For Adventure and Discovery.

in #adventure5 years ago (edited)

“Adventure and Discovery”

Two words that hit me like a bolt out of the blue 48 hrs ago, i knew the hardfork was coming so to avoid all the FUD and GUFF of such things i decided to start putting on the social media blinkers.

put a bow on the daily digest at #160 and pause that for a while, de-activate twitter and reduce social media consumption on a daily basis — change the morning energy and refocus on the courses. What I’ve found is whenever i put this clear signal out to the universe the universe throws me a curve ball — Sod’s law, more client work came in! Can you believe it? :)

Anyway, this morning it appears the issue with hf21 ‘bug’ is fixed. Mad props to the techs for working together and getting the chain working again, seems so far that things are going well in the first day or so, nothing is on fire and while some frontend rep weirdness is happening in partiko, it’s working!

Downtime is just a fact of web life, especially these days, with script kiddies and ddos attacks, i dunno people love to flex from their armchairs with these weapons of mass distraction.

So this morning, instead of jumping into a newsletter, replying to video, going on a twitter deep dive i jumped into checking on my Dube Avalon server, ugh, it’s down, what’s going. .. a little while later i had done a db drop, a backup restore, git pull and boom, we are back up and running again, lovely job ;)

The only reason I’m able to write this morning is that this is normally what i do when i’m having breakfast, the wireless keyboard and the ipad out, writing away, it’s a bit like when your a vlogger, you record so much b-roll throughout the day, this is my part of the day when i get chance to do it.

I certainly feel more clarity even if it was only just twenty four hours, i found myself opening twitter page up so many times yesterday as a weird reflex, i must open that so many times a day, I’ve also nuked like 20+ discord channels, they were a total time suck. I’ve got shit to do! :)

I recommend social media cold turkey to everyone, it’s a bit of a shock at first but you’ll be amazed how much time returns to your day, it really exposes where you are spending/wasting time — that’s not to say i don’t like wasting time because i like to have those chilled days too but they can easily blend into everything else you are doing too.

I’ve actually been really enjoying the challenge of making video for a client over the last week actually, very specific needs, per second instructions, building in ‘tap’ animations for the video, it really opens up the needs of the client and helps me build out better videos in the process.

Web video is very much in flux right now, i can see the total demise of certain platforms that are running at a loss and have been for years now, you can see the cracks starting to show, the faster you get your portfolio over to decentralised platform that have an inflation component to having your content there, the better!

I’d heartily suggest, lbry or SIA right now — especially if you are used to paying big bills for data storage on s3, you can use which is a frontend to the sia blockchain and uses similar endpoints to s3, I’m certainly very interested in how fast the upload/download and latency is to maybe stream via HLS video to a html player — roll on discovery mode, don’t you wish you had a spare month to learn a new skill (this is a personal plan of mine!)

... and on that note..

My life is not very full of adventure and discovery right now and i want to change that, I’m gonna take a few months of focusing up by removing the distraction and zone into what tickles my fancy again. It all got a little same same, you know? Time for some levelling up i think, be around the people you love and that pull you up, let your creativity fly.

Are you stuck too? Existing in the day to day, has it all got a little linear and samey? Maybe you need to do a bit of pruning too. Kick that bullshit routine into touch, get your time back, you’ll wonder what the fuck you were doing and have a ton more clarity than before!

Right, back to the adventure. .. ;)
__humble x


(ps -- yes, that's the real throne)


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