Unibright newsletter July

in #blockchain6 years ago

Unibright update and outlook - July 2018!

Hello again!

Our last newsletter was sent in June, since then again a lot has happened in the Unibright Universe! Our general idea about this newsletter is to give you summaries of the things we posted in our social channels and blog.

If you want to stay closer to us, and want updates on a more frequent base, please follow our blog, twitter, facebook or telegram group - thank you!

Legal update - we can go for exchanges!

By the end of June 2018, our laywers finally gave green light for a listing of the Unibright token. Therefore, no restrictions on actively approaching crypto exchanges to go for a listing of the Unibright Token have been imposed!

We explained our token model in detail in one of our latest blogs: https://medium.com/@UnibrightIO/unibright-answers-the-unibright-token-model-7f849875662c

With the results of assessments and consultations at hand, we are now in a perfect position to actively go for a high quality exchange. We already informed all exchanges of interest with the current legal documentation, which will have a very positive effect on our applications. We are expecting results within the next weeks!

You can read more about it in our blog:

Partners, Community and Events

We are working on promising technical partnerships, both on- and offchain. We are in great talks with NEM and ORACLE and will spread the news about it in the next newsletters.

To help our Unibright community grow, we established an Ambassador program and are already working with the first apllicants. Inspiring people, from all over the world, with different backgrounds and a common understanding of our Unibright framework. We will introduce them on our website within the next days.

Last week, we attended the Pillar Unconference in Lithuania, had talks and meet-ups (also together with our advisor Nicholas Merten, aka DataDash). The highlight was our "hackathon without a single line of code", which was supported by Lufthansa.

You can read about this cooperation in our blog (https://medium.com/@UnibrightIO/lufthansa-supports-unibright-hackathon-at-pillar-unconference-97cc7b92c5cd). We are already working on the follow up event, to invite the Hackathon Winners to a workshop in Frankfurt, together with Lufthansa, Unibright and Zühlke.

State of Development

We scaled up our team once more to now have 27 people working on Unibright!

We extended our development towards more blockchains and more templates and are also showing first impressions of our new Explorer.

You can read more about it in our blog:

