Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Hibernating



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Monkey Business

25 word comment Contest A Better Life.jpg


Write a comment about hibernating

Tulis komentar tentang hibernasi


• Post in the comment section

Original text written by you
No AI-generated text

• Minimum of words: 25

• No plagiarism

• Mention your sources if needed

• All Steemians are welcome!

• Invite someone new instead of curators, moderators, and mentors

• Read at least 3 comments and talk + upvote
Not supportive? You can't win.

• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment #hibernating

• Deadline: payout of this post

Kopie van Een subtitel toevoegen.jpg
SCB will use the topic of this contest and link to it



paid by @wakeupkitty.pal

#1 | 2 uvf
#2 | 2 uvf

Winners of the last 25-Word Comment Contest

Will be announced in the Comment Section
Pemenang Kontes Komentar 25 Kata terakhir
Akan diumumkan di Bagian Komentar


Header/Photogrid: Canva
Picture source
Date: 3.12.2024

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

CC @disconnect

#betterlife #comment #hibernating #wewrite #steemexclusive

 last month (edited)

Kiriman Instagram Acara Perayaan Seni Virtual Tipografi Putih.png

Hibernasi menurut saya itu sebuah kebiasaan yang ada pada hewan, yang mana hewan ini akan melakukan sebuah tidur yang panjang di persembunyiannya disaat musim dingin tiba.

Mereka melakukan ini karena mempunyai beberapa alasan antara lain disebabkan penurunan metabolisme, seperti pernapasan yang rendah. Secara otomatis mereka akan bersembunyi serta menghindari dari predator yang akan memangsanya, karena pernapasan yang dratis menurun sehingga mereka juga lambat menghindari dari serangan musuh.

Sebelum musim dingin ini tiba tentu saj hewan-hewan ini sudah melakukan antisipasinya dengan cara memakan makanan sebanyak-banyaknya, bahkan menyimpan makan yang banyak ditempat persembunyiannya.

Tujuan dari hibernasi ini bagi hewan tertentu yaitu berguna untuk menghemat energi selama musim dingin ini berlangsung.

Hewan yang melakukan hibernasi seperti : tupai, landak

Saya mengundang


#betterlife #comment #hibernating

 last month 

Terimakasih sudah mengundang saya Pak.

 last month 

Sama-sam buk

 last month 

Terimakasih banyak atas kehadiran anda.


Bagaimana dengan katak, salamander, kadal, ular, beruang, apa saja. Saya pikir itu untuk kelangsungan hidup. Bukan hanya karena kedinginan tapi juga karena kekurangan makanan. Saya pernah membaca artikel tentang hewan yang biasanya menjadi musuh satu sama lain (pemburu dan mangsa) yang tidur bersama di sebuah ruangan besar saat musim dingin. Alam jelas telah menemukan solusi untuk menghindari kepunahan. Ini mengingatkan saya pada animasi yang saya lihat beberapa waktu lalu, "Robot Liar". Ketika saya melihat hewan-hewan berkelahi bersama di dalam gua saat terjadi badai musim dingin, saya berpikir: hal itu tidak terjadi di kehidupan nyata.

 last month 

Kadal, katak, ular, landak, tikus, juga akan melakukan hal yang sama juga. Mereka lakukan ini untuk menghindari dari kematian akibat musim dingin yang susah mendapat makanan, apa lagi bila berada di daerah yang bersalju.

Mereka juga menghindari dari mangsa yang akan menjadikan mereka sebagai makanan bagi pemangsanya.

Many years ago I read a fictional story in Spanish where a young newspaper woman would have loved to hibernate to forget her tedious life. She felt like the Ugly Duckling because she was too fat and the newspaper's director left the worst jobs to her, despite her university degree, while her blonde and thin friends, who only owned High School, got better articles to publish. And the love of her life, a reporter, saw her as only a friend. Well, she couldn't hibernate, as she needed her salary, so she had to go to work. Luckier animals like these little cuties that can hibernate without thoughts😂:


Ps.: Pixabay free image (

#betterlife #comment #hibernating

Inviting my friend @stefano.massari

What a colourful kittens! Thank you

I would love to hibernate as well. It sounds like a great solution. No need to eat, heat the house, no shopping, one can save a lot of money and after the winter I have slimmed down (most likely not but you know what I mean) and the best of all I wake up rested at least that's what I hope for and why I want it. I always wanted to take a sleep cure and wake up refreshed
Look at that picture. Happy together, surrounded by their favoured snacks and covered by colourful leaves. How bad can an animal's life be?
I agree they don't have the endless thinking, wondering, asking they follow their instinct and it's good as it is.

