Survival of a Cockroach

in #steemit5 years ago

This is the second most difficult post I've ever had to write, and it always is when you have to admit that you're doing something wrong, especially when you didn't know you were doing it.

Hello, my dear readers and also hello to all those people who are following me for the first time!

Please don't be upset that I mentioned you in this post. I mean it, have a little patience.

I really appreciate the reception my posts have had lately from all of you. It is you who inspire me to continue working at Steemit.

I want to take this opportunity to apologize deeply to all of you to whom I have sent memos without your consents

I've noticed that the way I've been spreading my recent post is not very well received. I mean the memos. However, I ask for patience before making any judgments in your mind.

Like everyone else, I got started on this platform with the idea of getting economic benefits quickly. With just writing, I would make hundreds of dollars. How wrong I was.

Initially, I thought receiving memos was nice, because you got money for a little message. Obviously, for most users, it's a very small amount and almost worthless, but where I live makes the difference all those little cents. Then I understood that it is a way to make my post known to other people, my post would be known by paying a small tribute (a minimum of 0.005 to 0.015 STEEM) to inform all users about them and also, I wanted them to read them, I wanted to make me known (we do not all?).

It always seemed to me a fair way to advertise my post, a way for other users to find out about my existence. Because on this platform is difficult to know Who has published What, and even more if you have more than 100 followers.

I've received hundreds of memos and they don't really bother me, and now less since the Steemit wallet is in another area of the platform. Fortunately, I have GINAbot, who informs me of every transaction within my account.

How else can I make users see me? The memos!

So far everything was fine (I wrote the sentence in the past).

However, I have seen that there are many people who are annoyed, angry because memos are an invasion of their privacy and a hindrance that makes it difficult to read their transactions. And it's true. They're absolutely right. I complain about Jehovah's Witnesses because they insistently knock on the door of my house to give the word of God, constantly. By doing so, they are not only disrespecting my privacy, my right to choose my own religion but also disrespecting the religion I have.

I realize that I am doing the same thing they are doing by trespassing on the users accounts without their permission.

That's why I made this post. If it's not too much trouble, I'm going to mention all the users who visited me in the last post and those who have received the memos I sent earlier.

Dear reader, if you do not wish to receive memos or mentions from me, please let me know through a comment to this post and I will immediately remove it from my memos list.

Yes, I have a list of users, it is very difficult for me to remember more than 100 users and I want to remind them that I exist every time I write an interesting post.

And yes! The one in the photo is me, without a suit... Natural (for decorous reasons, I'm wearing a shirt...) and with an infernal heat!

Again dear reader, I want to offer an apology if I have somehow offended you and I hope not to disrespect you again. The least I want is an angry reader.

Before I finish, I want to mention something very important to me. I am a friend of @crypto.piotr, many of you should know him, maybe you do, maybe you don't. He has been a good person with me, he has been a great support to endure the tough social, economic and political situation that we, Venezuelans, are facing. Everyone at this point should know that thousands of Venezuelans are constantly fleeing or migrating from the country. But I'm still here because I have a family that depends on me and I just don't want to emigrate (but that's another matter). And if I know anything, it's that only good friends offer their hand when you're on the ground. And he has not only helped me, many compatriots as well. Maybe he's not a saint, nobody is, no human being is perfect, but he's a good person and he's doing a good deed. And many people I know can tell.

If being his friend means being called a cockroach, so be it.

Every story has three versions: the plaintiff's version, the defendant's version, and the truth.

Let us continue to spread the love for Steemit and for all of you because without you there is no Steemit.

Thank you very much for accompanying me til here

Here is an appendix to the group of readers I was referring to. Thank you for your patience and support.


Thanks for passing by!


Dear @everyone who is reading my comment :)


I introduced you all (Via memo) to this publication published by my great friend @jadams2k18. It's a subject very close to my heart and we're having quite an interesting discussion related to "sending mass memos".

