There Actually Were Runs at Local Stores Today

in #corvid195 years ago

I bought my smartphone specifically so that I could discreetly take photos.

I went shopping today. Sure enough, there was a run on toilet paper and I used this run to test the camera. Sure enough, there was a run on toilet paper. Despite the notes restricting buyers to a single package, people cleaned out the shelves.


I was surprised by this one: People bought all of the eggs. Even the super expensive organic eggs. My guess is that the panic buyers are figuring that if the virus went on too long, they could hatch the eggs and get chickens.


They also cleaned out the meat section. Again this surprised me because meat doesn't keep. Perhaps they intend to freeze it.


Surprisingly, people cleaned out the bread section. They bought all but the ungodly expensive loaves in the fore section of the image.

Quite frankly, I think the panic buying was silly. This run took place on Sunday. Grocery stores rarely receive orders on Sunday. They generally have a limited staff and rarely restock the shelves on Sunday.

But, of course, I decided to engage in a little panic buying myself. I really like these large bottles of generic mouthwash.

My current supply was running low. I worried that they might raise the price; So, I pulled the last bottle off the shelf. The fact that they still had mouthwash on the shelf surprised me. CORVID19 is air born. People can catch and transmit the disease by breathing ... so mouthwash is one of the few items that could slow the spread of the disease. So I deprived someone else this bottle.