Happy squirrels😂Surely, the newspaper woman of the story would gladly have taken their place, if only she could😂😂😂😂. And us also😂😂😂😂

 last month (edited)

She can if she asks the doctor for a sleeping cure. It's good for the body and health since cells will be replaced (except brain cells).

And what about the newspaper's salary she needs to pay the rent and the bills? If she hibernates😂😂😂😂

 last month 

The still unknown world of hibernate is a very interesting process which is observed in different animals In this article I would like to tell you about an amazing monkey who has rather astonishing abilities to adapt in this state. Such a species that has interested us is the primate species of monkeys living in colder climates of the world. For example, the South American pygmy marmoset (or emperor tamarin) can also hibernate under some situations.

Suspended animation, in so far as can be seen from mammals like monkeys, the bear as well as the rodents, is a period within which these animals lapse into dormancy because of lack of food coupled by the barbers of climatic conditions such as extreme cold. Animal hibernation happens when the instinct is to save energy but also to keep it safe from hunters as they’re very active when they’re hibernating. Notably the monkeys that live in the cold climates different from the bears and rodents hibernate without even decreasing their body temperature. Instead, all of them are going to reduce their metabolic rates.

Taking a peek at the actual hibernation of monkeys as an example, it becomes obvious that the underlying motivation behind this move is not energy conservation during the winter, but during summer when food is also limited. Therefore, it remains their custom to survive hunger seasons and other bad weathers. For instance, emperor tamarin which dwells in the cooler aforesial areas of South America feeds it according to the amount of food available in its environment. If fruits are not available they have to rely on insects as well as plant life. But in the worst parts of the year, they eat very little and take large helpings of fat, seldom if ever improving this by a mouthful of the vegetation that we saw.

Apparently, Mary says that this monkey hibernation is very flexible, one that cannot be fixed in hours or in days, but one that occurs depending on the changes in the environment primarily with regard to food supply. Also distinctive from other hibernating mammals, hibernating monkeys are not to be found in dens, burrows, or other such like structures. Instead they like tree cavities or rocky heights where it takes less energy for them to maintain a body temperature balance. For example, the emperor tamarin spends most of the day in the branches of a tree lying somewhat like a lizard with little radial movement during the period.

In addition, the monkeys have a longer period of inactivity and reduced feeding as well as reproduction, during winter and this period the rates of illnesses and injuries are likely to be high thus being disadvantageous to the monkeys survival. This is because they use other body methods to steer clear of infections and these incorporate social grooming as their defensive method. During hibernation stinking monkeys may live in groups and clean each other’s skin coat to get rid of parasites or keep warm.

Monkey hibernation is yet another interesting area where they are still hibernating even during day or night with its mechanism of its partial wakefulness or coming forth of their sleeping state. The reason of these activities might be very diverse; need to place a hand over a water or acrylic bearer, fear of predators, or any other sort of environment change. In such partial arousal periods, which consist of periods of elevated metabolic rate so that they can move, search for food and even socialize with other group members before they return to rest, their fate is left to fate.

In general, we can realized that the described process of monkey hibernation is one more monkey unique trait as (one of) the fundamental actions of monkeys who stay and can live in any environments as defenders of primates. The kind of energy they use to conserve itself and how they defend themselves from infections and other predators makes the hibernation process among animals an exclusive model of survival. Therefore, the protection and conservation of these interesting animals require that they be seen and learned more about.


It is not hard to write a comment is it?



 last month 

Yes it is , but when we have will to do something different and creative. Nothing is impossible.
Thank you so much for visiting my post.
I hope you will visit my posts often🤗

 last month (edited)

When I open Google and type in the word hibernation, one of the answer choices says that hibernation is a long sleep that some animals do to save energy during the winter.

Here I try to express my thoughts, I don't know whether this is true or not according to other people.

In my opinion, sometimes we do some activities that are almost like hibernation, such as taking a long sleep without doing any activities, turn off the power to save battery, freeze food so that the food can last longer.

I apologize if my opinion is wrong.

