Nominations spotlight//Best nominations of the week (From 3rd June-9th June)

in Knack4buzz24 days ago (edited)


We are delighted to announce that we have some of the nominations as best pics and some of the surprising nominations of this week also for encouraging users who remain active in our community and who remain creative in our community in the last week so we have total 6 users to encourage for this week.

Let's have a look on them and reasons for their selections.


Image designed in canva

Best nominations of the week
@rashid001 deserves to be at first place for being most creative user for week who have shown his artistic skills in making knack4buzz logo with pencil.
@blessedbee has been most original and creative in showing her dance talent in video in which she expressed herself too.
@vivigibelis participated in contest and she remained very practical in her entry and she shared real images with her personal experiences of her dream and creative cinema.
Surprising nominations
  • Surprising nominations we have decided to announce for encouraging users and for giving them surprising rewards.
@fajrularifst to quality writing and pictures
@iffatilyas to sharing her creativity in drawing
@i-am-ejaaz being most active user of week
One recommendation for @i-am-ejaaz

• We only welcome diary games that contain some exciting, entertainment or talent related any event in a day so try to make all your diaries by sticking to that theme.

Best nominations rewards
@rashid0015 SP has been transferred to your account
@blessedbee5 SP has been transferred to your account
@vivigibelis5 SP has been transferred to your account
Surprising nominations rewards
@fajrularifst2 SP has been transferred to your account
@iffatilyas2 SP has been transferred to your account
@i-am-ejaaz2 SP has been transferred to your account


               We always believe to distribute support for everyone in our community who is posting and creating quality content in community so if in this week you don't have your name in the best picks and surprising nominations then maybe for the next week it's could be your turn so don't hesitate to share your talent and to entertain us and always be supportive for community


 24 days ago 

thank you #Knack4buzz for encourging us, and also distributing rewards and special for recommendation to me.

 23 days ago 

You are welcome it's well deserved

 24 days ago 

I am not sure what I am looking at bus this is what I see!

Let's try to make posts visible to smartphone users as well!

Screenshot_20240610-203009_Samsung Internet.jpg

 24 days ago 

At mobile phone also you can change the mode and open this post in desktop site ☺️

 24 days ago 

Any idea how tiny that will look like? You truly believe every Steemian has a computer 😲

Wah, ini suatu kejutan yang berkesan ☕

 24 days ago (edited)

Wow thats amazing Suprise for me , A Big Thanks to You for appreciating my creativity and placing my post at the top of the nomination list. I'm feeling highly honored and grateful.

And at the same time, I'm also happy for @blessedbee and @vivigibelis other friends whose posts were nominated as best picks. I would like to congratulate 🎉 them too.

Thank You

 24 days ago 

Muchas gracias rashid. Igual para ti

 24 days ago 

Congratulations to you too

 23 days ago 

You are super welcome. We enjoyed and hope for more enterrainment.

 24 days ago 

Congratulations to the winners! 🥳

 24 days ago 

Thank you

 24 days ago 

Ohhh, que maravilloso. Estoy feliz por mi nominación y me encantó participar. Felicidades a mis demás compañeros ♥️

 24 days ago 

Thank you very much @hive-135004, I am happy to selected among the best, I appreciate, the 5sp had been received. Congratulations to other winners.

 23 days ago 

It's well deserved you made us dance forva week!


Congratulations to all winners.