Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/02/19> The Texas Advantage… we are a Republic.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Today’s Daily Dose is aimed at the readers located in the USA so for you readers foreign to the USA it might not be interesting, my apologies in advance.

The Republic of Texas

I have been on here now for over a year and I don’t believe anyone has ever asked about my “location” listed on the header of my blog. People on steemit have all different locations listed that seem crazy like “Galaxy” or “Atlantis” I have even seen one over on the poker table that says, “your mommas vagina” as his location. So, I thought it might be time to explain why my location is The Republic of Texas and not just Texas.

Texas is a unique...

Texas is a unique state when it comes to the fifty states that make up the United States of America. The reason it is unique is the fact that Texas was an independent country before it entered into a treaty with the United States to become part of the United States. Texas is the only state that was an independent country and for that reason we have a few things that other states don’t; the main one is a treaty with the United States of America.

Prior to becoming an independent country the land known as Texas today was Tejas and it was part of Mexico. The war between the Texians and Mexico over the land ended in the Texians winning and a new independent country of Texas was born, we have a treaty with Mexico also. With the formation of the new country came a constitution and form of government known as a “republic”.

The Republic of Texas...

The Republic of Texas was a large nation geographically and was parceled out after it became a state of the United States. The land of Texas included what is now New Mexico and parts of Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas and even parts of Wyoming. So if you think of Texas as large state; just think how large it really was when it was its own nation.

From 1836 to 1846 The Republic of Texas was an independent sovereign nation. The word “sovereign” has taken a beating lately in the media and has been made into a word that has negative connotations rather than the positive that it really is; a supreme ruler over their land. The Republic of Texas government ruled over the land of Texas, plain and simple.

The land that...

The land that was parceled out was a direct violation of the treaty, and there have been several other violations as well. Some of us in Texas have grown fed up with how the government of the US has become and we are working to restore the true Republic of Texas, in its constitutional form.

First let me...

First let me dispel the myth that we are bunch of folks who don’t believe in “law” and we want to turn the state of Texas back into a “lawless” country with outlaw gangs running wild in the streets like a bunch of old drunk cowboys coming into town at the end of a cattle drive. That is not who we are; don’t believe everything the media is telling you.

Besides, those outlaw gangs are already running the streets here in Texas and every other state in the US. Can you say, MS-13, Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings, Hells Angels, King Cobras? There are probably 20,000 more gangs running the streets here in the US I could name if I bothered to do a Google search.

We are actually...

We are actually the opposite, we believe in the law and we want the laws and lawmakers to be constitutional and act within the limits of the constitution. That is it in a nutshell; just do what was intended and allowed by the constitution. Is that too much to ask? If the US government won’t do it then fine, we don’t desire to be a part of the truly “lawless” country of the United States any longer.

The one and only...

The one and only purpose of the government was to protect our liberty and God given rights, they have failed miserably at that. In fact they are the ones who have systematically worked to take away those rights and liberty.

The historical committee of the Republic of Texas has been working very diligently going over all of the founding papers for the Republic of Texas. So, if you happen to be a Texan know that we are working on your behalf to right the wrongs that have been done. Did you know that “property tax” is prohibited in Texas, yet we have some of the highest property taxes in the US?

For those of you...

For those of you in the other 49 states it might be of interest for you to know that the income tax you are paying to the IRS isn’t necessary, it really is voluntary like they say it is. The only problem is you volunteered to pay and didn’t know it. Un-volunteering is a problematic task so you are stuck now paying the income taxes; unless you know that the courts they try to haul you into to try you for tax evasion have no jurisdiction. That’s right, no jurisdiction; and the court will even send you a letter stating that fact if you know how to ask for it. Members of the historical committee figured that out and have been teaching how to get that done.

I have been telling...

I have been telling you folks for a long time now that we need to read the laws; don’t rely on what you learned in school or go by what your parents did because frankly; they never took the time to read the laws either. The court system is a court of equity or commerce and until you figure that out and learn that; you are subject to be abused by them.

I am going to...

I am going to leave it here right now and let you digest this Daily Dose. I will pick this back up in future Daily Doses. Just know that us Texians of the Republic of Texas are working for the good of all Texans and the other folks in the USA. You can check out The Republic of Texas here.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose. Be sure to check out this post by my good friend @arbitrarykitten as she reviews PARTICO here is the link;
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


Well sir, I am aware of the history of Tejas and Texas. I just happen to have on my immediate left right this instant a quote from a famous Texan, Mr. David Crockett. " You all may go to Hell and I will go to Texas." That was delivered on the floor of the US House of Representatives as part of his farewell speech. I call him a Texan, not because he was born there, but because he died there fighting for the Republic.