I invite my friends:

#betterlife #comment #hibernating #wewrite #steemexclusive

Animals can hibernate (sleep for a longer period weeks, months) and the computer can. What you say doesn't sound wrong to me. If we do nothing for a longer period why not call it hibernating? We call it resting or being non active for a while but it's not different from what the computer does.

You should not apologize for sharing your idea or thoughts. Everyone's opining or thought counts and it's good to hear something different. I makes me think. Why is it we use this words for animals and computers but nog for trees, food, humans?

Thanks for joining and a great Sunday.

 last month 

It's a wonderful thing when someone can accept your opinion even if it seems a bit strange...😁

I did not discover the strange part. If it comes to strange: all inventions, tool, gadgets, you name it come from strange thinkers. If you do not think nothing new is tried out, tested, discovered, developed. It makes sense to me.


 last month 

Thank you very much my dear friend @wakeupkitty.pal. 😊

 last month 

Beda istilah dalam penyebutan katanya, makna dari kata tersebut mempunyai tujuan yang sama.

Sama-sama menjaga kondisi, agar bisa fress kembali disaat beraktifitas .

Sepertinya kontes komentar kali ini sangat menarik untuk di ikuti, dan saya sangat suka itu, tema yang tidak asing di telinga saya"hibernasi"

Hibernasi adalah keadaan istirahat atau tidur yang dilakukan oleh hewan pada musim dingin untuk menghemat energi dan bertahan hidup selama musim dingin berlangsung.

Hibernasi ini dilakukan beberapa bulan saat musim dingin dan juga tergantung cadangan lemak yang tersimpan, hewan-hewan yang melakukan hibernasi diantaranya adalah tupai, beruang, landak, hamster dan beberapa hewan lainnya.

Saat saya menonton film kartun Marsha and the bear, disana si beruang melakukan hibernasi sampai musim semi tiba, sehingga saya tahu kalau beruang juga melakukan hibernasi pada musim dingin, sedangkan Shandy(tupai) di film kartun Spongebob juga melakukan hal yang sama.

Terkadang pengetahuan juga bisa kita dapatkan saat menonton film-film kartun atau pun film lainnya, atau kalau ada waktu luang kita akan membaca di perpustakaan untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan kita.

mengundang teman saya
@ulfatulrahmah, @watii, @rissi

#betterlife #comment #hibernating #wewrite #steemexclusive

If you ask me we all love to stat in bed during the winter or better the hibernating. If you just stay in bed you got to cook, do the dishes, have to drink, eat. Let me share you a great film. No need to understand what is said. The film says it old. Enjoy.
By the way they say the first humankind did hibernate, only woke up every now then (toilet and a drink?) and slept on. Good method if there's not much food.

Well, in the movie it looks like people never need a toilet, whether hibernating or not😂. Very lucky people😂😂😂😂. Beautiful documentary.

 last month 

Terimakasih undangannya Bu,semoga berhasil

 last month 

Terimakasih sudah mengundang saya Bu.

Since you asked not too long ago here's a video about hibernate, sleep or shut down.

Sleep is low power, it draws power and if you start working RAM is super fast
Hibernate: PC wakes up and is faster than if shut down and your files are there (no power).
There's a new one sleep/hiber blah blah watch yourself and you know.

Sleep or hiber/sleep is the best option if you come back soon and continue working (laptop workers he says).

Thanks @xiao-aine for this video. I have never heard of hybrid sleep, I'm glad I learnt about it today.

Thank you for the info and the video. I am glad you wrote it down as well. He speaks fast. My problem isn't solved after changing the settings though.

If my VAIO netbook starts to hibernate, it never wakes up: I must let it finish the battery charge to reboot😂

Hibernating in biology is a state of inactivity or slowing down metabolic activities that enter animals to avoid harsh weather conditions.

When animals hibernate their body temperature, heart rate and breathing decreases.

I've heard about animals like bears, bats, ground squirrels, etc. that hibernate but I've seen a snail especially during hibernation.

The snail retracts it into the shell and secretes a white or milky cast (epiphragam) on the shell lid and buries itself in the hole in the soil.

It is a wonder that animals can take a break for real and they are still very alive and nothing is at risk as it is a very common aspect of their lives.

I invite @clarvin @bluelavender @triple-e

I was seeing my tortoises hibernating when I was a child.

Hmm that's a sight, I didn't know tortoises also hibernates.

