The toughest moment of a mans life

in #death7 years ago (edited)

Alright so this is going to be kind of a sob story, i suggest you have some tissues close by.

Four years ago i met what would turn out to be the love of my life, the mother of an angel and the sweetest woman i have ever met, after four years of talking non stop and having the closest best friend i have ever had i fell in love with her after she had helped me through one of the toughest times in my adult life. Tuesday 9/5/17 my girlfriend of eight months Elizabeth Raines passed away from complications of ovarian cancer, she had some systs removed back in march then half a mastectomy in April but refused to get chemo so cancer did what cancer does, spread and it spread fast. She left behind her house, older brother Caleb, and six year old daughter Emma



To be fair her death hasn't really hit me yet, i still feel as if she's going to call me and tell me everything is fine, not to worry and that she loves me.. only problem is it's been six days and i know deep in my soul that she's really gone. I could feel it when she went to the hospital and even when her brother broke the news to me. i'm still very much in denial about the whole thing because lets face it, no one wants to lose someone they're in love with. As many deaths as i've been through nothing would've prepared me to lose the love of my life.

Due to me being the only father figure Emma has ever had, i have been going through the process of how i can adopt her and how to help her through this time, losing a mother is even harder than loosing a fiance. I know i must stay in this little girls life so that she has some type of strong role model and someone to watch over her as she grows up. I do not have any experience in any of this so any type of help or tips is greatly appreciated, although i do not need more sympathy, simply just support.

Sooner or later i will come to terms with everything but until then i am doing everything humanly possible to save up, go visit Emma, and be the best man and father i could possibly be. I never would've thought at 23 years old i would be going through this process but i know that once everything has blown over and even though i will never get over her death i will get stronger. Coming out on the other side with a clear head, a sense of accomplishment and the ability to support this little angel that needs me.

Thank you all for the support i've already received, i appreciate it all so much during this time in my life


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