Food Prices and Stocking Issues At My Local Grocery Store

in FreeSpeech Community4 years ago

Wheres the soup.jpg

So, we went to the grocery store here in our small town in central Iowa to pick up some perishables and noticed that we will not be buying eggs this week.


We normally pay between 99 cents and 1.29 for eggs here.

Good thing I don’t drink Milk! Take a look……


Thankfully my Almond Milk prices have not changed. It’s awesome with cereal too. But this isn’t the only thing I have noticed at the store. Beyond the restricted number of items we can purchase at a time like paper towels or toilet paper (when there is any and there hasn’t been), I noted last week the levels of certain items were low. I figured there was a run on food and that it would all be restocked this week. Remember my post about that. I said, oh they are after the food now. Well, more may be going on that that and there has been no mention of it I the news. This is soup area……


The cans you see that are stocked are the store brand soups. I found the same thing when it comes to canned meals like Spaghetti-O’s. I wonder where the problem is. Canning? Shipping? Warehouse? Are the store brands still being manufactured or will they be next?

Items like flour have not been restocked either. Good thing I still have back up food. People around the country are reporting similar finds at their local Walmart. I haven't been in Walmart for awhile and it was low on the same items last time I was there. Remember what I said about pestilence, famine, and war? Did you see my post about buying seeds and gardening supplies in certain parts of the country? Can we have a man-made famine? You bet ya! When people can’t afford food or it is not available, that is a modern famine. Have a plan folks! Have a plan.

NOTE: All pictures were taken by me.

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warbucks ... id think they'd have laws against that (well they would here in soviet hellgium) ... is the market that free omg

Yeah, this is insane!