knew what they were getting themselves into 😂

Gotcha. Well thank you very much for the lesson. That’s pretty cool either way though.

I am just glad @crimsonclad gave me the all clear. My next appointment is scheduled for steemfest 4.

Oh damn! She told me most likely the big Casino and I have 3 months. Enjoy SteemFest 4.

You should be open to more frequent appointments. It's for your health.

last time you were inserting weird objects in there though and that just didn’t seem super...professional. I will admit that the Pop Rocks were interesting...

yay all the beautiful people, looks like we also have many friends in common

I have one more pic post to pop up. Maybe tonight. Yeah such beautiful souls here. Love everyone.

Nice to meet you man! I hope to visit your comicbook store very soon!

You too brother. Stay tuned as I have the video of you doing that shot to still pop up. I’ll tag ya in it once up.

I’d love to have ya head up here. You always have a place to crash at my place. Hopefully one day you guys make it up in my neck of the woods.

haha what awesome shots dude.. and how can i not be happy with this steemfest allstar -fine-people image..saving this ;)

Thank you very much my dear!! I think you are in one or two more that I’ll be popping up in the next day or two. ❤️

But outside the womans bathroom 😬 @karinxxl and @blewitt😂😂

I was just passing by @brittandjosie ;)
@blewitt is the one to blame in this one :D

Haha we put the blame on him than 😉

It wasn’t creepy at all was it?!? I mean a chair set up right in the direct path of the ladies room exit??? Smooth me thinks...

Its only creepy in retrospect :D

I guess it’s better than what I do at restaurants here which is just sit in one of the stalls with the door wide open. I always get such dirty looks...

What?!? It’s a great place to meet chicks! Plus I can see if they washed their hands or not. 😜