It's a good way to survive harsh times, weather but also a lack of food. A study of 2020 suggests that 500.000 years ago people did hibernate.
Hibernating is also invested by NASA. They want to transfer hibernating astronauts and people to MARS or wherever they like to go. A way to kill the boredom. Hibernating humans is seen like a fantasy and future dream today while it might have normal 500.000 years ago. Humans are mammals so it is possible or should I say a logic thing to do where there's no shelter and a lack of food.

 last month (edited)

The last comment contest had only 2 entries. Did everyone die? No one has questions if it comes to SP? I find it amazing but even if this is the case how come no one is willing to share his knowledge with others? Come on people my time is as precious as yours.

In the community ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕ you might find topics you like to know more about. I wrote about Who Benefits if A Prize is Paid in SP and if no one cares I might switch to that system as well since I already have the answer.

Let me know if it's fine you receive SP as a prize/reward instead of Steem or UVF/SBI
@kafio @rashid001 @abdullahw2 @saintkelvin17 @jiva34 @jiya99 @liasteem @sterii @tezzmax @rissi @pousinha are you fine with it? What if the curators reward you with delegated SP instead of Steem just a few every time?

Last week's winners are

@clarvin and @bluelavender - 2 UVF each (the more shares you have the better and you can earn them as well by using site and join their weekly contest (easy peasy).

Screenshot_20241203-141948_Samsung Internet.jpg

Paid by @wakeupkitty.pal

I choose it all I don't discriminate as we all have the right to participate however it's up to you what you wish to do with your life or your account.

If someone wishes to support me with steem power or a delegation I will be happy as I didn't have that yesterday or before.

Some of us have never tried withdrawal from the steem it platform before because our accounts are so small and we wish to grow it to passive income, look at how many people are no longer on the platform anymore.

For me anything is welcome as beggars can't be choosers I digress not everyone is making $80 steem per post and yes some even die without having seen anything materialize from steem or their accounts. I don't really care because it only matters to those who actually gain something from the platform. Imagine what I will I do with 4 steem per month nothing!! it can't pay for my groceries. Eventually the best way is to try and invest from your personal savings because sometimes you don't even win the contests.

At least someone came out and tried to provide a way. So for me anything is welcome I am not rich and yes my time is yours as me and I will try for you.

One day maybe I can tell my children and have achieved something special but for now I believe I don't have any say in the matter it's just to pray trust in God and make steem it as fun as I possibly can for as many people as I possibly can.

The money is small so there's no point going on all over the place about it I am lucky to have time's I can even make at least $0.4 cent's on a post .

God bless you and your family may an abundance of wealth and wisdom fall upon all who read this note and blessings be upon you if this may even be the last time we ever succeeded in communication.


 last month (edited)

I go for everything just like you. We can't be picky but on the other if I needed money right now I rather have Steem the digi coin so I can use it.
It's like said a delegation can be taken back. I am lucky enough I receive a delegation 'cause my vp is low and I doubt that will change in the next year.
Did you notice the topic of this contest? yu should join or don't you hibernate?

This is so true well I am going to prepare an entry for the contest about hibernation thank you for the heads up @xiao-aine

Great and good luck!

Wow this is incredible you are definitely making a difference in our community thank you for the vote of confidence it's definitely appreciated sincerely..

Kind regards


This is a so realistic, we just have to keep grinding a little here and a little there and also gather knowledge where necessary.

Yes I do believe it's possible and that it's all based on how you think of it or how you take it. Personally I mean this is the same for most of everything we wish to take on in life..

 last month 

Am surprised you received 2 entries and I think alot of people ignored the contest intentionally and I keep on wondering why, are there attention drawn to somewhere else?

I prefer steem/steem power reward than delegation except the delegation is almost massive. Two years ago a moderator organized a contest and made delegation the reward, I even thought he was going to share that amount of steem power delegation to us directly as steem power.

My steem power wasn't up to 2k then, I rushed to participate in the contest and gave it my all only fore to finally realize at the end that it was delegation rewards not steem power reward 🤧. I think I didn't win as well.

Such reward is impressive anyway and newbies love it alot especially the ones that have full knowledge about it. About the poor turnout of steemians, I believe with time more steemians will participate in this contest.

I try to understand what you wrote, so let's take it step by step...

  1. Why people didn't join this contest?
    Can be they hate me, can be someone else offers more, can be because it's December, can be I didn't translate the topic, can be those who always joined left, can be the community is falling asleep, can be they don't like commenting.

