Memories, The Long Road...

in Ukraine on Steem21 days ago

“Wake up!”

This is me waking up my stepson. I am the one who wakes him up, and every morning it is with a growl that he gets out of bed. You see, he enjoys sleeping late. I, on the other hand, enjoy getting up in the early hours of the morning.

This morning, it was different. There was no growl coming from him. It was with joy in my heart that I watched him jump out of bed, get dressed, brush his teeth, and help his dad pack the last things in the car and boat. This, without me saying a word. I could not help but smile.

It was time for the “big trek” to our holiday home in Keurboomstrand, a coastal town on the famous Garden Route of South Africa. Something we do once a year, sometimes twice.

I’m always the last one to get in the car, as the last bit of checking is my job. Is the house locked? Is the alarm on? Do we have the keys? Is everything on my list packed? I’m also the one on gate duty. After all, I don’t think my husband trusts me enough to drive the car with the boat downhill and between two gates.

Just as I was making myself comfortable for the long drive, it was my husband who asked, “Which road shall we take, the long road or the short road?”
“Long road!” Both of us, my stepson and I, shouted. All three of us burst out laughing as we knew the answer long before the question was asked.

This road might be longer, but there is so much more to enjoy that we don’t mind the extra thirty minutes to an hour it may add to our travel.

As we turned into the street, it was as if the road was beckoning us to discover what lies beyond the horizon. We know by now that the long road creates an adventure that is never the same. It must be the thrill of the unknown that is so inviting.

The road came alive when we left the city lights and the highway behind us. It was the ever-changing scenery that unfolded as we continued our journey.

The winding, meandering road allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in the beauty of the countryside. Today the fields are dry, as it is winter. When it is summer, they are filled with green grass, the maize and sunflowers the farmers have planted, and wildflowers of all the colors of the rainbow.

As we traveled the long road, it took us on roads not often traveled by city folks. Our chatter filled the air. It was my husband who got tired of hearing our voice, rolled down the windows, turned up the music, and started singing.
It was my stepson who complained that we only listened to music from the 80’s and 90's, not that it stopped him from singing along.


It always feels like there is no end to the twists and turns of the road as it snakes through the hills, farms, mountain passes, streams, and rivers. Today was no different.

Soon the topic of discussion was the government neglecting the maintenance of the road as we encountered pothole after pothole.
The long road is not often an easy one to travel. It is a road fraught with challenges and obstacles. But in the end, it is still worth traveling, as we emerge renewed as a family by the experience.

I must admit that the humming of the engine and the steady rhythm of the tires on the road created a soothing soundtrack that had me fast asleep at times. The two men allowed me the “resting of the eyes,” as they knew that I was the one who got up earlier and got everything ready while they were still fast asleep.
If I say everything, I mean “padkos.”

This is the South African word for snacks which we pack for a journey. It will normally include fried chicken drumsticks, small meatballs, smoky ham, and cheddar cheese sammies, which are of course layered with tangy mayonnaise, biltong (dried cured meat), cocktail tomatoes, vegetable sticks, and dried fruit. Not to miss out on those chocolate brownies, homemade iced tea(for me) and a flask with coffee.

My favorite is when we enter the small towns we encounter on our way. Not only am I on the lookout for those beautiful churches and monuments, but also for those places where we can stop and stretch our legs.
As we pulled up to a filling station, I could already see myself sipping a cup of tea from a polystyrene cup and buying wine gum.

As we hit the road again, we experienced shifting landscapes and changing terrain. The dry fields made way for the forests and plantations.

The last few kilometers we did in silence, keeping our eyes fixed on the road. It is the longest part of our journey. Will the long road ever end? After traveling nearly 13 hours and with the sun now baking us from the front, I found myself getting uncomfortable. Is the prize going to be worth it? Then I came to the realization that the journey itself was the true prize.

When we saw the glimmering blue water of the ocean, we knew that it was not long anymore. We stopped on the hill to look down on the ocean and our home.

All that was left was for us to show our appreciation to our Heavenly Father for keeping us safe on “The Long Road.”

Memories: 20 November 2016

The photos of "The Long Road" are my own, taken from where I was sitting in the car without any editing.

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We are the hope!

With the pictures shared, I must say each pictures carries so much of memories attached to it. Beautiful ones

Awh thank you!
I never thought the photos I took through the windscreen of the car would come in handy one day. (•ิ‿•ิ)

It can be seen from some of the photos you shared, it must have been a very enjoyable trip, you must have really enjoyed it, finding potholes in the road definitely made the trip a little challenging.

Oh yes! It was indeed an enjoyable trip.. one of many.
The road was long, but it reminded me of life... Life is also long, and we have to make the most of every moment.
Let's enjoy life!

Thank you for the visit! ☕

You are right, we must always take advantage of the moments that exist, 😊😊

 21 days ago 

You are back! I am very glad that you decided to participate in my contest again 😊 Great story about great moments! A trip is always a very exciting thing, a trip allows us to experience exciting feelings. But the most important thing in a trip is to be able to return home, which, unfortunately, many children and families in our country are deprived of right now.

Thank you for the opportunity to be able to share these photos and memories. Not in my wildest dreams did I think I would one day share them in a post.

It breaks my heart when I read your words. We see it on television, read about it online, but we don't get to know the true meaning of war.
We can just keep on praying that it will end soon. 🙏

Muchas veces el camino más largo es el que más se disfruta. Esa larga carretera cambia el paisaje rutinario y estresante de la ciudad e invita a la aventura. Mientras se hace la travesía es propicia la tertulia, momento de cantar y relajarse.

Ese largo camino se identifica con la vida misma, un camino lleno de desafíos y obstáculos, una experiencia de la cual aprender.

Al final el inmenso azul del cielo confundido con el océano invita a agradecer a Dios por el largo camino recorrido y el encuentro con su majestuosa creación.

¡Saludos y un fuerte abrazo!

Thank you for the visit and your comment. ☕
The long road brings quality time. Something we don't often have time for anymore.

Menikmati liburan bersama keluarga melewati Perjalanan panjang yang penuh tantangan sangat menyenangkan tentunya, di tambah lagi jalan yang berkelok-kelok dan berlubang di iringi dengan musik thn 80an terkesan sangat romantis.

Selamat menikmati hari liburnya
Semoga menyenangkan 🤗

Thanks for the visit!

Unfortunately these are photos from a previous holiday.
I now stay at a holiday town with the result that it feels like I am on holiday every day. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Glad to actually see you back. This memories stay all through and should be cherished

Memories.. this is also my favorite song. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank you for the visit and the comment!

These are really great memories that are shared and which we actually stick among the heart of people