My new knifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life5 years ago


One of the most annoying things in airports is the security. I know that sitting in a plane with a crazy, salafi jihadist is worse than being manhandled by a self-righteous git because you forgot to take of your belt, but still.

In the beginning of Juli I went on my last air-journey to South Africa - and already in Copenhagen Airport I experienced the down side of flying. I had simply forgotten to check two little rooms in my shoulder bag and in one of these rooms was my old, trusty Laguiole-knife .


The bloke was actually quite civil about it, but the knife was lost. It was old, it was worn (at least one mm had been sharpened off it), but annoying none the less. My youngest daughter was in tears though. The knife is older than she is and it has been an object that she has known and occasionally used through her whole life.

My wife just returned from the Rheinland a couple of days ago and she had found a shop where she could buy me new one - a luxury model even.


So now I have myself a new Forge de Laguiole, with a black cow horn handle. There is even a little cross on the one side and when I flip the knife I can decide if I am in my Catholic or Satanic mood.


Don't call it "Security", it is security theater.

The "security" is soooo stupid that they will let you on the plane with the worst weapons you can think of... but box cutters, oooh, scary.

Further, the planes are cleaned, loaded and fuelled by low wage workers. Usually immigrants. Of the type that who have been focussed on for blowing up planes.

The security theater is just to get people used to embarrassing searches and loss of personal liberty.

It's one of the reasons I am glad I won't fly anymore. Copenhagen Airport is even one of the most anal in the world. I must say that the South Africans took it all a bit more relaxed!

Sucks to lose a knife, but that one looks sweet

Like dogs and vodka, knives come and go. I did have this one for more than 15 year though. Now I have this new little puppy and three bottles of whisky because I had birthday before the summerholiday!

Knives and alcohol :)

I can decide if I am in my Catholic or Satanic mood.

Always good to have choices ;-)

Too bad I neither knew, that your wife was visiting the Rheinland, nor that you "had birthday before the summerholiday". So happy belated!

Thanks :) She is curating an exhibitions in Köln next year and ... well not quite up to date about all her chores. But she was in Mainz too. That much I know.

And thank you! We are the same age I noticed :)

Airport 'security' is a farce~

So sorry that you had lost your other knife! :(

This one looks absolutely awesome though, love how it provides option for you to be Satanic or Catholic


Easy to forget when this is something you carry in your pack all the time. Unfortunately you can only put it in your checked baggage - and the way I travel lately, I don't check any baggage (they are good a losing stuff, or damaging luggage - ever watched them how they load it?)

Check this funny video about airport security:

The new one looks sweet!
But I had (temporarily) lost a knife going through US customs from Canada (on land). They found a knife in the toolbox in my trunk and decided it was a restricted weapon (since it somewhat resembled a butterfly knife). I did get it back though: they diligently returned it to me by mail with a letter of apology saying upon examination, it was not forbidden.

This one was sent to DESTRUKTION! (I asked him).

That film was funny in the eighties... now it is social realism!

It´s a pity for it to get confiscated... I bet the security will hoard it. I am a constant flyer so I see to it that all my crafting tools most especially pointed ones are in the checked in luggage... sometimes, the security at the airport are harsh people... but security is security....

It was my own fault of course. I had taken another knife and put in the checked in luggage, but had not checked the little pockets inside my (rather large) handbag.

This was my last holiday flying so I sort of expected the Gods of airlines to kick back at me somehow. I have had it for more than 15 years so it was rather sad to loose it, but seeing my daughter cry was worse. In that age you can still (if you have had a secure childhood) be shocked by even smaller losses. The injustice that a complete stranger could just take away a venerate family treasure was bad, but she was also sorry for me, so there was lots of tears.