Dragon's Dogma dark arisen - Review

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)


Hi guys, this week, I want to tell you about an action-RPG video game set in the medieval world, where we will have to overcome countless obstacles, missions in heaps, exploration in an open world with almost no restrictions, where we have to take into account many factors to start our epic adventures; As the time of departure in each town, supplies such as: Various healing herbs, Survival tools, since we will be ambushed at every moment by mythical and legendary creatures, where the type of displacement or path we take, has an impact on result of our mission, there is no exact way to follow, but sometimes we will be forced, to take a single path, and the correct choice of our fellow travelers can result in the success or failure of our goal in mind . This and much more can offer us this great video game that bears the name, dragon's dogma dark arisen; Developed by Capcom and distributed by herself, In the year, 2012; for ps3 and xbox360. Later in the year, 2016, its latest version, Dark Arisen, was released for PC, where it has important corrections, such as new missions, more enemies to discover, new objects and even new fps from 30 to 60.

Therefore, I want to highlight in this review, why Dragon's dogma dark arisen should be part of that great list of video games, that deserve to be played, and enjoy all its content that brings us.

In another place, in another life, another son of man goes your way ...

Dragon's Dogma begins with the fight of Arisen and his faithful companions of combats (The Peons), who go course to the final battle, against "The Dragon", called Grigori, this dragon will be the main reason of all our adventures. We must face mythical creatures to reach our goal and face our destiny, only those who are worthy can face this great dragon, countless obstacles we must overcome in order to end this story that seems to have no end.


Finally, the dragon is within reach of our hands, but this fight to us does not correspond to us. Everything seems to be a memory of the past and the history of this Arisen and Grigori is something that we must discover.


The true story of 'Dragon's Dogma', begins in Cassardis (the hometown of the Arisen), which is unexpectedly attacked by a great dragon, which destroys the coastal area, in which many villagers are involved and lose their lives, we in our role as protagonist, we are forced to face this great dragon, which logically defeats us without difficulty; then this great dragon takes our heart out causing a great herity in our chest, but that wound is healed by itself.

After these unfortunate outcomes, we wake up in bed, the intrigue invades our thoughts, how is it possible that we are alive without having a heart? and mysteriously, we can hear the voice of the dragon challenging us and prompting us to start this great journey in search of our heart. It is here when again the town is attacked by a Hydra, but we manage to cut one of its heads, and the hydra flees. In the end, we achieved a lot of reputation with this great feat and we embarked on our great adventure in search of the Dragon that has our heart; And this is when we start the missions and travel to the "Gran Soren", in search of answers.


One of the things that I call a lot of attention of "dragon's dogma", was its graphics section, since we are in the presence of an RPG video game, set in a medieval world where there are mythological creatures and are the main attraction of this video game. That is why and much more than "dragon's dogma", had to meet the expectations that entail a video game of this caliber. Being the first of its kind to offer this type of incredible graphics, where interaction with enemies and the environment was of utmost importance to achieve the objectives of the game.

Likewise, "dragon's dogma" offers us the possibility to customize our main character to our liking, by editing the easy features, height, weight, hair color, muscle mass, skin tone, scars, tattoos and finally our Type of voice


If customizations are not your thing and you want to move quickly to the game, you also have the possibility to choose your standard models, which are not bad from my point of view. By way of reflection, I find it incredible as every video game despite having virtually the same resources when editing our characters, each of them has physical features or designs that the differences of other video games, as in this case "dragon's dogma ".


The textures of our surroundings are almost always repetitive, such as areas of vegetation, puddles, villages, forts, lakes, etc ... However, it is something that can be overlooked, since the game adapts very well, its graphics are impressive and the designs of the enemies are very well worked out, like the rest of the npc of the game; we have a really good depth of field, which allows us a pleasant interaction with the environment and the enemies, the video game easily makes you feel part of it, since it offers us a great variety of possibilities, and its graphics section fulfills its objective final to offer us a great show with the effects of lights when using our spells or abilities.


On the other hand, like forgetting the first hunt of our first Griffin, really a whole show, that offers us this graphics section, where we must have an air combat with this mythological creature, there is even a main mission where we must make a long trip to the Tower Bluemoon, and we must break through and fight with many enemies to reach our goal. In my personal opinion, "dragon's dogma" is not a video game that should be underestimated, but on the contrary, its various scenarios, unlimited explorations, and fights full of action and strategy will give us many hours of entertainment.

