How Quarantine is Affecting Easter Celebration?

in GEMS4 years ago

Things have been pretty okay and smooth until the advent of this virus and as a result, usual activities have been badly disrupted. One of the things this lockdown initiative has badly affected in some places in the annual Easter gathering.

For starters, Easter is a christian celebration where christians and believers in Jesus Christ gather all over the world to celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is usually a time to reflect and think on the weight of what Christ did and as well show gratitude to Him by accepting Him as our Lord and personal saviour.

Sadly, for some places like mine, we cannot have our usually gathering to celebrate this programme and it is kind off sad. Our prayer should be that this should be over soon. Many persons right now at sitting at homes whereas they would have been in their respective churches.


Government as a way of lifting the ban said churches can meet but should not be more 20 persons. How bad and ridiculous?

However, this shows us that all we have now and can do freely, we should not take them for granted. Be thankful and grateful for everything because it is a are privilege. Be grateful for your freedom cause it can be taken away from you at any time.

I know I can still stay connected to the season even in my closet but truth be told, there is a difference feeling and experience you get in corporate worship and adoration to God. I miss the songs, the praise, the word, worship and prayers but I cannot help it.

I'll have to wait for next year Easter celebration!

All the same, Happy Easter to you! JESUS loves you more!