Kidding season 1 - "This is how honesty looks when you are inside out and upside down"

in #series4 years ago (edited)


It has been several years since I last watched a movie with Jim Carrey, who besides being a great comedy actor also performed on great dramas such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Number 23. Since I liked the actor and there aren't recent movies with him that seem interesting, I decided to check his new show Kidding to see if it was good.

By taking a quick look at the poster one might think this is another generic comedy show like many others before it. We can see soft colors and the gentle Jim Carrey's face. We only need to pay attention to the little details at the bottom to realize there is something more to this show. After watching the first season, I gotta say Kidding is an original drama show delivered with an apparently happy envelope.

Its episodes are short, always with a length between 30 and 25 minutes, there are other well-known actors and actresses but no one as popular as Jim Carrey. The plot is about a guy who works as the main face of a famous kid's show. He needs to always look happy for the camera, sometimes even singing and telling funny lines for his audience. The problem is that he is going through some horrible personal trauma involving his family life, which is affecting his mental stability and makes him feel on the brink of a total collapse.


The skill Carrey has to display emotions with his facial expressions makes this character a very interesting one to see. He is really capable of acting one way while his thoughts are completely different from what he is saying. In the final episodes, everything seemed to be all right but there is a big surprise that left me wanting to start watching season 2 right now.

The show is for adults, there were sex scenes in each of the first episodes and we are constantly seeing Jim Carrey dealing with his psychological issues while at the same time feeling forced to pretend he is all right. This is why in some scenes this show reminded me of the Joker movie, both characters even have the same hair cut. Now, Joker is a total masterpiece and it is much darker and twisted, but I did notice these similar circumstances mainly thanks to their similar appearance and the fact they both worked as some type of funny guy while struggling psychologically.

If you are interested in checking a very different drama show then you might as well check Kidding to see if you like it. I didn't enjoy the silly scenes in Jim Carrey's character job, which as I mentioned before is a kid's show. Apart from this, Kidding offers very decent performances from characters whose lives are slowly spinning out of control.


The best

  • It is good to have Jim Carrey back.
  • Extremely original drama show.

The worst

  • The plot is intriguing, but the parts with Jim Carrey's fictional work can be annoying in the beginning of the season.
  • There were some boring episodes but I am hoping all hell breaks loose on season 2.

More information:
Review: AAA
In numbers: 7/10