eSports SteemBets - What would you like to vote bet on? - What games would you like to compete in?

in #esports-steembets8 years ago (edited)

Thegame would like to know ... What you would be interested in betting on? and/or What games you would like to compete in?

With our initial success of our first eSports SteemBets 001 @thegame would like to know what ideas would be interested in next! Next week we will have another #steemit #gaming competition on our next #steemit-gamenight where anyone is welcome to sign up and compete and vote on who you think will win!

Will also think up ideas to explore and try out some mixture of #gaming and voting post ideas to use on #steemit. So stay tuned and be sure to watch for more of #steemit-gamenight and follow @thegame!

Thank you for visiting and reading.

Follow / Visit @thgame

#esports-steembets #esports #steemit-gamenight #gaming #steemit


League of Legends is massive, as well as Counter Strike: GO. I would love to take a shot at either of these e-sports, there are also rising games such as Overwatch and possibly Titanfall 2. Halo is always a dark horse e-sport as well!

Thank you for your response! :)

Im confused why are you using @virtualgrowths signature?

@thegame do you know when dividends from thegame will be paid out again? I've been spending alot of time on there, and wondering if it's not even going to end up in my account at any point. Last payout happened fairly quickly...

@jessamynorchard Will work on making more posts and a dividend soon. Just been slow growing. But enough to give something to our players. :)

It is all good. I just wanted to make sure we were still live and active. :) Thank you!