Psychological paradigms in the 20th century. Forecasts for the development of psychology. /part 6/
The activity attributed to the subject has the following characteristics: - Reflective - activity is reflected in the psyche in the form of images and knowledge; - anecdotal (cognitive) - through the activity the intellectual component of the person is formed in terms of concepts, mental operations and mental actions; - the nature of attitude - each activity produces certain experiences in the form of emotions and feelings; - Predictive - Everyone builds a program, an ideal theoretical model for the desired practical activity; - forming character - the higher psychic functions are formed; - nature of communication.
Categories has utterly general concepts reflecting the most essential legal relationships and relationships from real reality and knowledge about it. As forms of thinking and persistent elements of thought processes, they reflect properties and relationships of reality and knowledge in the most general and most concentrated form. The main categories of dialectics are: being and consciousness, quantity and quality, space, time, movement, cause and effect, opportunity and reality, logical and historical, etc. The misconduct and the unfamiliarity with the categories make it impossible to conceive the concepts in psychology. A particular category in psychology is a psyche. The content of this concept is determined by the development of natural sciences.
A psychic is defined as a property of highly organized biological matter that reflects objective reality in the form of images and relationships as well as in the form of muscular motor reactions. With this function, psyche fulfills its basic biological significance - adapting the organism to continuous changes to the external natural and social environment and the inner psycho-physiological environment of the individual. The main function of the psyche is to regulate and manage the activity of the individual in his interaction with the surrounding world. Knowledge is the next level that is formed by the interaction of the individual with the novelties of the outside world. It includes knowledge, skills, habits, ways of behavior that are adequate to external changes. Consciousness includes knowledge of oneself, of its qualities, characteristics, and self-consciousness is the self-determination of the individual.
The formation of psychological schools is the other thing that characterizes psychology as an independent science. In general, the psychological school can be defined as a group of scientists sharing a certain theoretical orientation and exploring common problems. Since the onset of psychology, there have been seven psychological schools today.
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