Politicians are Idiots AND Govern-cement is Incompetent (not)

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Politicians are not idiots.

Govern-cement is not incompetent.

So many conversations i have had about politics has had people saying "so and so (a politician) is an idiot" and that the reason some govern-cement program is seemingly not being run well is because of incompetence.

I am here to tell you, that in 99% of these cases, it is actually that the politicians and the govern-cement have different goals than you do.

They are not doing what you expect any sane, rational man would do, because their end point doesn't match yours.

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Lets take an example.

Lets say you were a high placed pedophile. (you are in a high place because you are a psychopath of some intelligence, and you natural inclination is to get into a place of authority. And you love to rape children because it is a power trip fantasy that you love. And being a psychopath, you care nothing about the children.)

So, what would you like most of all?

To have children brought to your door at your beck and call.
Now, that would be service!

But! (there is always a but) the "normal" population cares about children and would be rather upset if they found out that it was you who was ... having some fun... with children.

Let us make a govern-cement organization that would take children from parents and places them in condensed housing, where lots of children come and go all the time. Let us encourage the agents of this organization to remove these children with monetary rewards. The agents can use threats of law, judgement, intimidation, bullying, lying, "paper work" to remove the children.

Then, some other agents would move the children from house to house.
And then a completely separate, and trusted group of agents would bring the child to YOUR house for the "night".


Now, does this sound like any govern-cement organization you have heard of?
If you have been on steemit lately it should.

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Lets say you are a high placed psychopath and you wanted to be able to intimidate, kidnap or kill people that you threatening to your position. Further, you need this done in any of the fifty states.

Well, lets make up some new words. The type of person who is against "honest, law-abiding, freedom-loving, by the will of god" govern-cements is a "TERRORIST".

So, we just have to educate the population about these nefarious bad guys. Drop the word on every television show and newspaper. Stage some incidents, to make sure people "know" how dangerous these bogeymen are.

And then, with the public's approval, you can make an organization that can go anywhere in The US and arrest, detain, kidnap anyone by merely calling them a "TERRORIST". None of that stupid paperwork to get in the way. No state boundaries to stop you. Just get to the person causing the problems and take care of it.


Now, does this sound like any govern-cement organization you have heard of?
If not, go back and read some of the posts around September 11th.

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The problem is that Americans believe the white wash.
They believe the cover story.

And after they believe the cover story, they believe that the organization is inept, because they are obviously not doing the job the cover story said they were there to do.

A psychopath does not think like you do. Their goals do not align with yours. And they will do everything to make you believe that they have your best interest at heart. Because, that way, it is so much sweeter when they inevitably stab you in the heart.

It is time to stop listening to politicians are other talking heads. We should watch their actions and judge them accordingly.

Especially stop believing the line, "If only the democrons" weren't blocking us, the republicrats would have solved the problem".

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Image byMike Luckovich


The old left/right paradigm is a quite effective magician. The purpose of a politician is to be bought and sold to the highest bidder. The entire system exists for them to leverage power into money. Indeed, they are quite adept at their real jobs.

I am not sure if Americans actually believe the lies or they just don't care. I am leaning towards the latter. If they cared, then there would have been a revolution years ago.

Until you can say, "Everything i learned in govern-cement school was a lie," then even you are still believing some of their lies.

The lies are that deep.
Even the words you use are messed up because you were taught wrong.

Why do you capitalize your i's?

The reason that there hasn't been a revolution is that the really bad people are staying well hidden. The people are killed with a thousand paper cuts. It is impossible to know where to direct your anger, when it is the system, the entire structure, that is causing the pain.

And, everything you were taught in govern-cement schools makes you believe the structure is just fine. That it is the only way. That it is the correct way.

Are they hidden? It's 2019. Information is everywhere. You can definitely find the bad guys....if you want to. Personally, I don't think it's worth it. A task of this magnitude requires the combined efforts of all Americans and they are just not motivated enough to care.

Punch this into boogle
"Who owns the FED"
The information does not exist. Lots of speculation. But, no one knows.

I never heard of govern-cement but the Rhino and Donkey Swamp Creatures are part of that like you said and most of them are idiots and/or other things. Beyond that, the people that sponsor them, people like Soros, are the sociopaths, etc. I was downvoted for having an opinion. I am not allowed to deny infinite numbers of genders. I have to believe that you can identify as a robot. Here's an upvote.

Most politicians are narcissists/sociopaths/pedophiles.

It is why they are such good servants to the powers behind the FED.
They have no moral qualms about selling people out.
They have no trouble sleeping at night after doing something that will destroy millions of lives.

The biggest story of this decade will be just how big the child sex trafficking ring is. And i mean, in every city in the world.

We have no idea of truth in this country.

ain't that the truth ^_^

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