Is the moon an artificial satellite?

in #science6 years ago

The moon is hollow

We have always thought that the moon is a natural satellite that orbits the earth, it is obvious, since we see it every night.

There are countless indications that the Moon is hollow, among some of the anomalies, it is known that the nucleus is much less dense than the outer layers.

Some scientists say it may not even have a core. Dr. Gordon MacDonald, a NASA scientist, said in the early 1960s that "the moon seemed more likely to be a hollow sphere than a homogeneous one.


He surmised that the data must have been incorrect, but it was not. MacDonald was right from the start.

Dr. Sean C. Solomon of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said the Lunar Orbiter experiments had greatly increased knowledge of the Moon's gravitational field and indicated the "chilling possibility that the Moon was hollow. Cosmologist Carl Sagan said that "a natural satellite cannot be a hollow object".

The Moon has only 60 percent of the Earth's density, and an equivalent amount of terrestrial material would weigh almost twice as much as that of the Moon.

This has led some scientists to believe that the Moon has no iron or is partially hollow. A team from the University of Arizona said they thought the Moon had a nucleus, but that it was tiny.

Lon Hood, the team leader, said: "We knew that the core of the Moon was small, but not so small....

It really adds weight to the idea that the origin of the Moon is unique, unlike any other Earth body like the Earth, Venus, Mars or Mercury.

The Apollo 12 mission to the Moon in November 1969 deposited seismometers and then intentionally exploded the lunar module, causing an impact equivalent to one ton of dynamite. The shock waves lasted eight minutes and NASA scientists said the moon "rang like a bell.

Maurice Ewing, co-director of the seismic experiment, said at a press conference that he did not know why it had happened: "For now I prefer not to give any interpretation about its meaning, but it is as if someone had just struck a bell in a church bell tower and it had been ringing for thirty minutes.

Dr. Frank Press of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said that the fact that a "rather small impact" had a 30-minute effect was more than "what we had experienced.


The Apollo 13 moon mission in 1970 was aborted due to potentially catastrophic technical problems, and the 15-ton disposable Saturn V rocket, which weighed fifteen tons, crashed into the moon about one hundred and sixty kilometers from where the previous mission had left the seismometer.

When the disposable rocket struck the equivalent of 11 tons of dynamite, NASA scientists said the moon "reacted like a gong" and continued to vibrate for three hours and twenty minutes to depths of forty kilometers.

Ken Johnson was a supervisor in the Department of Data and Photo Control during the apollo missions, and worked for a company contracted by NASA. He told Alan Butler, author of Who Built the Moon? that the Moon not only sounded like a bell, but trembled so precisely that it was "as if it had giant hydraulic dampers inside". All this would explain why the Moon vibrates in exactly the same way every time it approaches the Earth.

A meteorite equivalent to two hundred tons of dynamite struck the Moon in 1972, producing huge shock waves into it, but None of Them Returned.

According to Russian scientists Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Sherbakov, the Moon is an artificial satellite placed in orbit by intelligent beings thousands of years ago. Trying to determine exactly when this great work was carried out, who its authors were and what its purpose was is beyond the theory of these scientists, what they do tell us, and it is logical, is that it had to be a highly developed civilization, more than ours. If an artificial satellite is to be launched, it is advisable to make it hollow. At the same time it would be naive to imagine that someone capable of a space project of this category would leave it empty inside.

The Moon Is A Spaceship

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Russian scientists Vasin and Sherbakov wrote an article in 1970 in the Soviet magazine Sputnik. Here is part of the article:

"It is more likely to be a very old spacecraft, the interior of which was filled with gasoline for engines, materials and repair equipment, navigational instruments, observation equipment and all sorts of machinery... in other words, everything needed to enable this "caravel of the universe" to function as an intelligent Noe's ark, perhaps even the home of a long civilization (billions of years of existence) and long voyages in space (billions of kilometres).

Naturally, the hull of such a spacecraft must be hard enough to withstand the impact of meteorites and the pronounced fluctuations between extreme temperatures. The hull is probably double-layered, the base is a black armor about thirty kilometers thick and on the outside there is a kind of deck (a thin layer, about five kilometers).

In certain regions where the "seas" and "craters" of the upper layer are found, it is quite thin and, in some cases, non-existent.

