SEC-S18W5 :controlling anger

in Comunidad Latina15 days ago

Hello steemians,

Take a selfie simulating your angry face and show us.


This photo was taken especially for the competition, where I was trying to capture the expression on my face when I was angry. When taking this photo, I wanted to convey the depth and intensity of my emotions through my gaze, my furrowed eyebrows, and the tension visible in the muscles of my face. It's a moment where every feature of my face seems to accentuate this raw emotion, showing a version of myself that I usually try to control.

I mentally prepared myself to recreate an angry situation, focusing on thoughts and memories that usually provoke this reaction. This allowed me to make this expression as authentic as possible so that the photo was not just a set-up, but a true representation of what I felt in those moments.

Are you one of the people who gets angry easily?

Yes, I must admit that I am one of those people who gets angry easily. This is a character trait that I am well aware of and one that I constantly strive to correct. Anger, although it may sometimes seem justified, is often a knee-jerk reaction that does not solve problems but makes them worse.

As I reflect on this trait, I recognize that feelings of injustice, frustration, or helplessness often trigger my anger. For example, when I feel ignored or disrespected in an important discussion it can quickly irritate me. Likewise, situations where I perceive a lack of respect or consideration for my feelings or ideas can easily inflame my anger.

This awareness led me to undertake work on myself to better manage this emotion. I learned to identify the warning signs of my anger like my racing heart, the tension in my muscles and the desire to respond impulsively. Recognizing these signs helps me gain perspective and avoid overreacting.

What situations make you lose your calm and get in a bad mood?

Some situations make me lose my temper more than others. For example, lying makes me angry. I value honesty and transparency, and finding out someone lied to me makes me feel betrayed and disrespected. Lying destroys trust, which is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and it often takes time for me to forgive and rebuild that trust.

Disrespect is another situation that quickly puts me in a bad mood. This includes condescending behavior, constantly interrupting while I'm speaking, or not considering my opinions and feelings. Mutual respect is essential for harmonious interactions, and when that respect is absent, it makes me deeply uncomfortable and angry, especially when it comes to topics I care about.

Finally, betrayal and manipulation also make me angry. Betrayal by someone I trusted can take many forms, such as revealing shared secrets or failing to keep important commitments. Additionally, I hate being dominated or manipulated by someone simply because of their position or authority. These actions often leave me with a feeling of abandonment and disillusionment, affecting my dignity and my need for equality and respect in all interactions.

Tell us the last reason that made you angry.


The last time I got angry was because of an arrogant driver who didn't respect the right of way. As I was driving quietly on the main road, another vehicle came quickly from the side street and ignored the stop sign, cutting me off in a dangerous manner. My immediate instinct was to honk loudly and I felt a rush of adrenaline and frustration at this blatant recklessness. This irresponsible behavior could have caused a serious accident and I felt both angry and helpless in the face of this situation.

The situation nearly escalated when the driver of the offending vehicle responded with an obscene gesture and continued to drive aggressively. My instinct was to follow this driver to teach him a lesson about following the rules of the road and keeping other road users safe. However, my wife, sitting next to me immediately sensed my state of mind and intervened to calm my nerves. She placed a calming hand on my arm and reminded me that reacting impulsively and angrily would only make the situation worse and could even endanger the safety of us and our children in the back of the car.

His words helped me regain my composure and think about the consequences of my actions. I took a deep breath released the tension in my muscles and chose not to respond to the assault with another assault. Instead, I decided to let this incident pass and continue our journey safely. This episode reminded me of the importance of remaining calm and not letting myself get carried away by anger especially in situations where the safety of my family is at stake. It also strengthened my approach to working on managing my anger and developing strategies to stay calm in the face of daily provocations.

Do you think getting angry is a bad or a negative thing?

Without a doubt, anger is very bad. It often leads to acting impulsively and irrationally, which can lead to disastrous consequences. When anger takes over, it clouds judgment and makes it difficult to think clearly. Decisions made in this state can be regrettable and cause irreversible damage. For example, a hurtful word spoken out of anger can break down a trusting relationship or cause unnecessary conflict. Additionally, anger can lead to impulsive actions, such as violent gestures or irresponsible behavior, which endanger not only the angry person but also those around them.

Anger can destroy relationships and cause irreparable harm. In a family or friendship context, repeated outbursts of anger can create a toxic environment where healthy communication and empathy are replaced by distrust and resentment. Words and actions dictated by anger often leave deep emotional scars that are difficult to heal. Fiery arguments and unresolved conflicts can erode the strongest bonds, leading to painful separations and emotional isolation. In the workplace, poorly managed anger can tarnish reputations, damage work relationships and jeopardize career opportunities.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @pelon53, @irawandedy, @steemdoctor1 to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 14 days ago 

Hola amigo!

Las emociones, como el enojo o la ira, son parte intrínseca de nuestra experiencia humana. Aunque a menudo las consideramos incómodas, también nos brindan valiosa información. El enojo puede ser un motor para el cambio, una señal de límites personales o una respuesta a la injusticia. Aprender a reconocer y canalizar estas emociones nos permite crecer y conectarnos más profundamente con nosotros mismos y los demás.

Mucho éxito en tu entrada

Tienes razón, las emociones son esenciales para nuestro crecimiento y conexión. Gracias por tus buenos deseos. Saludos.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07 We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.

Curated by : @karianaporras

 14 days ago 

Un saludo. Me ha encantado tu participación, has echo un gran trabajo la mostrarnos tu cara de enojado. Veo que en tus líneas expresas cada una de las cosas que suelen enojarte, la que más llama mi atención es cuando hablas de las persona que miente y no es transparente, al igual que tú eso no lo tolero y me molesta. Otra cosa que me encantó fue el mantener la postura ante aquella situación con el conductor, gracias a tu bella esposa que por lo que puedo percibir es sabía, me encantó tu pensamiento a la hora de razonar

En cambio, decidí dejar pasar este incidente y continuar nuestro viaje de manera segura.

Fue la mejor decisión amigo mío.
Eclesiastés 10:4
[4]Si el espíritu del príncipe se exaltare contra ti, no dejes tu lugar; porque la mansedumbre hará cesar grandes ofensas.

Cuando somos mansos, todo funciona mejor. Deseo éxitos para ti me encantó leerte..

Saludos, gracias por tus amables palabras. Me alegra saber que te gustó mi post y que compartimos la misma aversión a la falta de transparencia. Estoy de acuerdo en que mantener la calma y seguir adelante fue la mejor decisión. Su referencia a Eclesiastés 10:4 es muy precisa. La mansedumbre puede evitar grandes problemas. Éxito para ti también, me encantó leer tu comentario.

It's true bro anger is very bad. It often leads to acting impulsively and irrationally, which can lead to disastrous consequences. When anger takes over, it clouds judgment and makes it difficult to think clearly. Decisions made in this state can be regrettable and cause irreversible damage.
It's good to control our angry mode so as not to do anything we will regret later.
Best luck in the contest bro 🤝

It's true, brother. Anger can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive actions that we might regret. Controlling our anger helps us make better decisions and avoid unnecessary harm.

Yeah that's true.

 13 days ago 

Es normal enojarse es un sentimiento de ser humano
Muchas personas mienten y eso es desagradable y motivo para enojarnos.
Te deseo éxito en la participación