Art Explained By A Writer - Passiaren Fortsættes - 1919
My love!
Her smile was one he would kill for. So many words of love he wanted to whisper in her ear but all he said was: Let me carry those buckets with water for you.
Like always she accepted his offer while they walked to the village.
When, he asked, when my love can I meet your parents?
She smiled and wished the road would be endless. Her parents weren't the type who would accept him being from the South but passion cannot be denied. She knew he was the one and so did he.
Did you see that guy painting in the field?
Both stood still and waved at the painter, whom they had never spoken to, but it wouldn't harm to greet him.
He will be famous, she said, one day, you'll see. Who knows he will even paint you and me.
The idea sounded good to him although he hoped it wouldn't be reality before he had spoken to her parents.
You know I will leave soon... he paused and thought how to bring the news.
It's such a beautiful day. Don't you think the sun is warmer than usual around this time of the year?
She knew he had to make a living and it was pointless to ask "What about us" instead she said: "I'll talk to Mom and Dad this weekend, don't leave before it's settled. Till then the chat continues.

Hans Brasen - Passiaren Fortsættes - 1919
Painter: Hans Brasen
Painting: Passiaren Fortsættes - 1919 (the translation of the Danish name of this painting is: The Passion Continues. Why "passion" is changed into "chat"?) - oil painting
The contest Art & Writing is hosted by @solperez
Art & Artists
Con respecto al texto, he de decirte que siempre me ha resultado genial que incluyas al pintor como testigo de la escena que realizó.
El amor entre los protagonista era mutuo. Basta saber si este noviazgo contará con la aprobación de los padres de la chica.
Salidos, amiga mía.
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Strange that passion is translated to chat since the translator doesn't do that with me. This besides of the fact that the Danish can be read by me and for sure you recognize the first word as well.
I am not sure if I add the painter on purpose but somehow it happens and I like to add some history to the story as well. In this case it is world war 1 and the fact that the Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Norway and Denmark just like Switzerland liked to stay out of the war.
En efecto, hay muchos pintores de la época que abordaron en sus obras temas relacionados con la guerra. Sin embargo, otros se dedicaron a pintar situaciones que reflejaran la cotidianidad.
It is understandable that every day life is shown after all life goes on and with war only the people get tired and no longer follow the news. Altogether, it's an all-round view a time no one can or wants to remember.
Ciertamente, los seres humanos nos acostumbramos a todo. Y es un mecanismo de defensa: olvidar.
Very inventive and intelligent your story, the attraction between the protagonists is palpable and the mention of the painter is a luxury. Greetings.
It is nice to read you. How are you doing? Thank you for your kind words, It's appreciated. I wish you all the best and hope that you enjoy being creative.