High Sierra Trips - Olancha Peak


On my way back from the Grand Canyon I headed through Death Valley and over to the Southern Sierra Nevada. I arrived late at the Sage Flat trailhead and spent the night. Some friends were supposed to meet me there in the morning to climb Olancha peak(12,132'). But after there was a snowstorm all night, no one showed up. So i set off alone on the long climb up through the snow. I headed up over Olancha pass and through summit meadows. Then I met with the PCT and followed it to the west face of the mountain and made my way up the icy talus to the summit. It was an awesome day, climbing through the snow up into the clouds near the peak. Then while I was sitting on the summit the clouds began to clear, opening up all the amazing huge views!! Days like this are what I live for. After enjoying some time on the summit I headed down. The sun went down when I was around the PCT junction and I did the rest of the hike in the dark. This was a fun adventure, long and rough, but so much fun.

11008456_947590841938721_3165522162525419319_n.jpg Sunrise from the trail

11061975_947590798605392_7050891096751472123_n.jpg Climbing up to Olancha Pass

10984087_947590811938724_7450226773361882242_n.jpg Halfway up to the pass

11057738_947590821938723_8938206163744141176_n.jpg Olancha Pass

10441093_947590855272053_6764227420582436967_n.jpg Crossing Summit Meadows

11168458_947590871938718_827706111938098263_n.jpg Summit Meadows

11152676_947590898605382_4388846145804881562_n.jpg Summit Meadows

11156234_947590928605379_5074612020093617485_n.jpg Climbing up the PCT

11150653_947590951938710_2871781748975035752_n.jpg Overlooking Monache Meadows from the PCT

11099173_947590975272041_7117804846573125626_n.jpg Starting up the West Face

11128835_947591051938700_7453500467337617405_n.jpg Climbing above treeline

11012906_947591011938704_289167970047050506_n.jpg Overlooking Monache Meadows from the west face

11156360_947591055272033_953605669343589038_n.jpg The summit in the clouds

984307_947591098605362_5815597687485706233_n.jpg The clouds begin to break

11149319_947591125272026_8959944893292975969_n.jpg Looking off the east face

11150178_947591155272023_7001369780603076247_n-1.jpg Standing on the summit

11174772_947593888605083_4166965281166418303_n.jpg Looking north from the summit

11138592_947591191938686_7727344735647457976_n.jpg Looking south from the summit

11146280_947591205272018_1210375029155373923_n.jpg Heading down the west face

11165240_947591228605349_5182813367405172228_n.jpg Sunset from the PCT

Youtube Video -



Simply majestic, your photo journey is inspiring.

Thanks Tammierain. It is a really cool peak. It's known as the southern sentinel of the Sierra Nevada. Its a tall mountain standing all alone, with all the other big guys (Langley, Whitney, etc...) well to the north.