  2. I prefer Steem/an investment above a delegation.
    I know I will rarely check if I received it and if so if it's still there. Imagine I have a long list of 2 SP delegated. Will I miss it if someone takes all the delegations away? No most likely not and if so what can I do? I can ask how or what but I won't get paid, receive a refund and if the account is powering down.
    The benefits of an investment (SBI/UVF) I immediately noticed as I returned. I receive upvotes for what I post also from those who automatically upvote me, old Steemians. I am sure you would be happy too if anyone would do that for you.

  3. SP as a reward
    It's only this year I noticed SP was set for a reward instead of Steem.
    I still have no reply from those who did why they do this so the answer is clear to me and you confirmed it.
    The average Steemian has no idea and believes it is Steem so they cheer. For sure there are more like you who believe that it will be more than 2 delegated SP. A better prize would be a certain % of what the post will be rewarded with but that will not work if the post receives no upvotes (or perhaps it will and help people to understand that if they do not upvote the host there is no payout).

I don't understand what you mean with this:

newbies love it alot especially the ones that have full knowledge about it.

How can newbies have fully knowledge of the SP-delegation-deal? Why should they love receiving nothing?

As I understand now the only benefit is for the one who has to pay the prizes: no risk of losing the club, no risk of losing Steem.
If more Steemians will participate in contests where the reward is SP this means they will never level up, they have no Steem to power down or Steem to use._

Saya rasa bukan karena benci teman.... contohnya saya, ketika di undang di kontes mana pun kalau waktu dan bahannya ada saya akan berusaha mengikutinya.

Tapi kalau waktunya mepet dan tak terkejar terpaksa saya abaikan semoga di kontes berikutnya saya akan ikut berpartisipasi.

Anda tahu? Terkadang saya tidak mengerti apa yang akan saya jawab mungkin pengetahuan saya kurang atau pun bahannya harus saya ambil dari internet.

Terus terang kalo mengambilnya dari internet saya khawatir takut salah dan kejadian seperti kawan saya, mengikuti kontes lalu salah menautkan sumber dan akhirnya terkena masalah dianggap plagiat.

Tanpa teguran /peringatan langsung dilaporkan ke sc01 atau 02, padahal dia pendatang baru dan masih tidak mengerti banyak hal, dan sampai sekarang dia tidak mau menulis lagi di platform steemit ini.

Padahal kalau saya lihat tulisannya sangat bagus dan berbobot ketimbang hasil tulisan saya yang mungkin sesuai dengan jalan pikiran saya sendiri yang menceritakan perihal apapun.

 last month 
  1. I think is because is December, this December seems to be affecting alot of steemians. The prize in a contest also play a very vital role so it seems they want it bigger.

  2. SBI is a very wonderful thing and is only one steemian that has done it for me, when he was trying to experiment something and he intends to do it again in the nearest future.

  3. Steem power reward started trending last year because alot of people didn't want to go out of a club but now that not being in a club isn't a serious issue I think some should continue sharing steem as reward.

The reason I said newbies will love a delegation reward more is because most of them don't have much resource credit to make numerous comments so getting delegation will help them and their rate of voting posts will be more better that period.

You got not opinion about hibernating?

 last month 

Kenapa diantara anda berdua di dalam komentr menyebutkan bulan desember, memangnya kenapa dengan bukan desember ini, apakah karena harga steem naik dan muncul SBD lagi, atau apa keistimewaannya bagi steemian dengan bulan ini.

 last month 

Greetings Mr. Bahrol, we were talking about December because is a season where alot of people travel to different places and these places might not have good network for steemians to be active online.

When we were discussing this the return of SBD wasn't trending so we weren't talking about SBD and all. I hope you understand.

 last month 

Seperti itu ya

Ini adalah bulan pengucapan syukur, Natal dan Malam Tahun Baru. Orang-orang berkumpul dengan keluarga, teman, hadiah, perayaan, lebih banyak kunjungan ke gereja dan mudah-mudahan juga mengundang orang miskin. Di samping itu di banyak negara musim dingin dimulai, sekolah tutup selama 2 minggu sehingga lebih banyak waktu untuk keluarga, kunjungan, liburan musim dingin di luar negeri. Itulah yang dimaksud.
Begitu juga dengan perayaan agama Anda, Anda tidak hadir.
Jika untuk bullrun atau SBD banyak yang terlambat, mereka seharusnya aktif dan tidak mati karena Steem adalah 0,13.

