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RE: A defence of Tim Ferriss's Four Hour Week - important book for other reasons than you think

in #economy7 years ago

Yes I agree that the concepts of work and jobs need to be looked at. Too many outdated assumptions.
Sorry to hear you had such an ordeal. I hope you found a more peaceful and rewarding life though. If anything it points out that life is too short to waste on trivialities...
Working a job you hate to be able to buy stuff you don't really like...

Re the comment reward: paid with pleasure!
I like to reward people who take it seriously and put in an honest effort.
I really don't like the random lotteries. They are not stimulating the right behaviour or adding something meaningful.
In the end they are manipulations of the system... Garbage in = garbage out...


I was fortunate enough to have the war pension, small as it was to allow me to escape. As long as I don't go chasing fancy cars and big houses, life becomes a great adventure especially sharing it with my fiancee @smuggly-sparrow.
That, I think is another key to making a success of the 4 HWW. Having a reason not to work. Perhaps a bit of a catch-22 for some but plenty are in relationships they feel trapped in and prefer to be in some cubicle for 8 hours a day to escape. Poor buggers.