Did you know that he was the odds on favorite to become the next President of the United States until Andy Jackson (another sad president) wrecked his chances because of his belief in property rights?

Arizona's claim to sovereignty is tied to the California Republic and the land that much of Arizona sits on. At the end of the war with Mexico the State of Alta California became a Republic for a short amount of time. There in lies the claim.

Alas for me, I happen to live in the Gadsen Purchase which was brokered by the US and IS part of the US aside from the sovereignty claim. I'm a couple miles south of that line...

Anyway, I am aware of the Republic of Texas and once considered moving there mostly because of it. You all are probably our last, best hope.

I raise my glass (or coffee cup, more correctly) to the Republic.

Yes, if I remember correctly Kalifornia was a republic for all of twenty or thrity days, something like that, big whoop.
We will keep plodding along trying to get the World Court in the Hague to take up our petition on hearing and get the US to abide the terms of the treaty. If we can get that to happen, there is no need to go back to being an independent sovereign nation. People in other states need to realize that we are actually working for THEM in the quest as well as ourselves, but you will never hear that in the media. They just try to portray us as people who are "lawless cowboys".

Good luck with that. The Sioux tribe has had a petition before the World Court right from the start to get the US to abide by the Laramie Treaty of 1868. They also refused payment for the Black Hills in the 1880s and that fund is unclaimed today and worth billions. They won't EVER take it.

There was a treaty for Alta California, too. But those folks are mostly willing to let you guys do the fighting... Because frankly, your claim is much better. But, in theory, almost all of the Republic of Texas (historic border) and all the rest of New Mexico and Arizona along with some of Nevada and Colorado would be affected. State of California abrogated their rights to claim statehood...

We do need some luck, and it is an uphill battle. The thing it does do is draw attention to the fact the US government is not operating as the Republic it was conceived as, if it were this whole country would be in a lot better shape.
Of course that would mean the politicians couldn't continue to screw us left and right and so they would put a big fight up over them making to follow the constitution.

It's a good fight and worthy. My aunt had 100 silver rounds from the Lakota Project when she died. She had quite a little silver she had acquired, and hired me to inventory it late in her life. That wasn't official tribal coinage, but was a native project in support of the Laramie Treaty fight. I have no idea if my cousins kept or sold that silver...

Those would probably be worth a nice chunk of change right now.

I think it is interesting, despite coming from the UK. I'm very attracted to certain types of anarchy - eg, voluntarism and agorism, mainly because our governments are so corrupt. But I do question some of those anarchistic ideas. Sometimes I think it would be better to clean up the government systems we have - or should have, if the laws were properly enacted, and not corrupt.

I'm playing catch-up again, having been floored by some kind of stomach bug between Christmas and New Year. I went on a hillwalk on Boxing Day (26th December), and then spent three days mostly in bed, exhausted, feeling sick, doing nothing except reading, sleeping and occasionally watching videos.
I did a New Year's Day hillwalk yesterday - it had been planned for a while, and I was the organiser, so I had to get better for that! I had fish and chips afterwards, the first entire meal I've managed to actually finish for about a week! So that's why I didn't nominate anyone for the SBI challenge - I totally missed that one unfortunately. And why I haven't posted for about a week! I think this stomach bug has been doing the rounds, so maybe that's another reason why it's been so quiet on Steemit - that as well as the holidays, because there's been a lot going on!
Congratulations on your 500th post! I missed that one because there was so much going on that day. I was shocked to read about the minister's treatment of your son though. You definitely need a new church.

Yes, there is a lot of flu going around here in the states too.
Thanks for the congrats, I could not have done it if it were not for people like you who read the Daily Dose and interact on here with it. So much thanks to you, it is very much appreciated.
Yes, the church is something we are going to have to deal with. If my wife didn't have such a strong family history with that church we would be long gone already, plus she is working there part time now too. So that is something we will have to continue to work on. The minister really did the boy badly with that deal though, and the wife is going to bring it up to the head preacher next week when she goes back to work.

It's a pleasure!
Sounds like you should just continue the boycott then, making your point. If that kind of behaviour is going on, others will probably object to it too, and hopefully things can be improved.