We all realized already that some people do not like this method of reaching out to others, where majority of users seem to be okey.

I would love to know your opinion. I read and upvote all interesting comments :)


I don't have a problem with it but I see how it could become one. A quick and easy but not completely through fix would be to hide transactions from muted accounts.

Very true @felipejoys

I thought about this solution just a few days ago. We should be actually allowed to block transactions from users we want to ban/mute.


Yes for me this is the same issue, I am fine with memos from users like yourself, however if I mute an account I don't want to see their messages.


Dear @cryptogee

I only had a chance to read your comment now (somehow I've skipped it before).

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Appreciate it.


No worries! :-)


Hello, @felipejoys

That would be an acceptable solution and I guess it wouldn't be difficult to implement. Maybe in some new fork, that option can be implemented.

Thank you for your support, rest assured I won't abuse memos.

I don't get many memos on steemit and the ones I do get are usually interesting and I don't mind responding to them. I saw the commotion about memos recently, I don't understand why this is such a big deal for some people. I wouldn't like it if it was spamming my inbox a lot, but as its just an occasional thing, I think it's fine.

Appreciate your comment @justinchicken

Love it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Yours, Piotr

Is this a kind of social science, about advertising by sending STEEM with memo? I guess it's a good way to let people notice someone who want to manage their Steemit. But there is a risk of someone who keep sending memo with low STEEM to annoy another one.

The 0.003 STEEM is very - very low, and I interacted this comment just out of curiosity. But if the amount goes up (maybe half ahead and half after a specific action is taken), this might be an interesting way of engaging new people

Hi @sm-pro, If you think a bit about the information that he share with us, interesting posts with us and that really help us, you would not be complaining about the amount but rather thanking the knowledge and time that person dedicated to make the post and also thanks to @crypto .piotr we can know that valuable information that they share and that he shares with us, but like you, many have different points of view to mine.

Hola sm-pro Si piensa un poco sobre la información que él comparte con nosotros, publicaciones interesantes con nosotros y que realmente nos ayudan, no se quejaría de la cantidad, sino que agradecería el conocimiento y el tiempo que esa persona dedicó a hacer la publicación y también gracias a @crypto.piotr podemos saber la valiosa información que comparten y que él comparte con nosotros, pero como usted, muchos tienen puntos de vista diferentes a los míos.

Dear @awfunn

I appreciate your support but I would also like to point out, that my goal is not to convince people to follow "my ways" but to learn what do they think. For that reason I'm thankful to @sm-pro for his feedback.

Cheers guys :)

Dear @ crypto.piotr

That is why I say that many have different points of view to mine and I want @ sm-pro to thank for the knowledge and not only for the monetary value that this represents, but in any case I cannot change the way of thinking of a person if She does not want to do it, but I accept that, I have also known that you want to know that we think about the posts and it is very good that you share it with us, thanks for reading.

Estimado @crypto.piotr

Por eso digo que muchos tienen diferentes puntos de vista a los míos y quiero que @sm-pro agradezca por el conocimiento y no solo por el valor monetario que esto representa pero de todas formas no se puede cambiar la forma de pensar de una persona si ella no quiere hacerlo, pero acepto eso, también he sabido que quieres saber que pensamos sobre las publicaciones y es muy bueno que lo compartas con nosotros, gracias por leer.

I love how responsive you are @awfunn :)

Thank you again @crypto.piotr, have a good afternoon or night

Gracias por comentar, muy interesante tu punto de vista. Me alegra saber que valoras el tiempo y el conocimiento que una persona dedica en hacer un post. Quizas siempre esperamos a recibirlo por medio de los votos, pero son los comentarios lo que nos ayudan mas a comprender y mejorar la calidad de nuestras publicaciones.

Gracias por venir


Thank you for commenting, very interesting your point of view. I'm glad to know that you value the time and knowledge that a person devotes to making a post. Perhaps we always wait to receive it through the votes, but it is the comments that help us more to understand and improve the quality of our publications.

