"God did not call us to impurity but to holiness"
1 Thessalonians 4: 7
It's all about believing God our identity. He has called us to be his holy people, to be priests, a royal lineage, and above all to keep pure what has been washed with the most precious blood shed.
Our souls who have been redeemed from sin and rescued from darkness; they should be kept as pure as possible to honor the one who saved us.
If at one time we were seduced by lasciviousness, fornication, masturbation, pornography, sorcery, witchcraft, alcoholism, smoking and everything that dirtied our soul ... today they no longer have a place in the souls that have been redeemed with the blood of the lamb.
Each time we take control of our body and use it to feed sinful desires, the enemy gains strength, and little by little we forget our true nature. Our nature is to demonstrate Holiness to Jehovah. Regardless of our past, no matter what sins you committed; He has dressed you in white robes and called His priest.
Was a priest called to take chances to fornicate the world? o To raise incense to idols in the form of pornography? or to dirty the garments that cost so much on the cross of Calvary? Every time a child of God does this, it is similar to what the children of Eli did in the temple of the Lord; fornicate with his priestly garments.
I do not want to remind you what happened to them, but it was not nice. 1 Samuel 2: 12-36
Dear brother, my invitation today is to cleanse you of everything that makes you impure, to remove that which makes you have short circuits in your soul, that reminds you of your captivity. The longing of God is to see you glorious, holy and pure in your priestly garments. If you have not seen the fire of God lately when you are at your altar, perhaps it is time to purify yourself and embrace his mercy.
Seek Him with all your heart and ask Him for His strength to remove all impurity from your heart, and finally you can walk in Holiness!
When our mind thinks like Christ and is governed by the peace of God, we enter into a precious dimension of victorious lives. Let's take the decision to voluntarily DISPOSE of our past life and RENEW OUR MIND according to the will of OUR FATHER.
Without holiness no one will see the Lord.