
Me too (except I don't believe in hell so I hope they get their comeuppance in this life). They're killing us on purpose. What makes them immune from this cull?

LOL. I don't believe in Hell either. This is one of the oldest psy ops ever. Making the goyim believe, that if they are good boys, they go to heaven and have fun for eternity -AFTER THEY ARE DEAD. Not as long as they are on this earth thouhgh.
What makes them immune from this cull?
One one hand avoiding harmful substances. But I believe the biggest aspect is COMPARTMENTALIZATION
Meaning, that the lower ranks do not even know what is going on. Everything is on a "Need to know Basis" . Many participants in these crimes are NOT aware of the full extend of the crimes they are committing. They believe, they are doing a good thing, without being aware of the full picture. Example: Trump drinks Diet Coke for crying out loud. This moron puppet does not have any clue what is going on. He is being handled and used. As are most politicians. Only in the highest ranks the whole picture is revealed. Punks like Rockefeller, Kissinger etc. get to live over 100, they have their blood cleaned and get organ transplants if needed.

ahaha fun for eternity. Yep, controlling the gullible in the now with promises in the nevernever.

Yes, I agree. They avoid the substances. I saw one video of a guy who'd translated a page from German (I think). It was info about vaccines for ambassadors. The translation goes something like: you get effective vaccine containing none of the controversial ingredients of vaccines allocated to the general population. They know what they're doing. Forgive me if I got that quote(ish) from one of your links. It's hard to keep up with where, when, eh.

Totally... they're mostly well-meaning, brainwashed puppets. I worked in the NHS (National Health Service) for years. So many good people pushing dangerous shit because they believe the nonsense they've been fed.


The whole system is pure madness. People get dumbed down with poison, then indoctrinated by the education system, then further brainwashed in the media and on top of all that you have the social pressure to not rock the boat. And because of the compartmentalization people also keep trusting authority.
Because they know a priest/police officer/politician who is a good guy, so the whole system can not be so bad after all. Hard to escape this web of insanity. You make yourself an outcast if you do. Huxley was right. (Well of course, he was part of the elite and knew the plans...)