Thank you for coming

Siempre es un gusto dar mi punto de vista a una publicación interesante como las que siempre publicas @jadams2k18


It is always a pleasure to give my point of view to an interesting publication like the ones you always publish @jadams2k18

Generally, the memos I have sent are 0.005 or higher. Because I am aware that it is a very low value, however, let's remember that this is a blockchain so the price of posting a message should not be expensive and one of the features of a blockchain is the low fees.

Thanks for commenting

Personally I do not mind receiving memos, and like many Venezuelans who make a living by sharing content in this ecosystem, a few cents that would probably be ignored elsewhere, for me and my compatriots can make a big difference in a country where inflation levels they are astronomical figures, difficult to imagine for those who do not suffer it.

On the other hand, I perceive that Steemit has become a community of bots instead of readers, where the creative effort, because that is exactly what we do when publishing, is not properly rewarded, among other reasons, because it is difficult to reach a audience broad enough that can value this effort. The mass sending of memos is a low strategy that can pay off to attract readers, and I do not think it's an invasion of privacy.

Greetings @ jadams2k18 and @crypto.piotr!

Great comment @manuelgil64

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion on that particular subject with us. Appreciate it a lot.

Yours, Piotr

It was a pleasure!

Hello @manuelgil64

That's true about the situation in our country. And as you say, maybe it's just a few cents, but here they make a difference. I'm glad you don't mind the memos. I won't abuse them anyway.

Thanks for your kind words

Every penny counts!

Dear @crypto.piotr

To me it is not a big deal
Specily because you help new people by sending them a little motivation
Yes it is few but it encourage people to do more and get into big discussion

Keep going what you are doing
Hope to see you given more in the future

Appreciate your comment @hbib

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Yours, Piotr

Appreciate your comment @hbib

Thank you so much for your support

Shit... Want my opinion? You will get it and... Followed voted and sharing.

And you double sent me 0.003 so total 0.006...


And big warning right off most people sending links are warned not to follow as due to scams and phishing.

But you are paying me? Shit go ahead and link.

Now might have been easier to just follow and start interacting...

But you have a pretty fun and unique way of reaching out.

I'm actually voting and sharing this.
.good job. Go ahead and pay people of course that's incentive.

Besides the voted comments?

You keep it up its growing!

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion on that particular subject with us. Appreciate it a lot.

Now might have been easier to just follow and start interacting...

That's exactly what I do. I gather list of accounts posting something related to topics that I think are interesting and then I'm sending to all of them 2-3 memos within one month.

I follow those who reply and I support their content from that very moment :)

Yours, Piotr

Personally makes me pay attention to mass memos if amounts are over 0.001 STEEM/SBD and the link or the content is relevant to myself and not just a one size fits all blatantly spammy message.

Appreciate your comment @klye

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Yours, Piotr

Hello @klye

I'm so glad you stopped by and commenting.

I think memos with that amount could be considered spam. I try to send them a little higher (0.005 or higher) to attract attention and at least for this amount is not badly received.

Appreciate your comment

As I am here because of your memo @crypto.piotr, I suppose that points to the idea that regardless of what people may think about wallet memos, they do work to some degree as a marketing tool.

But — as I wrote in my original answer to @jadams2k18 — it's sketchy territory because wallet memos are used extensively to spam totally useless re-steem services to uninformed Steemians and even get used for phishing and scam attempts. So it is only natural that people look at wallet memos from a negative perspective.

But consider this, though: If everybody suddenly started mass messaging people to go read their posts, what would it be like? I fear your notifications would be going off every six seconds and there would be a huge uproar against it, from the community!

Bright Blessings!

Great comment @whitelightxpress

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion on that particular subject with us. Appreciate it a lot.

But consider this, though: If everybody suddenly started mass messaging people to go read their posts, what would it be like?

