Why Men Cheat..

in #cheating7 years ago

I am a man and I think most men will agree with me, and a few may disagree, but women need to know that sometimes when a man cheats its not the woman's fault. It's not because you are not pretty enough, or sexy enough, or that the other woman is even sexier than you are. You may be the most attractive woman the man has ever been with in his life. The sexiest and most vivacious woman he will ever meet, and he knows this, but still another comes and he sleeps with her. You may be saying why then? Is it that all men are just greedy? Why cant they just satisfy with just one woman? Its simple really, as complicated as it may seem to even some of us men. Men like variety!

In fact, its human nature to want variety, so both men and women are like this. The only difference is, women are more emotionally attached to their partners than we men are. Take kids for example: A boy will have a toy that he loves and then he gets a new toy and forgets the old one for awhile. He will occasionally play with the old one, but the feeling that he gets having a new one is more satisfying than the old on some levels. A girl now will have a doll and that's her favorite doll in the world and no matter how many other toys or dolls she gets for Christmas, she will always cherish that favorite Doll and be seen with that one Doll. The commitment they have from such a tender age.....I envy them so. We men try to be more in-touch with our feminine sides and be more caring, more romantic and more attentive, but these are all things we try to do to please our partners; but face it, naturally, men hunt. It's almost like its Primal within us. Back in the old days we use to hunt to eat. Now we hunt for jobs and hunt for the perfect car and we hunt for partners. Some of us are a little too zealous in the hunting department when it comes to women though. I must admit that, but you get my point right?

We now hunt pussy, the pleasure we may not lack in our relationships but that thrill we get when we get a woman interested in us and having her open up herself to us, figuratively and literally. We do try to be faithful ladies but we are not always successful. Most of you don't make it easy either. You see how women dress? It's almost as if they are daring you to take the challenge. I don't condone cheating husbands at all, however I have seen where it is like the ring attracts some of these women, like a homing device that they are drawn to; and the men try to say no, and do say no but then the women make us feel like a big pussy, like you are not a man at all for making such a opportunity pass, so we fall for it because of our Egos.

In the same breath I must also say that we men are very competitive and kinda macho too, along with that Ego thing. So we are married or we are supposed to be in a committed relationship and we have a friend who is single and getting it on with two- three women per week and telling us the stories and we want that too. It's not like we are envious of our friend, but the stories makes us feel like we are the ones in his position and that feeling lingers and we start picturing ourselves in that friend's shoes. We get a high from the stories and that primal feeling overtakes us again and then we hunt. It's not like we want to disrespect the women we are involved with, or hurt her in any way. Truly the other woman means nothing, its just a new feeling that we crave, that one woman sometimes cant give. Not because she is boring or unable to re-invent herself. It's just that men are broken, and we were made that way. So women bare with us until we get it out of our systems. It does go eventually and I can attest to this. If your man loves you and you know this, and you love him too. Don't just leave him because the next man you get maybe worst and then you will have to start over the training process.

Some women say men are dogs, but dogs are the most loyal creatures on earth if the owners treat them right. So when I say the training process, I mean we each learn to co-exist with each other and we each teach or "train" each other on how to accept our faults. You may walk away and this man was almost to the point of settling down, forgetting all others for once in his life and focus on you and you alone. But I guess you will never know now, cause you dumped him for cheating. On to the next one...but oops he has even more skeletons in his closet.

If you are open to exploring with your man I guarantee you that he will not have an appetite for another though....BUT let me not continue cause I may go on and on with this. If you ladies want me to elaborate more on exploring let me see those comments below.