@ wakeupkitty

It is the month of thanks giving, christmas and New Years Eve. People arebusy with family, friends, gifts, celebrations, more church visits and hopefully also invite the poor. Next to that in many countries the Winter started, schools close for 2 weeks so more time for family, visits, winter vacation abroad. That is what is meant.
You have the same with your religion celebrations and are absent.
If it was for the bullrun or SBD many are too late, they should have been active and not been powering down as Steem was 0.13.

@ wakeupkitty

 last month 

Kalau untuk perayaan agama saya juga akan melakukannya dan akan segera datang, saya pikir ada hal yang lebih woww tentang steemit selain melambungnya harga steem.

Kalau untuk mereka yang merayakan hari rayanya sudah pasti akan menikmatinya bersama keluarga dan bisa saja akan lupa dengan steemit ini untuk sementara waktu.

Mungkin habis liburan mereka akan kembali aktif dengan postingan-postingan tentang yang mereka alami, jalani, nikmati bersama keluarga di masa natal dan tahun baru.

Akan tetapi disaat harga steem melambung seperti ini, pasti banyak yang melakukan penjualan steem. Tetapi saya tidak bisa melakukannya.

Well, this demands a bit of deliberation.
Perhaps, a voting poll might work on this; that's if it's possible to pull up one here.🤔
It's Just a suggestion.

are there voting polls again?

I don't know.
I'm not sure.

@wakeupkitty I saw the contest and was hoping to learn from it considering that I didn't really understand the terms about Sp, SBI and UVF
I am forced to probably say there are more of such people as myself.

There are many more and if you read the commentsection here but also the former contest than you will see more info is written in the comment section. If you have more question I might be able to answer them and if not let's hope/search for someone who can.

 last month 

Selama saya mengikuti dan membaca sesuatu yang posting maupun melalui sebuah kontes, banyak sekali informasi dan pengetahuan yang saya dapatkan, baik itu berupa pengetahuan umum maupun pengetahuan tentang dunia steemit. Kadang kala saya asyik membaca semua komentar dan memahaminya sehingga lupa untuk berbuat sesuatu.

Seperti sekarang ini, saya sudah memahami tentang UVF.

Hal yang sama berlaku bagi saya. Saya selalu membaca sesuatu yang baru dan beberapa jam berikutnya dihabiskan untuk membaca, menyimpan tautan, dan membuat catatan. Jika Anda ingin menulis, lebih baik menulis komentar pertama dan komentar berikutnya pada 2-3 posting setelah itu gangguan (kecanduan?) akan dimulai.

 last month (edited)

Kadang kala saya membacanya berulang-ulang untuk lebih memahaminya. Karena membaca itu mengingat. Jadi saya baca beberapa kali biar lebih mengingatnya.

 last month 

Saya juga begitu, selama saya membaca komentar dari setiap kontes ini, selalu mendapatkan apa yang belum saya ketahui. Singkat ceritanya, kontes ini bisa menambah ilmu dan wawasan dengan gemar membaca setiap komentar.

Need to think better, dear friend: in this moment I don't know😂.

Hey, friend, how are you doing? Enjoying the freedom or are you hibernating? I'm happy with the delegation I receive but I don't count on it to be till eternity. I hope your health and your husband his is okay. Keep my fingers crossed for you. By the way you should leave a comment about "hibernating" (you got a laptop).

Let's me see😂...
Thank you for your concern: thanks God, it looks like the worst is gone in the case of my husband. I'm still fighting against my chronic disease...

 last month 

Honestly, I don't really understand, which one is better for us to receive as a gift? Is it SP, UVF or upvote Curator or Booming? I hope maybe someone can explain to me.

 last month (edited)

Let me explain it to you.


If I give you 10 Steem you have a crypto. You can choose what to do with it. You can use it to power up or you can change it and buy something for it.

Booming Upvote

If you are nominated for a Booming Upvote your name is written on a form and if the Steemit Team agrees you receive a high upvote. This upvote will be partly steem and partly steem power (SP).
The steem power powers automatically up, the steem is for you and you decide what you want to do with it.


