in #bots7 years ago

If you're running apps written with #radiator, you might run into this error on occasion:

W, [2018-02-09T03:06:18.671911 #1622] WARN -- : database_api.get_account_history :: SSL Error (SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed), retrying ...

Normally, this might happen once in a while and recover right away. But sometimes, you'll see it happen over and over in a short period of time and never recover.

It can also happen if there's a "man-in-the-middle" attack or some other security breach, but that's pretty rare.

If it only happens once in a while, it's probably a reverse proxy timeout that happens during the response, instead of properly returning HTTP Code 502.

But if it happens over and over in a short period of time, it's probably your local machine running out of resources. There are too many file handles open, and it can't open the certificate.

Here's a script that will detect the problem (


cd $HOME/path/to/your/app

count=$((`tail -2000 debug.log | grep "certificate verify failed" | wc -l`))

if [[ $count -eq 1 ]] ; then
  exit 0

exit $count

You'll need to change /path/to/your/app and debug.log to the correct values for your app.

This script will also work with monit. Just add the following definition to /etc/monit/monitrc:

 check program "detect-hung" with path "/home/your-user/scripts/"
   uid your-user
   gid your-user
   if status != 0 for 2 cycles then alert
   every 2 cycles
   group your-app

You'll also have to use the correct values for your-user and your-app.


Thank you friend, I am very interesting in this area! So, I will contact you to learn more about this!



that's pretty cool to know

A helpful piece of information

This is an RPC timeout error ? Ie the reason for getting the error / exception in the first place

Thank you for the info @inertia

502 symptoms of HTTP Error
"502 HTTP error" appears and hangs the active program window.
On one or more Web sites, your browser displays a 502 HTTP error.
"Bad gateway “was displayed.
Windows is slow to respond to mouse or keyboard input.
Your computer periodically "freezes"for a few seconds each time.
Although it is not the main source of the error, your Internet browser may display error 502. For example, you may receive an HTTP 404 (Not Found error) message when you visit a website that is actually online and works correctly.

502 causes of HTTP Error
The virus or malware has corrupted your Internet browser or taken control of your browser.
The latest Windows-related software changes (installation or uninstallation) result from corruption in the Windows registry.
An external malicious program has infected the browser-related files with malicious intent.
Your Internet browser may display a 502 error due to malware infection. This malicious software can cause your Internet browser to behave extremely unintended and corrupt Windows registry to create even more annoying error messages.
Thanks for sharing

Very vital information, now I know where to pinpoint my errors

@inertia my busy app is not working, what should I do?
and how to use zappl?