Most people would lose all their resources very quickly. Sending 1000 memos is not cheap and it only make sense to send them to people who will most likely read it and engage back.

Yours, Piotr

Hello again, @whitelightxpress!

I guess then, if that scenario occurs, the platform would put a minimum price per memos, say 0.05 STEEM or more. So people would avoid sending memos.

Thanks for commenting again

I have no problems with memos. I mean it's free Steem/SBD and I try to check out the post given on the memo depending on my interest and time.

My only recommendation will be to keep the memos short and brief even though I'm okay with it however it's presented.

I'm glad you don't mind memos.

My only recommendation will be to keep the memos short and brief even though I'm okay with it however it's presented.

I'll keep it in mind for my next memos.

Thank so much you for your support

I have no problem with that. You make us aware of your interesting topics by this way.

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Hello @videoaddiction

Glad to hear you don't have a problem with memos. Rest assured I won't abuse them.

Thanks for passing by

Im actually curious. Does it work? Do you get payed to promote others posts?
Memo spam is basically blockchain email marketing. hehe.

I personally dont mind it but what i am curious with are your results.

Looking at his account it's looking positive. Got us both talking here...

Growth is growth and success is all subjective.

Well sure. Im here since the memo spam thing is an interesting occurrence. Im interested to see if it works consistently.

so far I've dropped in a couple of times now already

Thanks for your supportive comment @ganjafarmer

I can tell that you're very open with your approach towards ganja :)


Nope I hate that shit! Just joking! And killer way to get engagement! I'd love to invite you to @theplayersclub as well.

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Dear @ganjafarmer

This playersclub sounds like a place for those who like to gamble. that's not me :)

Hello @ganjafarmer

Thanks for taking the time to comment

Dear @lordbutterfly

Does it work? Do you get payed to promote others posts?

I'm not sure who could possibly pay me for doing that :) To tell you the truth, promoting others posts only cost me time, effort and money. But I'm here (on Steemit) for a long run and I strongly believe that by supporting other authors I will benefit in many ways in the future. Simply because knowing right people allows to create opportunities.

I personally dont mind it but what i am curious with are your results.

Memos alone do not help much. People tend to ignore memos if they do not recognize nickname of user sending them. For that reason I'm spending tons of hours reading and curating content I consider valuable. Last month alone (according to my notes) I read and commented almost 200 publications. And I replied to over 1k comments. That is really time consuming, but it's already paying back (for example: I recently secured myself a position as a marketing advisor for some Swiss upcoming STO).

Bottom line is: sending memos to people who recognize you make sense, because (based on my experience) 30-60% of those people will engage (depending on subject). Sending memos to those who do not know you is kind of waste of money (response rate ... perhaps close to 5-10%).

Hope I managed to satisfy your curiousity :)


Very interesting your comment, as usual. It takes a lot of time to answer all comments. But it is gratifying to know that there are many people who support your convictions.

And we can learn something on the way @jadams2k18 :)

That's true too my dear friend

Hello @lordbutterfly

I'm glad you don't mind the memos. So far, there is a large percentage, if not a majority, who do not bother to receive memos. There's also the fact that memos shouldn't value 0.001 either. I'm sure this platform could consider them spam if a lot of them are sent with that amount.

However, many agree that the opinions of others and their privacy should be respected. Therefore we should only send memos to those who follow us and indicate in the memo the possibility of not receiving them in the future, if necessary.

Thanks for coming by

I dont really think its that big of a issue if im honest. A front end can always put in a filter for memos with under 0.1 (or something) Steem.
Its a silly discussion IMO and the folks that complain the most about it are just bored.

Thanks to crypto.piotr for alerting me to other content producers here on steemit. None of us is capable of seeing everything that is here so the memo's highlighting interesting content are welcome.

Hello @paulswansen

Thank you so much for your support and your nice comment

I don't mind these memos. At worst they're free STEEM for articles I won't check out. At best they're interesting way to discover good articles. I don't check them every time, but I do check them more than resteems.

