Over 100 Steem Power!

in #ulog6 years ago

Is our vote worth a cent, yet?

It really should not take a year to gain enough crypto to have a voting power equal to a cent.

We were doing really good on here up until, what I presume, the whales made a change to this platform that created "Resource Credits". The 6th months leading up to that event, we managed to change 3 Steem into almost 100 Steem. Not bad but, once the aforementioned change occured, our nearly 100 Steem became 17 Steem overnight, provoking us to put all of our remaining Steem into Steem Power. It took another 6 months to go from 70 or so Steem Power to the 102 Steem Power we have now. Yeah, none of this adds up and the only story that makes sense, is the greed of the Whales.

But, what do you really expect? All forms of monetary systems, regardless of the "ism" behind it, lead to a small number of folks being wealthy, while the rest may as well just be regarded as poor. I know I am not the only one who notices this phenomenon. It doesn't take a genius to see the pitfalls of capitalism. It is just another slave system that only really benefits the few. This is why Larry and I really dig the concept behind Jacque Fresco's, "The Venus Project", which most folk spit upon, all while whining about how things are now. A beautiful man gave the world a free gift to resolve all of humanity's issues and... his love was not returned. This is why Larry and I are so full of disgust when it comes to people and why it is we have been recently inspired to not really care.

Pictured below, is a drawing from Mr. Dreamtree, depicting an enlightened Jacque Fresco, knocking down a wall of Saturnalian Cubes with his ideas.

this one fresco.jpg

Don't bitch about us being negative, as this system of things is the primary cause of our abhorrent behavior as of late. There are solutions to this issue if anyone cared to have an open mind to the solutions. Sad to say it but, greed has made most of you blind. They say without money, mankind would have no motivation. Funny, we don't get money to do what we do and..... we still fucking do it, don't we? So much for that theory.

Much Love and Disgust,

Lucy Sage Dreamtree

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I am no expert and I am new here and I don't know what happened back then and how things used to be, but why don't you make a new system based on the old system and those who liked the old system will follow you and from there you can build an ecosystem that benefits all and all share their ideas and all are a part of it. A system without any greedy whales just to share our ideas and art and creativity and greedy behavior is punished, only creative expression is rewarded. sorry this is just my opinion.

That is a great idea, if I had the "know-how". Though, I would rather have the social construct known as "The Venus Project" implemented on a global scale. What would you do with your time if you didn't have to work a job to put food in your belly, keep a roof over your head, travel, or do anything else you want to do without a price tag attached? I would travel the world and learn from nature in a direct manner, myself. I would probably not get onto a computer again. Besides, even if I made a platform (like this one) that was the way it used to be, it would still lead to all of the same things all forms of capitalism lead to...... Oligarchy. I don't want any oligarchy/plutarchy in my democracy. They don't go together well like chocolate and peanut butter do. :)

capitalism will fade away one day

We wish we knew when that would be. We would mark the calendar and set up a huge party/get together in the woods to commemorate such an event. :)

Thanks for commenting, much love and success to you!

Congrats on reaching 100 SP! It can be a difficult journey, but I have found it to be a rewarding journey as well. You and I may not see eye-to-eye with all of the issues, but I wanted to stop by and vote to let you know that you are not alone on this journey.

Also, I would recommend you check out www.creativecoin.xyz. They built a tribe and token on top of Steem. If you use their tag (#creativecoin), you can get paid in both tokens (if people who vote on your posts have both tokens). From what I hear they do not like bidbots. I noticed one of your other posts was concerned about bidbots not being able to determine good versus bad art.

Ah, snap, they aren't down with the bid bots? Count me in, then! The way to a woman's heart is through a lack of bid-bots. :) Can that become a thing? Thanks for you kind, motivating words and for the information! See ya on the other side of the "token".

There are other tribes as well, check them out in Steempeak.com.