
It's insanely interesting how anxiety is something that affects everything so differently. Anxiety can keep me away from goals for days. But hopefully I'll learn to move past it (:

For me it comes in stages...which pass. I have learnt to keep that in mind when I go through an anxious phase. Your description was really good.

Definitely some days are harder than others, I try to keep the phases in mind but sometimes thatvsilly anxiety is all you think about and you get wrapped up in it. thank you onetree!

I know. Possibly it gets easier to handle as you get older?

I've had OCD my whole life but I actually started experiencing anxiety roughly 5 years ago. Definitely with time you know what kinda throws you into a panic attack and what doesn't. Slowly learning how to go into stores alone and whatnot

Even a minute improvement is an improvement. Most important is not to beat yourself up about how you feel, it is not your fault. And appreciate the non-anxious times fully!