Thanks for sharing your opinion @ahmadmanga

Hello @ahmadmanga

I'm glad to hear that. Memos are a good way to get to know each other. Rest assured that I will not abuse them.

Thanks for commenting

for me, I have no problems receiving memos. When I receive them, I read them when I have time and share my view accordingly. There's no big deal there for me. Thanks for having me.

Thank you for accepting my invitation to this post @willspatrick

And I appreciate your comment,

It is a great way to reach out to other steemians, it is unfortunate that steemit doesn't have messenger yet. I have no problem with mass memos in as much as it is directing me to right articles.

Thank you for accepting my invitation to this post @maclevis

And I appreciate your comment,

That's great news! Thanks

I don’t mind memos at all, and have a hard time understanding why people would. It is much less intrusive than receiving spam email or even seeing a tv ad, and you receive a micropayment for the advertising. Most senders also provide opt out ability which I find very respectful.

This also serves as a way for any steemit user to advertise their own brand and content for a very low cost.

This is a much greater alternative to the existing advertising methods. Don’t be ashamed and keep doing what you are doing.

Dear @bdempsey

I had a chance to read your comment just now (somehow I didn't notice it before) and I would like to thank you for your reply and taking the time to keep in touch with me.


Hi there! For me, this nothing wrong with memos. It's good to keep in touch with your friends. Supporting each other won't hurt anybody since we are one community. Just keep it up!

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There is not any problem for me about mass memos. Thank you for sharing this valuable post with me

Hello @huseyinunozkan16

Glad to hear you don't have a problem with memos. Rest assured I won't abuse them.

Thanks for commenting

I believe I was tagged in this previously, started to read the post, wasn't sure what it was about and did not finish. I received your memo and knew it was worth revisiting. @crypto.piotr keep me on your list, the posts are never spammy, the comments from others responding to your memos are always interesting and I find new people to follow. I'm glad I reread the post and have decided to follow @jadams2k18 and look forward to reading his posts. I prefer the memo method over being tagged because the memos come with messages describing the content before clicking. I see some people are angry with memos, that's fine, they can miss out, your memos warmly invite people to interesting content and you are essentially paying them for the "burden" of appearing in their transaction logs. Spam does not come with money attached or people would sign up for it in droves, try to figure out how to receive the most spam. There would be scams involving people trying to collect more spam than they deserve. lol. There is an old saying "Haters gonna hate" don't let them get you down, people are cranky for reasons beyond your control, it is their problem, not yours. Thank you for the memo inviting me to this post. @jadams2k18 I wish you the best of luck and look forward to reading your future posts.

Dear @minerthreat

Thank you for your kind comment.

I prefer the memo method over being tagged because the memos come with messages describing the content before clicking

You nailed it!

don't let them get you down, people are cranky for reasons beyond your control

That's also very true. Hard to disagree with anything you've said :)

Would you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.


I noticed the same about hitting enter after I posted 😁 good advice. Thank you

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Hi, @ crypto.piotr is really the best or only way to connect with steemit users, since otherwise it would be using the social networks that each person posts in their posts, I do not think there is another way to interact with a user . Comments are more complicated in my opinion because if the user does not post frequently, you can not communicate with them.

I used Google translator

Thank you @suanky for sharing your opinion with me.

Yours, Piotr

I'm not bothered by private memos with links ... it's an interesting way to promote other publications, I've thought about doing it. thanks for including me.

Thank you @jimramones for sharing your opinion with me.

I've thought about doing it

I will gladly help and share any knowledge I have if you would need my support.


As I was sent here by a mass memo, I can say very confidently that they are unliked and seen as “Wallet spam” for the majority of this community.

If you are a telemarketer, which is what wallet spam feels like, I’d like to kindly be taken off your list. Thanks!

Dear @justineh

As I was sent here by a mass memo,

Most of all, thank you for your kind comment. I actually doubled checked your wallet and noone did send you any memo, so your feedback is quite confusing ...

