One Moment I Was Fine, Then The Next Moment My Back Is Out Of Place

in #life5 years ago (edited)


Isn't that weird? I was in the bathroom looking at the mirror of myself and all of a sudden I bent my knees a certain way, then my back went out of place.

Well, my back going out of place has happened to me since I was a kid. Does anyone remember riding a bike and popping a wheelie? Well I used to do that a lot as a kid, but sometimes I would do it wrong and would crash. Well that was the beginning of my back problems.

At that time my parents sent me to the local chiropractor. That would help, but it does cost money.

I think the last time I went to a chiropractor was back in the 90's. That was after the time when a woman ran a red light and hit my driver side at the part between the cab and the bed of my Datsun pickup, that I had at the time.

Since then I would find different ways to deal with my back without going to a chiropractor. Though I do like chiropractors, but I like to save money also. So I may go back to a chiropractor, but not today.

So what do I do about a back going out of place? Well, I read sometime back, that if you would take about 3,000 mg of vitamin C a day that would relax the muscles around the spine and sometimes the spine will go back in place on its own because of the relaxed muscles.

Of course with the back out of place it is more natural for the back muscles to tighten up, well when it is that way it will take longer for the back to go back to its place, so vitamin C will help that.

OK, again I am no doctor, I am explaining it to you as I see it and how using extra vitamin C has helped me.

So as I read it, when the back is out of place, the muscles around that part of the spine is in spasm. Those muscles need more vitamin C than if the muscles were not in spasm.

So just like a thirsty man that hasn't had a drink of water in awhile, those muscles in spasm will take in that vitamin C. To me it doesn't fix itself over night, but each night I find I am coming closer and closer to normal.

Of course one should be taking in vitamin C all the time anyway as our human bodies don't have away to make it on its own, but when the back is out of place it would be good to take more than normal.

I like to use powdered vitamin C non-gmo type. I order it from Amazon. This way I can just mix it with water and drink it. I never did like the vitamin C in pill form, but in times past I did take vitamin C pills. I like it better just drinking it than swallowing pills.

So yesterday, even before my last blog went up I was going through that painful situation, but today as I write it is better than yesterday, but it is still there. So that is good, I will continue to keep taking my vitamin C and water mixture.

Of course taking vitamin C will do the body good in different ways. Do a study of the benefits of vitamin C.

Let's end with some scripture, this is a prophecy of Jesus on the cross, as it is written, I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels. My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. Psalm 22:14-16.

Sources 1, 2

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Also try 500mg of Magnesium with the Vitamin C as it will help the nerve endings. Just a thought!

There are exercises to strengthen the lower back and if you go to the manual therapist he will straighten your back in a minute it's like pop klik klak and you are walking again. In Holland it costs like 38 euro the problem with walking thru with it is your whole back will be a problem. Go to yoga.

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Thanks for the tips. In California we have the chiropractor, it costs about $50 on the low side, but first they have to take an x-ray then that costs more money. The vitamin C did pay off though. I am back to normal now. Thank you @hans001!

An x ray? To straighten your back? Oh ok. Well they say it would be harmless it's like krakkerdiekrak with certain positions and your up and running again. Oh vitamin c doesn't set your spine in the right position but if it works for you I would advise going to the doctor. 😊

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