SLC22 -W2 Curso de panadería: sweet coffee bread

in Steem Venezuela2 months ago (edited)


SLC22 -W2
sweet coffee bread

Hello everyone, I am happy to be able to participate in this course, which is a very interesting course for me as a beginner to learn a lot in this course, I think this is the newest challenge for me, I am happy to be able to attend here in a course guided by our great teacher @yenny47 & @katherine012

🥐De los tipos de masas presentadas en clase ¿Cuál te parece más interesante y por que?

Here we learn a lot about the types of dough so that we know some interesting types of dough. In my opinion, the most interesting of all these types of dough is fuff pastry. I like the folding technique and the results are savory and crispy. I really like it, especially if it is layered. I am very happy and we can also make fuff pastry according to our wishes, it can be sweet and salty depending on each person's taste.

🥐Elabora un pan dulce , puedes guiarte por la receta dada en clase o probar otra, pero debe de ser dulce sin relleno de ningun tipo, SI puedes adornar con lo que quieras por encima ( frutas confitadas, chocolates, coco rallado, azucar, etc) Documenta el paso a paso, y coloca en un cartel fecha, usuario y la etiqueta de la clase

Here I will make 1 recipe for sweet bread, honestly this is the first time I have made my own bread, usually I only buy bread, but this time I will try to make it myself, I think this is a good idea, here I will make sweet bread with sweet coffee topping



250 grams of high protein flour
1 egg yolk
100 grams of powdered milk
30 grams of margarine
1/4 tsp salt
135 ml of yeast solution

How to make:

  • The first step I start by activating the yeast first so that I know whether my yeast is active or not by using 135ml warm water, 3 tablespoons and 1 tablespoon of yeast, then I stir it evenly and cover it for 10 minutes. My yeast foams a lot, this is a sign that the yeast is still active and ready to use.

  • then I took 250 flour to form a mountain then I added 1 egg yolk on top and powdered milk and yeast solution then I kneaded it until it was half smooth

  • After it was half smooth I added 30 grams of margarine and also 1/4 tsp of salt. I kneaded it again until it was smooth with my hands, then rested the dough while covering it for 40 minutes, after that I flattened the dough.

  • After that, divide the dough into 9 parts weighing 50 grams. After that, take a part of each part of the dough and then flatten it by rolling the dough with a wooden stick. Then fold all sides and round it. Rest the dough for 40 minutes while covered.

  • After that, I also made a topping on top: 4 grams of coffee, 180 grams of sugar, 100 grams of flour, 40 grams of margarine and also 1 egg. Stir until everything is mixed together, then pour it on the cake and bake it on top and bottom heat at a temperature of 180c for 25 minutes.



Sweet coffee bread is ready




🥐Cuenta tu experiencia al realizar el pan dulce, tuviste alguna complicación, a quien recomendarias la receta y porque?

Actually this is my first experience in making bread but when I saw the results I felt satisfied even though this was my first experience but I really enjoyed it it turns out making your own bread is very fun even though it is very tiring in the kneading part hehe but I enjoyed it when I saw the results I made it felt like my tiredness when kneading earlier was paid off because it tastes good and my family also likes it

I will recommend this recipe to my great steemit friends, namely @ulfatulrahmah and @pecintabunga20 I think they will use this sweet cake recipe because I see it seems like they like sweet cakes so I think they will try this recipe and enjoy it with their beloved family

🥐Indica el precio en steem de un pan dulce igual al que realizaste. ¿Que es más factible hacerlo, o comprarlo? explique

In my area, one coffee bread like the one I made costs Rp. 7,000 or the equivalent of 2.1 steem according to the current upbit market. In my opinion, it is better to make this bread yourself if you have free time because it will definitely be clean, but on the other hand, if you don't have time, it is more ideal to just buy it, but I myself prefer to make it myself, but the part that bothers me a little is the kneading part. It seems like I will just knead the dough with a mixer in the future.

Invitation : @chant @dexsyluz @anailuj1992

This is all I can offer to all my friends, I hope it is useful.


Hi Readers and Steemians, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the iPhone 11 pro Smartphone.

Who is @yaumilahya?.jpg

Who is @yaumilahya?

yaumilahya is a housewife
whose hobby is cooking, traveling, gardening and likes something unique, likes the latest things and challenges, but this is where I channel my talents, and start to learn a lot more from all my friends, and I am very happy to be able to make friends with my great friends who come from various countries, happy to be friends with everyone, I hope you never get bored of reading my posts, and if your friends like it, don't forget to reblog my post, greetings friends from yaumilahya❤️

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @yaumilahya


your first attempt is fabulous 👍🏻 baking need perfection... i wish to grab one from your plate 😀

terimakasih banyak teman atas komentar baik anda

Pengalaman pertama membuat roti tapi sudah menghasilkan hasil yang sangat bagus, semoga sukes untuk kontesnya kaka.

terimakasih banyak kakak ku atas doa baik nya , sukses juga untuk kakak🤗

Terima kasih kk sudah memberikan resep kue yang sangat enak ini untuk saya. Saya akan mencoba semoga kali ini saya berhasil membuat nya resep dari kk😂🥰

ini sih dek harus dicoba saya yakin kamu bisa , terimakasih atas dukungan nya dek berkah selalu untuk mu dan keluarga 🤗


Dear friend, Your breads were golden and delicious, I really like it when bread has that color.

I think it's great that you can share your recipe with your friends.

Greetings and blessings ☺️🥰