I can say very confidently that they are unliked and seen as “Wallet spam” for the majority of this community.

I'm not sure if you had a chance to read other comments, but it seem that majority of users are fine with memos and it seem that very small % doesn't actually like to receive them.

It is important to respect will of those users and obviously I would ensure that you will never receive any memo from me if this is your wish.

If you are a telemarketer [...] I’d like to kindly be taken off your list

I'm not a telemarketer :) But obviously I wont bother you in the future.


Ah yes, sorry I should have specified as I just changed accounts. I’ve received many from you. And yes that is what lead me here.


Seems many appreciate the 0.003 Steem, that’s great. You asked my opinion and I gave it. Most who feel the same probably continued to ignore the spam as usual, I saw the title and thought I would attempt to get off the list 🙂

Thanks for understanding!

Dear @justineh

You asked my opinion and I gave.

Again thank you for your kind and polite comment. I will also ensure to remove @llfarm from my contact list.


Hello @justineh

I'm not a telemarketer. Sorry for the inconvenience, you can rest assured from me and @crypto.piotr that you will not receive any memos from us.

Thanks for coming by and have a nice day

I don't mind it, because I only respond to the ones that interest me, and that's not many. Eventually I think the memo-spammers realize they are just throwing money away and stop bothering me. Also, I hardly ever check my transactions in the first place, because I have ALOT going on in my life.. so most just slip through the cracks.

No problems here. :)

Glad to hear you don't mind memos. Rest assured I won't abuse them. Nor tags either.

Thanks for commenting

Thanks in a good way to get people excited

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I don't have a problem with this method of getting my attention as long as the "mula" is attached to it.

Mula? What does "mula" means @linksman?

It means MONEY my friend.

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So you are letting the loud shouters get you. DON'T!

If a steemian is offended say Sorry and move on. There is no "Right" way to build a relationship- as long as you are honest whatever happens will pass.

I like @crypto.piotr too. I don't subscribe to everything he does but most of it is pretty good for me and Steemit.

Keep Steemin!

Welcome my dear @sarez!

I'm glad you took the time to read my post and comment.

Thanks for the advice and your support. Maybe I should learn to be less emotional.

Keep Steemin!

I will!

Have a nice day my friend

@jadams2k18, In my opinion, memo Transfers are not breach of privacy until our intentions are good. Some abuse it by sending not so helping links and it's annoying but if our intensions are good then people will receive it positively. Stay blessed and wishing you more growth and blessings.

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Hi @chireerocks. Nice seeing you here

Thank you for your support and kinds words

I promise I won't abuse memos or tags.

God Bless you

Welcome and have a blessed time ahead. Stay blessed.


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hello @jadams... I don't mind receiving memos..I think any way, to present and promote our voice/opinion is a good way..:)

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Thanks! It's good to know

But we must still respect the opinion of others

Thanks for commenting

I have a lot of respect for you having written this post, when there are no guides or rules for a platform, it is easy for people to get defensive when someone is upset by what is technically perfectly acceptable behavior.

There is a huge issue on steemit between what people see as good etiquette, and what is written down as the guides for platform usage. Essentially, when nothing even suggests you shouldn't do something, how would anyone know it is frowned upon, until they start doing it, and start getting the backlash. I think emotions only tend to run really high depending on how that backlash is responded to. And your response is admirable <3

In all honestly, i hadn't seen the memos you sent me, i don't have that on my ginabot notifications because of the sheer about of bot driven wallet spam, but given that it is so widely done, it is easy to assume it is okay. I have got in shit for doing things i saw everyone else doing, and couldn't see excluded anywhere, so started doing it too. The other part of this, is it does work. I am on the don't spam unsolicited links to wallets side of this, but when engagement can be so low, and it is so effective, i can see the arguments for doing it. My word, you have got some crazy levels of engagement from it, and real engagement.

