Dating and Trading - Intro

in #dating7 years ago (edited)


In the light of New Year's resolution and budgeting for 2018, I found myself actively looking for more gigs and a full-time job. Work wise 2017 was a good year, and in the final quarter, I was making more money and getting more gigs. For the moment the idea of working for someone else faded away. I could be my own boss :D. However, the amount of work and money is still not substantial for all I'd like to do and accomplish. At the very end of the year, I got a big fat NO, for a job application I've submitted and it still hurts like hell. A job like that would allow me to work from home, and write about things I like. Sadly, I loved them more than they wanted me. Meanwhile, a storm of bad news from a family side crushed on all of us, including me in the emergency room a day after Christmas. Well done 2017! Now, please go away. And take January 2018 with you as well.


My gig search at the moment is going so slow. Every offer and project I try to win is lost in a black hole. I tried most of the tips and tricks such as; put the price up, lower the price, change your profile, use buzzwords, be strong, and on and on, and on. And nothing. Last 10 days are killing me, and the worst part was an hour ago when I woke up and saw the - "Wish you all the best in your job search, blablabla, but we will hire someone else" email. One more job application for a full-time job where I would have boss/es.

Looking at the sad and empty inbox, I can't help myself but think about how there is no way I will complete my financial goal not for the year, but for this month.

But not hopeless

For the past two, three months, my partner is active in crypto trading. On the other hand I am in the "Know about the market, but still need to make money to invest" stage. While I desperately try to make money and get any kind of a long-term job, the only thing I can do now is to share what have I learned, both, from business and personal perspective. This charts and graphs colored symbiosis between myself, my partner, his crypto trading actions, and my pursuit of a boss-free job has a potential to become a story to tell to the grandchildren.

Happy dating and trading

It was a few days ago when my partner told me he woke up in the middle of the night and only thing he could think of was -coins. It struck me like lighting - I was hoping I am the first thing he thinks about. Or at least in the Top 5. But somehow his Top 5 are -Dogecoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin, Bittrex and resistance lines. Luckily, we have five years behind us, and by now I know how to separate his interest in work-related things and me. I gave him a happy trading goodbye kiss and went off to do my things. I understand this is just my reaction, and some other girls and guys not involved in the partner's work and hobbies might react in another way, such as questioning the relationship. For all those questioning relationship, partner's interest in trading, and looking for advice and way how to survive, I've decided to write notes from a personal experience.

Desperate time requires desperate measures. At the moment, I am desperate, jobless, coinless, and I need some kind of Steem Off button to forget the last few weeks.

So here we go, Dating and Trading 1-on-1 :)

Happy Dating&Trading!