Love Your Self Like Our Planet Depended On It

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Sounds like an absolutely unrelated and absurd notion to put self-love and planet-love on the same rung. But here's my take on the whole thing.


To each of us - self love is defined very uniquely. Rather than definitions - here are some acts we consider to be self-love:

1. Me Time - long baths, long walks, reading a book, playing with a pet, getting a massage, manicure/pedicure, going on a shopping spree.
2. Sabbatical or Time Off - travelling, going on a vacation, cutting off from the world for a while
3. Pampering / Splurging - giving ourselves treats, buying something we've always wanted etc.

and then the rare ones people would mention ...

4. Physical Wellbeing - exercising regularly and eating nutritious food
5. Mental and Emotional Wellbeing - Meditation, Positive Self Talk and managing your time and schedules well.
6. Psychological Wellbeing - working on some aspects of our self - to create a more growth and wellness programming
7. Growth and Development - learning new skills, meeting new people, discovering new opportunities

Although all the actions will bring some amount of joy for each individual, the difference between Numbers 1-3 and Numbers 4-7 is how long it will last - i.e. SUSTAINABILITY.

Often times we do find a quick fix to help us cope - and move on. Numbers 4-7 require a lot of time, effort, investment and discipline - things some consider luxuries in life.

We don't always have the time or means to engage in all that we wish. However, we can each find a balance with what we have - pick out a few from 1-3 that works for us and start slowly on 4-7 from where we are at.

With a topic like SELF LOVE it is also important to emphasize - we need to find what works for US. AND not set standards based on what is out there on the internet and being preached by self-help gurus. As amazing as they are - these are mere guides. Though we want to achieve the desired result - the best place to start is with KINDNESS, COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING with ourselves, and our journey.

So now, it is a good time to DEFINE ...

What is Self-Love?

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I like to look at self love from the purest form of a loving relationship we can conceive of - the parent-child relationship. A parent child relationship is one of the most ENDURING and least conditional (though we still place our own little conditions without meaning to).

A parent will do anything to ensure their child's safety, well-being, growth and development. This includes taking care of their shelter, clothing, entertainment, education, social well-being, food and nutrition, sports and life skills.

The point is, a parent will not feed a child fast food dinners, candy and junk food everyday (I know some of you are raising your eyebrows and listing examples to prove me wrong - let's just say we're talking about a healthy parent here). We will not let our child sleep-in every morning and skip school. We will not let our child give up something they love easily.

We ourselves may not have had the perfect parenting - but we know what we would like to have RECEIVED.

Why should SELF LOVE be any different? Is it ALL about the pampering? All about the vacation? If we were the best parent to ourselves - how would we be taking care of ourselves?

So now the question is ...

How is SELF LOVE related to PLANET LOVE?

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Well, again bear with me here.

1. Consumerist Mindset - Our lack of respect for ourselves and each other, has led to a global spread of mass consumerism. We are consuming from the OUTSIDE - to fill a VOID on the INSIDE.

Whether it is food, social media, electronics, buying the best homes, travelling - all these MUST HAVES that define a "happy" life come from a market that feeds us things that DON'T nourish us, BUT keeps us coming back for more. Through mass production to increase profits, this market creates a sense of surplus so we can consume more!

WE BUY INTO IT - because much of our locus of control has shifted to the outside. We start accepting objects, social media approvals and ratings, relationships, bonuses, etc as things that make us feel good. They motivate us, they drive us; whether we do it to provide for our family and loved ones, or for ourselves - we are still buying into it.

Note: No I'm not saying we shouldn't take care of our basic needs - I think what we lack is a sense of self check-in; like what Marie Kondo would ask - "Does this BRING JOY into my LIFE?"

2. HECTIC LIFESTYLE - Much of the above - technological advancement, pace of the workplace, cost of owning a home, car, and taking care of a family, has us running a RAT RACE of life. We barely have time to juggle everything much less give up extra time to build a community project with passion.

Sure we all do our part in SOME recycling; but let's face it, not everyone can collect 3 years worth of trash in a mason jar. We all go out and volunteer. But how much of our time and energy do we have for projects that would bring us complete joy and satisfaction - even if it isn't for the planet. We generally reserve that level of commitment and passion for celebrities, philanthropists or passionate environmentalists who don't mind living out of tents.

3. We Can Only Give What We Have - When we truly take care of ourselves, we will notice a shift in our emotional, physical and mental awareness. We become cognizant of the greater connection we have with each other and the planet. Our actions will be more aligned with our heart, through an abundance mindset.

Greed comes from a scarcity mindset. The ability to care, create and sustain an ecosystem that benefits ALL comes from an ABUNDANCE mindset.

4. As Our Worth Increases, the Planet's Worth Increases - How we value ourselves naturally extends out to how we value each other, all living creatures, our planet, our resources and our impact on the planet during our time here.

If we look at the state of our planet - and the current state of human well-being - there is a very clear correlation. Stress, anxiety, mental and emotional health crisis at an ALL time high - as our PLANET hits extinction of flora & fauna, global warming and pollution at ALARMING rates.

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BENEFITS of Self Love

  1. Improves your overall well-being
  2. Improves your outlook in life
  3. Improves relationships
  4. Improves motivation and productivity
  5. Creates a sense of gratitude and joy
  6. Creates an appreciation of ALL LIFE
  7. Creates greater bonding and collaboration

When we are fulfilled from the inside - nothing on the outside can shake our core. All that we have to offer comes from our OWN sense of ABUNDANCE.

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I do hope these thoughts provoke and inspire all who read this to reflect on your own personal level of self-love and self-care. There is nothing greater than having more happy beings in this world with cups overflowing with JOY! :)

With much love, gratitude and appreciation - Namaste!

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Well done @kchitrah... Self love is the best investment anyone can hope to make. As you noted we can only give what we have, so in this light focusing our intent on self love is actually one of the most selfless acts we can pursue as its the bridge to being capable to nurture outside of ourselves which is in our nature.. Joy is best prepared when shared !! 1Love 💜 have a great weekend..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @skramatters!

I love what you said ....

focusing our intent on self love is actually one of the most selfless acts we can pursue as its the bridge to being capable to nurture outside of ourselves which is in our nature.. Joy is best prepared when shared

It's a wonderful summary of my intended message!

Lol we should come around each other's post more often. This is great.

Enjoy the weekend and the long holiday!

Gong Xi Fa Cai