I am not sure that anyone is saying that being friends who someone who is antagonistic when called out for doing this makes you a cockroach. But maybe more of a rebuttal to people who do this, and feel like they have the right to and apologize with if statements that express blame towards the other person.

If you are offering a subscription service, please sign me up, tagging me or messaging me on discord now and then would be more effective as I don't check my wallet that often. That said, i am always behind on reading and commenting on things and some things do just fall by the wayside.

Anyway, nice to put a face to the name ;) what you are going through is so very much, and given how sensitive you have been towards people getting upset about this, I don't think anyone could hold it against you <3<3


@calluna they are talking about me cal and taking it out of context read my two posts

Dear @calluna

What an amazing comment. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.


Hi @jadams2k18
It must have been difficult for you to write this post but it is very well written and I congratulate you for it.
I've realized that the attitude of people towards memos can be very variable. There are the ones who are happy to get them and the others who feel invaded by them. The later category can become quite angry about it and this casts quite a shadow on the whole process.

When I look at what has gone on in the domain of e-mail where there are quite strict laws about to whom we are allowed to write a mail, I believe that we should also observe some ground rules about the memos. I believe that it would be enough to create a form with google forms or another service where people could actually enroll to the distribution list. Like that we would send memos only to people who gave a direct consent.

You are doing an amazing work here on steem with @crypto.piotr and the project #hope but I think that the choice of using the memo as a means of communication can cast a negative shadow on it.

Best regards,

Hello @achim03

I'm glad you took the time to respond.

It must have been difficult for you to write this post but it is very well written and I congratulate you for it.

Yes, It was hard. The worst part is waiting to read the comments. Yesterday the electricity went out 3 times and I was eating my nails to know what was going on!

The later category can become quite angry about it and this casts quite a shadow on the whole process.

You're quite right in what you say, possibly there should be an option within Steemit that would allow the memos to be filtered. But since they are money transactions, it's probably not possible.

You are doing an amazing work here on steem with @crypto.piotr and the project #hope

Thank you for your support and kind words

I won't abuse memos or tags.

Why do you think using memo's can cast a negative shadow?

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Some people can feel offended and they tend to express it quite clearly. So instead of having discussions related to the subject of a post it can lead to emotional discussions about spam and privacy. Which can drop a shadow on the good work.

Posted using Partiko Android

I understand. Thanks for explaining.

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Dear @achim03

Reality is that most of those who complain about memos will end up having very little to no traffic and sooner than later will abandon Steemit.

For that reason I do not worry about those users in a long run. When someone seem to be upset about receiving memo, then best thing we can do is to apologize, mute and move on.

Trust me - in few months if you visit accounts of those people - almost all will be already gone. They will end up giving up on this platform because of the constant lack of engagement and visibility.

That's so far my experience.


I have read the posts that woman made. It's really crazy, but you will see more of these things happen. It's the type of yellow vest people.

Dear @niel96

It's more like Antifa than Yellow Vest :)


hola amigo @jadams me encanta que seas sincero y mas que seas venezolano, llegue a ti por mi amigo @crypto.piotr que sus contribuciones son significativas porque de alguna forma nos ayuda y alienta a seguir, personalmente no me ofende los meos y mas si contienen algo, tampoco me ofende recibir mensajes par leerte, mas bien me hace sentir que me tomas en cuenta, gracias por ello!

Y por cierto los testigos d eJehove es otro asunto XD !! jajajja un abrazo, de vez en cuando leeme tambien

Holaaaa @aniita!

Gracias por responder. @crypto.piotr es un tipo genial!

Me alegra que no te molesten los memos, a mi tampoco.

Y por cierto los testigos d eJehove es otro asunto XD

Espero no haberte ofendido

Un abrazo!

PD: Mencioname de vez en cuando en tus post para visitarte

jajajaja no vale para nada ellos en su rollo y yo en el mio. hablando leerme visitame en esta, seria grato leer tu comentario sobre ello.