Steemit and Network Marketing . Our new best friend.

in #beauty7 years ago (edited)

Post 2
I am an Independent consultant for 'Arbonne', which is a vegan, cruelty free, botanicle nutrition, beauty and make up product.
enter image description here

I am relatively new to Arbonne, but when I started training to be a beauty therapist I wanted a product that was ethical, that I could use on my clients and no animals where hurt or tested on in the pursuit of our beauty and well being/vanity. A friend told me about Arbonne and it seemed the perfect place to start.

I was sceptical about network marketing as even though the concept is not new to me, actually using it was.

I felt really concerned about phoning people, even good friends and telling them about Arbonne, because I would also benefit if they got involved and some how that didn't seem right. But surely friends wouldn't mind supporting their friend? and you are also telling them about a beautiful ethical product that works and they could also profit out of if you could only get them to see and understand this without the stigma that seems to be involved with this network marketing.

Luckily Arbonne, not only works as a product, but also as a company as it is full of men and woman who hold your hand and help you every step of the way which not only helps with your business, but seeps into all of life . It grows your confidence , helps you address procrastination, helps you bounce back from negativity, makes you feel part of a team. We can all benefit from doing personal development and by being with Arbonne I have a free netowrk of people at my finger tips day and night offering their assistance which is quite incredible.

If I feel like going to the pub and getting drunk so I don't make it in the next morning , i'm not letting anyone down and they are still there any next moment to help and support me. When you start doubting you have people there proving it is possible and handing you the tools to succeed. It really is quite amazing.
I can do this from anywhere in the world. Arbonne is not yet in France, it is in fact just launching in Germany and already in many others, but even though I am moving to France, there are people everywhere to help and it can all be done remotely. I can sit on a beach and do it and that I know is something so many of us are looking for and dream of.
People want to make money out of blogging, but are concerned all the niches are taken. Well this is another way to make a living or an extra bit of pocket money. What ever you want it to be .

We are all looking for extra income and freedom . I am sure the majority are on steemit to earn some extra pennies from what they enjoy. This is just another way and it is open to anyone. So if you use make up, shampoo, face cream, moisturiser or are a vegetarian or a vegan and want to be ethical with your choices and make money Arbonne is for you and I will hold anyone's hand who wants to find out more or get involved in this. It is exciting times. Please get involved by messaging me on steemit chat @elysianbeauty