Communism and Capitalism Living Side-by-Side Together in Harmony on the Blockchain.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Steem can serve both of these opposing ideologies simultaneously when you simply allow others to vote freely with their stake. Imagine a steemian draws a picture of A1 sauce, posts it and then proceeds to give themselves a big fat upvote for 50.00. One may think, how dare they eat their steak!?

This kind of behavior is not a problem unless you make it your problem, and if you make it your problem what you’re doing is trying to show you have a higher claim to their Steem Power than they do. If that's the case, how do we sell people on investing when they're ultimately going to learn, that you will be the decider of how they vote?

In what countries do we see dictators forcing people to vote for "THE" party? I’ll answer that: We see this happen in Communist dictatorships, where if you don’t vote with the party, you’ll get punished, caged, or killed. Can we even rightfully call it voting, if you have to vote as you are told to avoid consequences? I think not.

The great part about steem is you can have Communism. You can be your own dictator and bark orders at yourself in the mirror. You can impose a mandate upon yourself to vote as unselfishly as possible, or else there will be a severe flogging. How or why you’d go about doing that to yourself is none of my business, but I say more power to you!

You can also have Capitalism on Steem! You can write awesome posts and reward yourself generously with the SP that your heavy investment into the platform affords you. By doing this, it will give you many opportunities to grow the value of steem by being charitable towards others with your stake. You’ll cause new content creators to join and invest, and when they buy steem it adds value to both the blockchain, and the price of steem!

Yes, someone will at some point join Steem with a massive investment for the sole purpose to curate all day, and every day and that is fine and well. But I like to think of this, not as Communism, or their obligation, but people who are leaders, charitable patrons, well-wishers, or fans, who aim to fund the type of content they wish to see more of.

I think there is entirely way to much talk on the blockchain about coercing conformity and getting people to "do the right thing" with their stake. Instead of acting out in this way, perhaps we need to do with our own stake what we want everyone else to be doing. We're all just individuals here, and many of us are here for different reasons.

If we can be liberty oriented enough to accept our various differences and respect the fiscal autonomy of our fellow Steemians, then maybe we'd have more time to nurture the type of behavior we'd like to see on the blockchain instead of wagging our fingers at the stuff we don't. I'm not an app talented individual, but perhaps someone will one day make a dApp that gamifies quality curation with incentives.

"You too much focus on problem. You need focus solution!"
^ Things that Mr. Miyagi told me in the multiverse.

To Steemians unpleased that not enough giving is happening on the platform, I would suggest maybe you’re being too charitable? Perhaps from time to time, you should be taking some of your Steem Power and applying it to your own posts? I wouldn't judge you for it; in fact, I think the only people who would, are those unfamiliar with the philosophy of liberty–and to be quite frank, those people, they don't count.

Poll: Flags or Downvotes? – A More Balanced Proposal.
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The weigh i grok things, posting on steemit is an amplification of the human individual voice. When we all use those voices in chorus, we have free speech for all. It starts with each of us listening other people out, letting them say their say, then responding with respect. I do believe we are getting play in the proper direction.

I would agree Sir,
very much so! TY
for the resteem!

We see this happen in Communist dictatorships,

So you prefer to keep on spreading the word that #informationwar is biased?
Well thanks for demolishing yourselves.

Biased is unreasoned judgement. I have reasons for
my disdain against both communism and socialism.

Those reasons have everything to do with it falling flat on
its face time and time again historically, and the fact that
it almost always leads to democide and megadeath.
Please do however, tell us what you think on the topic.

You have been using present tense in your post. Accident or intention?
Well, thanks for questioning my and my parents' physical existence. :D A state who largely relies on his inhabitants work force will not disregard their state completely. Yeah, I know what has been told and written about Northern Korea. And I don't say I'm not biased either, having been but a child in 1989. But white is not all white when regarded closely and so is black.

Best regards. :)

If you hail from North Korea, it's likely that the only reason you are able to respond to this post is because you no longer live in North Korea. Also, I said it "almost always leads to democide."

Democide: "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command" – source wiki

You really can't say that the North Korean government doesn't do it's fair share of that. And if you really can't say that the North Korean government doesn't do it's fair share of that. I will understand, as I do realize how they punish families, generationally, as a manipulation tactic, in order to control those whom have successfully escaped.

I have no ill will toward the people of North Korea, but I have every reason in the world to despise their system of governance as it is antithetical in every way to the philosophy of liberty.

Interesting point of view my friend. I Agree, there are a lot of ways to be a "Steemian".

You can be a Capitalist and invest in yourself or others as a reward for the quality of their content.

You can be a Communist, coercing others or even yourself to be "fair" in the communist sense of the word that in practice has never really turned out to be fair.

You can be "Crony" and support friends or "Teammates".

You can be a Fascist and "Attack" and "Flag" (Now Downvote) those who don't think like you or who make content that doesn't seem "Ok" to you.

We can be free, to use our investment and our profits to help others in whatever way we see fit, and as long as we don't negatively affect someone else it's okay for us to be.

Excelent Post Bro!.

I'm not an app talented individual, but perhaps someone will one day make a dApp that gamifies quality curation with incentives.

Yep @thoughts-in-time. I believe 'Quality Curation' is the main game here regardless Communism or Capitalism.

As for your Mr. Miyagi quote... I just hope you also understand a bit of venezuelan spanish. };)

:D - Sorry I don't understand Venezuelan Spanish.

Oh! ¡Wadda pity!

You can't imagine about the unforgettable Miyagi's teaching that you have lost. 🤣

Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Yeah, nah. Shit house intaface keeps people in they're filta bubel. Yu follow who you like and limited votin powr so vote mostly who yo supprt.

Thanks for the feedback, there are numerous
Steemians who have moved onto different
condensers ( technical term for interface) is a new and up and coming
one focused around creating communities.

Chur. Will check it out.