RE: I have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and that is OK!!
I have a friend who has BPD. I myself have CPTSD.
I believe there is a stigma with regards to BPD. I hear a lot of people talking about how BPD people can be, emphasis on can be narcissistic. While I believe we can ALL be narcissistic, I don't see how BPD relate to NPD. While both are personality disorders, one is a group of kind individuals, and the other manipulators. NPD and BPD should not be categorised together in my opinion. I've reasearched narcissists a long time now, since my CPTSD is due to a Narc who also happens to be a Secondary Psychopath.
I think there is much that is misunderstood with regards to Borderline Personality Disorder and ever since my friend opened up to me that that is what he has, I have been trying to research more about it.
Thank you for sharing this post, and I hope to see more int he future. It is very courageous of you to share openly and I encourage you to continue, because for me it has proven to be quite liberating :)
Yes, that is why I am sharing this. It gives me a sense if normalcy getting it out there and practicing radical acceptance and accepting reality.
Thank you for the great comment and for reading.