No one can give you SP (steem power). I can borrow you SP if you have nothing and are new so you can post, upvote, edit your posts, write replies and redeem the money in your wallet. Everything you do on steemit uses SP except reading.
If I borrow you SP I delegate it to you but it remains mine. You can't power it down and change it into Steem and buy something from it.
What I delegate I can take back any minute.
Some delegate for free (steemians to communities) and there are rich steemians you can pay and they delegate Steem to you for 1 month or 2 as long as you like and pay them. The only plus is you can give higher upvotes to others (unless you self-vote).


Both are investments. If you have them (the more the better) you receive an automatic upvote on your post. How much depends on how many you have, how frequently you post it may be clear that if you just posted, you will not receive it again if you post 5 minutes later (or you must have a lot).

As I returned 1 year back I posted and I received upvotes from SBI and those who automatically upvote me. Some are Steemians no longer active. It is a nice extra to know that even if no one upvotes you, you can still earn a bit with what you post. That is what UVF (the UpvoteFund) and SBI (Steem Basic Income) are about.

If you have more questions, please ask.

 last month 

Thank you very much for the explanation my dear friend. Now I start to understand about Steem, SP, UVF.

This means that each of them has its own advantages.

Later if I'm confused, I'll ask again. 😊

Thank you @wakeupkitty I just read this after my previous reply, Though I'm still trying to process a bit of the information but then thanks for going all the way through explain.

Just take it easy since it all isn't easy to understand. I k now how confusing I found it and that's the same if it comes to delegating SP. It's only recently that I saw it as a prize and wondered what the reason might be and I also understood that many have something completely different in mind. Perhaps they read they will earn Steem just like I've been told that if is written SP it is Steem on which we are focused to conclude those Steem never arrived.

Thank you so much @wakeupkitty

You are welcome. A great weekend to you!

Hi. I don't understand this either... Hope someone explains it...

I just answered, so have a look and let me know if you understand it more now or have more questions.

Thank you. I don't know how you understand so many things so easily. It must be IQ. I'll still be trying to figure this out a bit. But your explanation does help a lot.
how-to-draw-an-easy-cartoon-bug-featured-image-1200 x.gif

 last month 

Kalau menurut saya, apa saja boleh hadiahnya bila hadiah itu untuk diberikan kepada saya 😁😁😁. Tugas saya hanya mengikuti kontes, bila dapat hadiahnya
harus diterima dalam bentuk apa saja, apa pun bentuk pemberian dari orang lain harus diterima tanpa komplin.

Ini menurut saya saja.

Apakah SP yang didelegasikan merupakan hadiah jika diambil?
Apa yang paling Anda sukai? Steem (uang), power (SP pinjaman) atau?
Jika menyangkut hadiah, itu memang sesuatu yang harus kita hargai dalam cara pemberiannya. Jika tidak disukai, kita punya pilihan untuk berkata: Tidak terima kasih, Anda dapat menyimpannya atau tidak bergabung saja

 last month 

Saya akan bergabung disaat ada kesempatannya,...

Saya menyukai uang dan juga Power (SP bukan Pinjaman), bila pun di berikan Power (SP Pinjaman) maunya saya yang banyak dan ditarik kembali oleh pemilik di jangka waktu yang lama, 😀😀


It's a fascinating survival strategy used by some animals to get through periods of cold temperatures and limited food supplies but humans also utilize it.

Let me elaborate, say for example your not happy at your work place or you feel severe exhaustion from work.

Humans hibernate when they take leave or quit there jobs to understand what they really want out of life and also learn about themselves as people or as a person.
This helps us save energy, survive and for our mental health.

Imagine it like a long, deep sleep where the body slows down to a very low energy state. Bears, bats, and some small mammals like groundhogs and hedgehogs hibernate differently from us as they prepare for hibernation by eating a lot to build up fat reserves where as we save money to survive when retired or having no work.

It's important to have freedom or multiple sources of income to be able to free your mind and achieve your truer talents. Honestly not enough of us have those luxuries but it happens.

It's nature's way of helping us survive harsh conditions!

I invite my friends: @deepak94 @pink @amjadsharif


Especially during these hard days when the same job during an entire life (as in our grandparents' days) became a piper dream...

It's no longer the same as the authority has now rather made everything easier for them rather than society and the people paying their tex money. It's like the government is a person and it also has feeling's.

 last month 

Although hibernation is rare in monkeys most especially the emperor tamarin, the later undergoes short periods of torpor all in the aim of conserving energy during the cold season.