According to David Icke the Moon is a gigantic spacecraft that they have placed in a location that is related to the Earth and the Sun in order to create the Lunar Matrix, a false reality that "hack" into the Sun's information encoded in the "Light".

The well-known channeling company Barbara Marciniak writes in her channeled book Earth: "The Moon is a satellite that was built. It was anchored outside the Earth's atmosphere as a mediation and monitoring device, a supercomputer or an "Eye in the Sky".

Dr. D. L. Anderson, a professor of geophysics and director of the Seismology Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, said that "the Moon is upside down" and that the compositions of its interior and exterior should be reversed.

According to the analyses carried out after the impact of a meteorite on the lunar surface on 13 May 1972, the thickness of the crust was determined to be about 60 km, twice the average thickness of the crust on any of the Earth's continents. It would be impossible for the Moon to have produced such a large amount of lava without completely breaking down.

Vasin and Sherbakov said that the material from the inside of the Moon came to the surface to form the outer layer, noting that the moon rocks on the surface at appreciating contain titanium, chromium and zirconium, metals that have "refractory, resistant and anti-corrosive" properties. The "refractory" metals are incredibly resistant to heat and wear, and scientists said that the combination found on the surface of the Moon had "enviable heat resistance and the ability to resist different types of aggressions.

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Vasin and Sherbakov continue:
"If a material had to be devised to protect a giant artificial satellite from the unfavourable effects of temperature, cosmic radiation and meteorite impacts, the experiments would probably have found these same metals. In this case, it is not clear why lunar rock is such a bad heat conductor. A factor that surprised the astronauts greatly, wasn't that what the designers of Sputnik on Earth were after?

From an engineer's point of view, "this millenary spacecraft we call the Moon is superbly built".

The "Star Wars" films directed by George Lucas, a knowledgeable member of the film industry, which is based on many more real-life events than is believed, have characterized "The Star of Death" (Moon) in space in order to conquer the cosmic universe.

The very different ages of rocks and moon dust can be explained by the cosmic journeys of the lunar spacecraft, in which it would have gathered material from many places and different times.

According to the contactee Alex Collier, the moon was brought here 11,213 years ago and arrived here as a base, a ship on which aliens travelled. Who came here to colonize.

The discovery that the moon is a gigantic spacecraft is the thread that links all others, not only in relation to the anomalies of the moon, but also to life on earth and the conspiracy to enslave humanity.

There are many legends around the world that describe the Moon as a "chariot" of gods and goddesses.

The mystery writer Enmanuel Velikovsky and the archaeologist Colin Rivas tell us that in the oldest texts there were no references to the Moon.

Hans Schindler Bellamy in his work Moons, Myths and Men highlights a tribe native to Colombia called Mozces who claimed to "remember a previous time, before the Moon became the companion of the Earth".

In the Constitution of Tages, Aristotle speaks of the fact that the people of the Pelasgians inhabited the Earth "before the Moon appeared in the heavens".

The Tibetan texts pray that in the disappeared continent of Gondwana (where Lemuria belonged) there was no moon. Aristotle referred to the earth when "there was no moon".

African shamans say that two brothers, named Wowane and Mpanku (Enlil and Enki according to Sumerian and Mesopotamian records), leaders of the reptilians "brought the Moon here hundreds of generations ago.

Zulu legends claim that the reptilians manipulate the earth from the moon, where "the pythons live".

The shaman Credo Mutwa says that the "giant mother ship" of the reptilians spoken of by Zulu legends was actually the Moon, and that it was there that they went during the cataclysms of the "Great Flood" that they had caused by the manipulation of the Moon and the instigation of other cosmic events.

That our Moon is not a natural satellite, and therefore, something much more complex, such as a rocky mass adapted to a "lookout" function by alien entities to monitor humanity closely, is one of the greatest secrets guarded by the elite.

There is evidence that an EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) intelligence played at being little gods and created the vital complex to control life on Earth that they were able to plant themselves.

The Moon is an alien base, and probably an Earth base. They have been spying on us since time immemorial and it is the best secret kept by NASA.

Undoubtedly, an idea that seems to be risky but, evidence provided by both sides brings this theory closer and further away from its possible veracity.



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