Covid-19 lockdown day 20 – We’ve only just begun...

in #covid-194 years ago

Here in a steadily cooling South Africa it’s lockdown as usual, or poverty and looming death as the new norm. Or so they keep sprouting on the MSM. Tobacco and alcohol ban are resulting in cold turkey for some, for there are zero such products in the shops anywhere in my town. Rather hectic for them. But not as hectic as India lockdown apparently, where Modi gave the most populous nation on the planet only 4 hours warning before he locked them down. Cruelty in the name of makes you wonder.
Arjuna Krishna sculpture pixa.jpg

At least we had time to prepare and stock up and get to a base we might call home before lockdown arrived here. Some leaders lose their hearts when they are beholden to a higher dictate from a deeper state. Locals are probably busy brewing moonshine now, or whatever the African equivalent is. Traditionally a type of fermented beer is quite a popular home made recipe. Besides such trivia though, on a more locked down note, health advisors to the government are saying that with this extended house arrest we have pushed the immanent peak of the virus infections back until September, the end of our winter. If we had ended the initial lockdown tomorrow, as was the first plan, our peak of infections would have arrived in August. So by extending another two weeks we have bought the hospitals a month, but the wave is still coming, and it will crash hard on our shores, as it has everywhere else on the globe.

This is, of course, based on models and stats and conjecture and graphs with curves from other countries etc, so is all speculation. While Sweden never even bothered with a lockdown of any sort at all. So what is the reality and what is panic fuelled by speculation? WHO knows, or so they say, although info is emerging that the WHO (World Health Org) are as corrupt as any puppet controlled government under the dictates of the real deep state that runs the world. So the psyop continues.

“Martin Kingston, the executive chairperson of Rothschild & Co in South Africa, who is co-ordinating the response to Covid-19 by all business formations through Business for South Africa, told News24 he is "satisfied" that the decision to extend the lockdown was based on "the best available scientific evidence at the time".”

Now if this doesn’t scare you, then you are maybe not aware that the Rothschilds are the very same global elite who run the world by running the banks. These are the real makers of the Agenda, whether 21, or ID2020 or whatever. So each nation and President is probably being handed a script and being dictated to by their puppet masters, based on the massive debt each nation owes to the World Bank. That’s how the Rothschilds and the NWO global elite run the planet.

So lock it down, kill off the small business, kill off the poor, and then those elite scoop up all the leftover business and resources, while blaming it on this perfect ruse – a virus. That is how the great wealth transfers are engineered by them. And this current hoax is the biggest in history by the looks of it. Hell is here and the demons running it wear suits. As that great rebel and freedom fighter Bob Marley sang, “Many more will have to suffer, many more will have to die, don’t tell no lie.” And they killed him too, as they do with whistle blowers and freedom fighters who call out the evil empire’s crimes against humanity and genocide. Today it is a global genocide engineered by these demons.

And I’m not talking about the virus. Whether it was an accident or a bioweapon, and precisely who released it or not, is not the point. The point is that the elite capitalized on the rumor of a virus to initiate a global lockdown and cessation of the world economy, thereby introducing the Great Depression, and thus corralling us sheep into accepting the rollout of their dictatorship. That is the killer in the room. The virus is a false flag, like 9/11, like the Gulf of Tonkin. Engineered chaos in order to implement the next phase of our existence on Prison Planet.

Our President and most other national leaders are beholden to the NWO elite and in debt to them. And our central banks are controlled by them. So there is no such thing as a free nation. Not any more and certainly not after this is all over. It may never be over and it certainly won’t go back to how it was before year zero – today. 9/11 gave you “ground zero” and now we have “year zero”. As they gradually acclimatise us to enforced removal of any liberties and bring in the mandatory vaccination and ID chip, every citizen on the planet will be tracked and beholden to the dictatorship via a social credit score.

And we will all be walking bio-meters, where they can not only read us but also feed us because the chip can be used to upload whatever they want into us...from a distance via IOT (internet of things). Who ever thought we humans would also become like one of the Things to be connected to their mainframe? It will be possible to beam it to you Scotty, send you your vaccine, your drug, your allowance or UBI, anything they want. It will all be in your chip and you will be hooked up to their control. Goodbye freedom, farewell old world. Year zero arrived as fast as the lockdown in India – it was a rumor one day, and then it was a reality the next, with little time to even think about it.

I mean, how do we know this lockdown will even be lifted in two weeks, at the end of April? We don’t. And even if it is, the damage has been done. The economy has been destroyed under this engineered collapse. Some industries and businesses will never recover. It’s already past that. Millions of the poorest are now relegated to the gutter of total impoverishment in the new Great Depression. It’s already done. And this is global. Or so it seems anyway, on this fine day as we muse and ruminate over our fate on whether it’s too late.

(image pixabay)