The boycott is back on and Blondie is still boycotting right along with me.

Good! Go Blondie!

FOR TSE ---> A while back I found this article very interesting -- addressing some of the reasons why we as a nation are so divided -- and why it's only getting worse. I have long thought the differences between one part of the United States and another was like stepping into a different country. This article seems to confirm that feeling -- and I'll bet the book is even better. If I ever get ten consecutive minutes with nothing else to do, I may try to find out.



Yes, I can see that too. I don't travel out of state as much as I did when I was younger but there were areas that I just could not stand the people. Mainly the east coast and the west coast.
I looked at that article and it is interesting for sure. Thanks for linking it.

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You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 359 (01/02/19)

Actually, I thought there was a Republic of Hawaii, too, prior to statehood. So, I looked it up and was quite surprised to find this:

Hawaii is one of four U.S. states—apart from the original thirteen, along with the Vermont Republic (1791), the Republic of Texas (1845), and the California Republic (1846)—that were independent nations prior to statehood. Along with Texas, Hawaii had formal, international diplomatic recognition as a nation. [source]

A little more digging lead to another interesting article which speaks of another republic (the Republic of Fredonia) existed in the same location as the Republic of Texas, but prior to it. Interesting stuff!

My great grandmother's oldest sister was born in the Kingdom of Hawaii under the reign of Queen Liliuokalani. Her father did some work for the Nation (building a couple of bridges) before he came to the US. My great grandmother was born in the state of Oregon. Her parents were Scots.

That is a neat family history, any royalty in the family?

Nope. We are all just enlisted grade :) I do have a cousin that was a lieutenant in the Army but she resigned her commission to marry a Sargent who became the senior Master Sargent of the whole damn Army.

She was a kind of black sheep cause, well, Army. We're a mostly Navy family.

All I really know about the Scottish connection is that my Great Great was the third son of Clan Ogilvy. The first son inherited, the second son went to the Church and the third son got his degree at the University of Edinburgh and a ticket. He turned out to be not only a fine Engineer but a rancher and farmer. Settled in Wasco County Oregon, then left that place to his oldest son and moved to Pilot Rock.

My great grandmother was a serious piece of work. I got to know her fairly well, she lived to be 98. I am honored to have been a pall bearer at her funeral (all grandsons and great grandsons).

Her last surviving brother rode for the King ranch there in Texas for 40 years and returned to Pendelton, Oregon where he died. My Grandmother was the executor of his estate and she delegated my Dad. He traded the guys '52 Chev and the money in his bank account for funeral expenses and I ended up with his pistol. Via my father. That would have been in the mid 70s...

The King Ranch is quite the place here in Texas, I love going to Kingsville, Tx and the ranch even has it's own breed of cattle, the Santa Gertrudis breed.
I almost went to work for the King Ranch back when Buster Welch was training their cutting horses back in the early 80's.

Well I stand corrected, damn public education, but the gist of the matter is that Texas has a treaty with the United States of America and the US has violated the terms of the treaty and I will expand on that in the future.
Thanks for pointing it out though, I don't have a problem admitting when I am wrong and I like that you and others care enough to help set things straight. Thanks.

I hope you understand that I did not set out to disagree, except that I thought Hawaii should have also been included. I was shocked when I saw those other states listed!

No problem, I know that. I guess in Texas they didn't want to teach that we weren't as special as we thought we were.
The funny part is, I doubt that any of that is taught in an history class. Of course, if those states have a treaty with the USA it might be they don't want people to know.

As someone from the UK, I did find that interesting to know as I have a few friends that live in Texas. I knew about the history behind Texas and how it came about, hope you guys get what you're looking for and I would not be surprised if there's a similar thing you talked about with the laws in other countries too. It's just no-one bothers to read them and they are so difficult to a) interpret and b) get access to.

Anyway, happy new year to you.


We need to read the laws for sure, and not rely on customary acceptance of them.
Happy New Year as well Nicky.

I like history so I read the blog anyway.
Happy New year and may 2019 be prosper

Thanks Britt. Same to you as well.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

You always bring such interesting and important topics to light. I shared this on PYPT yesterday. Hope you're having a great day in the Republic of Texas! ;)

Well I appreciate that very much Katrina, I like PYPT but I seldom have a chance to get involved over there. I am honored that you would do that for me, very nice of you. Thanks so much.
Today was a better day than lately, sunshine and not a drop of rain, rather chilly but that is better than it has been for sure.