Editorial Facts Article Edition : Goverment Politics Politics Investement by shiku

in #article6 years ago

Editorial Facts Article Edition : Goverment Politics Politics Investement by shiku

"Lead leader follower follow lead of leader"

Hi This is shiku and in this editorial facts article edition youll read a facts about government and few facts of politics . all youve read are from my understanding about Leadership as part of a country.

President/King/Queen - known as the legendary Dragonborn

Parties/Senates - the companions of legendary dragonborn

Citizen- the civilians asking for protection and wealth from president/king/queen

Today a lot of writer advising never sell votes, vote for right person to lead country and all those information are have a reasons . The common reason is why vote for persons will cause you pain living. I guess it is understandable.

Now as being me dreamer writer and programmer and being part of a country I ve understood that balance is balance. There is right and wrong balance and balance .

Now as I ve written balance is balance I will give example situations explanation below living without a government is still balance and living with goverment is still balance.

" If youve done wrong someone will attempt to do right. "

example situation without government
I steal a food from a house and I ve doing it as part of survival .now as the person victim being stolen I will attempt to create a action that will balance the situation I will create/hunt team /hire investigation team/ set traps or all action that will balance the situation to make the thief pay.

The example situation is clear even without a government to lead everything is still balance. Now with a government the example situation will be

example situation with government
I steal food from a house and I ve doing it as a part of survival . as the person victim being stolen I will call the right person to catch the thief and make the thief pay base on the law from the government. all action will be based on law of government.

I guess understandable that the with or without government all is balance. What do you wanted to point out?all situation is same there is no difference about actions.

I ve wanted to point out all action is balance right or wrong all is balance but are all actions have a Human values? are Human values have a side? what is Human Values?(Hi read Why You must not respect some persons for reference link below).

What do you want to tell?

Without a government laws laws will created as self decision and with a government laws laws will based on study/understanding of human values ,understanding of situation and will based on right punishement.

Hey about the topic the paragraph on the top what do you want to tell?

As I ve written all is balance yet there s no advantage

Hey what do you mean?

Laws and justice will earned with or without government as I written and repeated to explain. And the advantage is the important thing look and understand.

Having a strong leader means a strong country. Now on the advantage is the what will you earn if you gain a leader.

Being frank I ve wanted to tell to you that let politician lead the country and let them let you earn what youve deserve and earn more than a normal civilian.

How? by joining side.

As being part of the country the laws and justice is no illusion it is somehow a book cemented balance logical understanding. Means a corrupt politician will face law and justice in the right time even that politician is already is dead .

"Laws and Justice is no illusion it is somehow a book cemented balance logical understanding"

Do you mean Sell votes? because even the corrupt politician is dead the politician still face laws and justice and cant escape.

No !. Join the party that will create and make you part of the party. The advantages is having the wealth investment profit . How to join parties ? First understand their party . Understand the background the platform and second decide to become part of their organization, as you ve known all politicians are wealthy and somehow a professional from getting what they want plus backup and supported by successful companies wealth. all is understandable.

Now that youve understand the party you must decide. Even they have a money it doesent mean youll vote for money, The idea is understand the party first and decide become part of organization.

Now let say that you joined now on the party and organization .First thing you must ensure you are known, to ensure you will earn what you invest . Why? As being a part of organization you will earn a job by supporting parties as parties will start election campaigns.

As I ve written all is just balance and being part of the party of election will earn you more. Now what good will you earn except money? Being loyal to country supporting the person you understand ,the leader hear your voice/s as civilian voice v.i.p treatment assurance of the being close to the leader and more advantages that will make you involve in politics projects and more.

Campaign manager , Campaign leader , Campaign analysts and becoming a countriest -(believing in country government leader leadership style just a made up word from me shiku )

President/King/Queen as Dragonborn

"Voice of Million For One "

Being president mean the chief of command of a country . The voice of President/King/Queen is magical that will make all government personnel must follow.

"My voice is law"

"My decision are My Regrets Good or Bad "

"I am the person carrying the country"

What do you know about the leader decision making?

Do you know life is short ?Do you know one day youll die old ? Do you know it is gooder if you never exist in the world and somehow more gooder if you are born from future?

As I ve writing this all logical understanding about life is written and regretting. If youll understand life is cycle of born and death today someone die today someone born I guess youll attempt to done something wrong as having and continue living aging living life.(Hi read Future and Reality link below)

The leader decision of advancing and ending is the regrets of leader as understanding as logical explanation of living more years. Because the person born today will gain good life in the future and might discover immortality or many good things if the leader give the advancing decision and somehow living old being left behind as aging old and near to die as unfair.

Hope you understand the how heavy is decision making.

Now Leader Connections.

Last advantage a President /King/Queen had If you voted the right well connected leader. Trade and Price of Science and Technology, Science medicines and Technology Virtual Reality, Machines etc.

Will you talk about senates?

"Voice of Million for twenty four less or more"

The understanding of campaigns and projects are the adventures and senates is just a companions of the leader . The senate is just a starting adventurer wanted to become a leader. Means voice of senate is attempting to create a very own party to lead to become leader and the leader still the decision maker .

"1 from 1,000,000 24 from 1,000,000"

So What Is Government? and Politics?

A Organization and Persons creating illusions to believe and unite every living life in a Country.

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