Ah my wise friend. I knew you would understand the dualism at play.
I’ve heard of the dry orgasm but not the Chi master you reference. I admit I’ve long been skeptical of practices minimizing/holding in semenal fluid, because they just sound like some ancient cover story, again, to scare people away from masturbation and sex or make it wrong and lesser than. I don’t know enough about it to judge though, and I’m sure the chi master is wiser than I. 🙏🏽
It's actually a practice of TANTRA YOGA that treats sex as a sacred practice and the retention of the seminal fluid as being essential in such practices.
Yes. Tantra. 🙏🏽 I’m basically a tantrika. Not because I learned and studied the teachings but because this is my life and it’s what I know to be true from experience. Just happen to have a label for that. Tantra. Thanks for reminding me