Curating the Curators for CC

This is my second curation post, and I'd like to do something a bit different.
I'd like to introduce you to the people on this server that actively search out posts with the #creativecoin tag, so that you can be aware of not only what their names are if you see them in chat, but what particular type of creative work they do or might curate, and what makes them totally awesome and incredible.
Each of these people are bloggers, community leaders, curators and creators in their own way, each with a unique perspective and particular projects they support.
These mentions are a current list of curators, mods, vips and other lurky members of creative coin (CC) and sonic groove (SG), (aplogies if i've missed anyone), with a brief description of their roles, projects and accomplishments. This description is not meant to be extensive; rather it is more of a lighthearted perspective from this authors eyes.
Below the description is a post of theirs that you can read, or in my opinion should read. Keep in mind that they might not be current posts, just posts I feel that highlights the individuals talent.
from ancient spirits spiraling through time; photo by crimsonclad
clayboyn - mod extraordinaire, philosopher, poet, technical and creative writer, expert memist, crypto-geek, mspw dj for "coffee and philosophy", cope lover and crimrotica expert
crimsonclad - ms msp modness, full force radio dj, witness, photographer, graphic artist, passionate metal music lover, creative writer, travel-blogger, dog lover, at home do it yourself-er, and steemwaves saturday dj
derangedvisions - *creativecoin co-partner, super-curator, promoter and marketing strategist, witness, photographer, filmmaker, deranged photography contest creator, role giver. likes to say "people" *
drakos - self proclaimed steem witness, scientist, geek, musician, artist, thinker, cryptoenthusiast, does codey dev script thingies, curator for numerous tribes, pirate
drumoperator - modular synthesist, drum operator, electronic dance, dsound audio artist, sonic groove curator, nextcolony game soundtrack contributer.
d-vine - music producer, audio engineer, photographer, artist, nature lover, sonic groove curator, spotlight on the artist dj, choon artist
- listen to alien abduction
georgeboya - freelancer collage artist and illustrator, studied interior design, art conservation & restoration, curator for helpie and creativecoin. has made his coffee with the same little spoon for almost ten years... (guinness book candidate?)

from the stars are right (a handcut collage) by georgeboya
harrisonmir - audio mix pro, sound design, electronic musician, sfx designer/co-composer for splinterlands, game finagler
- listen to Splinterlands OST - The Pilgrimage
isaria - CC/SG creator, manager, decider, creator of msp-music, msp mod, open mic sponsor, msp/helpie/CC/SG curation, creative contest, mspw steemit creative show dj, musician, steem monsters director of content and music, chief yeller and cat owner, cheezits hoarder
juliakponsford - artist, writer, songwriter, musician, photographer, curator of art, creator of ocean of art contests, msp mod, mspw director, resident alien
- read surrealist vacation!
neoxian - neoxian city server founder, commander and chief, bank of neoxian creator, resident dragon
paintingangels - singer, songwriter, helpie server ambassador, helpie witness team, chocoholic, sonic groove curator, lover of all things keanu, foodaholic, cookie giver, strange story teller.
from finding myself in random places by serena matthews
princessmewmew - posts about food, restaurants, antiques and design. listens to punk rock, drinks coffee. loves cats. its a good bet if you write about any of that, she might be into curating it
shadowspub - Ramble community coordinator, pimp your post thursday (PYPT), curation corner, witness chat, DJ, curator
snekkerdoodle - freelance artist, creative writer, poet, crafter, doodler, knitter, photographer, apple thief, ace curator
soyrosa - photographer, fabric/fiber artist, visual conceptual artist, digital designer, cc curator
from the making of a nuno-felted scarf photo by soyrosa
swelker101 - "The Shane". CC/SG creator, manager, decider, mspw Steemit creative dj, one time witness, shanehug creator, triangle proficionado, gadget lover, 80s music geek, knee bender, top person to blame, denier of $5M prizes
torico - rabbit dawg, rebel, cookie maker, wordsmith poet, clown troll, armchair voyager, cranky old bat, cultural attache from uranus, self proclaimed shaman and freak of nature. likes to take photos of rocks, bones, dead flowers, and buggies
trucklife-family - poet, creative writer, doula, nature lover, vegan, birth activist and defender of all things wild
from stepping outside the human bubble!, photo by trucklife-family
victoriabsb - msp mod, spanish community curator, curación semanal de msp, lawyer, baby mamma, chocolate lover
whatsup - community leader, steemit news commentator and opinion blogger, frequent on air guest, CC moderator
zipporah - photographer, writer, songstress, musician. illustrator, founder of the kindness collective, curator for sonic groove
from holga- plastic pinhole medium format, photo by zipporah
So I’ve been away from Steem and the online world for weeks ... and come back and find like a million tribes and coins and HF21 still raging on....
But so cool to see this creative project and seeing a very very cool team of curators behind it!!!!
Good work folks! Looking forward to seeing more of it!!
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yay for coming back!
Plz check the link to @juliakponsford - a misstype in the link
ha it took my brain a day to figure out what u meant. sometimes i think i have a mistype in my brain.
Ha! This was so lovely @torico, but hadn't had the time to properly comment :-) I can see we have a great team and I love the diversity! Thanks for properly introducing us :-)
yay! thank you, i enjoyed bringing attention to what goes into running a tribe.
Hello @torico, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!
thank you sooo much for your notice! i hadnt heard of your e-mag before it lookjs stupendous!
Nice idea!
thank you! i wanted to celebrate the team :)
This is a great idea @torico, wonderful way to introduce the curation team and other assorted CCC contributors :)
im a genius.. ;)
well duh
Coolest cool idea @torico, i ve learned so much about all of you:) Armchair voyager? that goes for me also,lol.
arent we all, because if i ever lambo from steem i'll be taking photos first hand.
Oh, thats for sure:)
Oooh, myyy – be still my beating heart. Just lookit all these remarkable humans. Tis an honor to be named amongst all you lovelies.
Thank you for this, dear Tori – your lil' 'splanatory blurbies made me giggle. :)
This is an awesome post telling you about some awesome people that curate people.
I gotta start remembering this tag. Loving all the creativity shown here
this is only the tip ;)