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I will also get at the women a bit later. had to stay on topic. but a preview: A whole lot of women will not want to admit that they cheat, even to their best friends, but I am sure the men will agree with me. Women think about image. " I will look like a slut if I slept with this guy after one night and I have a boyfriend.""But if nobody else knows, it's like it never happened right?" Another way women may justify cheating is, he cheated on me so I will get him back". Knowing they have been wanting to sleep with this particular guy for months now but they have to protect their image. You sly little ladies.. ;lol . STAY TUNED


Good information nice bro upvote and follow me i will do it for you back

Thanks Man. I appreciate the comment

It's not an issue if you give your husband permission to sleep with as many other women as he likes. It's an arrangement I've had with my husband from almost the beginning, and we've been married for 21 years. Not only do I not care who he sleeps with besides me, I encourage him to do it, because it makes him nicer and easier to live with when he has some variety. Actually, I wrote an article about it on here last year, at the beginning of my Steemit career. It's one of my first Steemit posts (my 3rd or 4th, I think). But, you know, I'm a cool wife. ;)

You are a very smart woman. You have firgured out the secret to men and you will continue to be happy for the rest of your life. Most women will never get to wherr you are and I know your husband appreciates you. Thats just amazing. Thanks for your comment I will follow you and look up what you wrote. I want a woman that understands this as you do. I think about marriage but I really dont like making the woman feel bad if I explore with another. So I try to go against how I feel and it does get frustrating at times. One day though. Thanks again @stephmckenzie

I've actually been known to make breakfast in bed for my husband and one of his overnight female guests. I've done it more than once. It's my way of saying, "Thank you for taking him off of my hands for a while." :) Really, it's as good for me as it is for him, because after you've been married a while, you really appreciate it when you get time on your own to do your own thing. When he's having fun with another woman, I can go do my own thing with total freedom, like pursue my hobbies or spend time with my friends, and not be concerned that he's at home alone being bored without me. It's a win-win doing things this way, and as this is the way we've always done it, it feels normal to us.

Wow. I know most women would rather know who her man is with and most cases I know about, the man and the woman actually shares that woman and this makes it better for them. But i know most women dont swing that way. Personally i feel closer to a woman if that happens where we both make love to another woman. So would you say its a open relationship both ways where you have your freedom to sleep with another or you reslly just need to do other things by yourself and you really appreciate thr help from the others? Sounds like I am interviewing you doesnt it? Lol

Lol! I'm not interested in going out and sleeping with other men, so that's not part of our agreement. He has mentioned that if I wanted to do it, he'd be okay with it, but would want to be there. Basically, I look at him sleeping with other women as his hobby. I give him space to indulge in his hobby, and I get time to do the things I enjoy on my own. As an introvert, doing things on my own is often a real pleasure. We've tried being with another woman together, and he enjoys it, but I am totally heterosexual. Not even a little bisexual. So, any time we've done that, I've just done it to make him happy, and didn't get any enjoyment out if it myself. It actually kind of made me feel weird. So, I do prefer he just do that kind of thing without me.

As you can probably tell, I am NOT the jealous type. Lol! :)

LOL. I can tell. You are at one with the universe. Calm and happy. You will continue to be healthy as stress is the number one killer. Stress free is the way to go and that's why now I don't get jealous anymore. My fiance cheated some years ago but had no respect to me afterwards so I moved on. I would have allowed her to sleep with any man she wanted to if only she told me she wanted that and I told her this when I suspected she was sleeping around. She didn't. Now I don't really care about that. I am just enjoying my partner now and ignoring her when she wants to start an argument about trivial matters. I don't hide the fact that I flirt because I don't want to lie about anything. I do show respect and not let her feel little in front of friends so I have a rule, never flirt with any woman I am with friends no matter if I see that they like me. Life is too short for crazy confrontations though and men will always want something different and it's not because he doesn't love the woman. It's not a big deal and I wish more women would see that. I own nobody and nobody owns me. I was born by myself so no woman should want to control me and tell me not to do this and not to do that. Once I have respect for her and I show her love I think I deserve to be myself without any nagging. If she wants the fake me I can do that to make her happy but then I will be hiding things and many women don't know that how they react is why men hide stuff in the first place.

"I own nobody and nobody owns me."

I totally believe this, and live by it. We are all autonomous beings, and free to do and choose what is best for us. Anyone who tries to control us is not someone who really loves us. They're either control freaks who think they own everyone, or they are insecure and think we'll leave them if they don't stop us by controlling us. However, what they don't know is if you try to control someone, they're most likely going to leave you eventually, anyway. It's always better to be yourself in a relationship, and give each other the freedom to be yourselves.

I agree 100%. Do you have a book on this stuff? You sound like you have a lot to teach