Finally, I would like to highlight the DLC area "Dark Arisen", Bitterblack Isle, it is an island that seems to have a life of its own, the most epic challenges of the game will have them here, creatures, like giants, unimaginable abominations; Even death itself will find you here. It is the area that tests you to the fullest, it even has a continuation of the main story really amazing, therefore, this DLC is highly recommended.

As for the final enemy, I find his graphics section, his design, textures, and spells incredible, he is the most versatile enemy of all, his AI seems to be very well worked, only those who face this enemy will understand me completely.

I still remember as if it were yesterday, the first time I saw the trailer for "Dragon's dogma" on TV, my first impression was that it was really amazing, for all those possibilities offered by this great video game, with a wide map that we can explore as we want, we will have really incredible battles against mythological creatures and above all with a great variety of classes for all types of players, with a very versatile gameplay, which personally I think is one of the strengths of this video game.

Dragon's dogma, has a wide map that catches any player and makes it part of it, and is something that few games can do, we must complete countless missions, and these missions can get them in the villages, either secondary or principal missions, that in any way both complement each other, since for certain enemies we must have the adequate level to overcome the challenge, therefore the secondary missions are mostly necessary to level our main character and pawns.


During our missions we must travel the entire map, but here there are no means of transport as such, all we have at our disposal is the use of an item that looks like a crystal and allows us to teleport, which we have a limited number of it, that we must strategically place certain areas of the map of our interest or that are closer to our goal. That is, we must walk the entire map on foot but shorten that path with the use of crystals.

With reference to the above, during our trip, it is very important that we collect all the resources that we find on the road, since we are constantly ambushed by creatures, bandits, wolves, giants, etc ... Which we will be forced to make use of the resource that we have at that moment in the inventory, and we must arrive with the necessary supplies to surpass the current mission.

Something I really love about "Dragon's dogma" is that we must be careful of time, that is, the night can reach us, and during that time the enemies are more aggressive and we can only have a very limited vision of the environment.


we have a "lamp" that we have hanging around our waist and we can have some vision, said lamp requires oil to be able to light it, the risk of being in total darkness is a possibility and reaching a safe area is a total challenge, something that never I saw in another video game, so it is important to collect resources and buy supplies in the villages.


In fact, the collection of resources is important but thanks to our fellow travelers, we can use cures, even purify any altered state that we have suffered from some enemy during the exploration or combat, however when we receive constant damage we can only regenerate our bar health in its entirety with the use of healing herbs or magical sources that regenerates not only the health bar but also remove any altered state, there are few healing sources of this type.

One of the most outstanding features of Dragon's dogma is its item cloning system, that is, during the game we will find unique items, where we will see the need to clone the item to reach the desired numbers of it, either for make new objects and finish a mission that requires several of those unique objects, that's why the "black cat" store is important. In addition, said seller can sell us unique weapons and armor. It should be noted that we can not clone or falsify such weapons or armor.


In the same sense, jewelry plays a very important role in the game, because depending on the type of jewelry we use changes a lot for good or bad performance of our main character and even our pawns. There is jewelry that can significantly increase our basic attributes, as well as to repower our preferences skills, such as potentiation of elemental attacks, magic resistance, stamina regeneration etc ...


With reference to the above, highlight that we can move around the map with a limited number of crystals, what do I mean by this? In the game there are Dragons that will be a challenge, and the difficulty that comes with it will depend on the class we are playing at that moment, I must say that the magicians are very strong. Therefore each time we defeat a Dragon we have the possibility to raise the defenses or characteristics of our armor and weapons with the description "FORGED BY THE DRAGON". With the correct use of crystals, we can kill these dragons as many times as we like, resting several days at the village inn.

Likewise, "Dragon's dogma" has several classes, which really gives the game many ways to play generating different game mechanics.

  • The basic classes we have are Wizard, Strider, and Wrestler.

  • Then we have the advanced ones: Sorcerer, Explorer, and Warrior.

  • Finally, the hybrid or combined: Mystic Knight, Magic Archer, and Assassin.


A brief description of the classes:


This type of class specializes in assistance by supporting allies, providing life cures and altered states, however, you can also use attack spells but less powerful than the sorcerer.


Its main weapons are a sword and shield, it has a great magical and physical defense, similarly it has useful abilities like call attract the attention of its enemies and make combined attacks with its allies.


this class specializes in the use of double daggers and short bow, is an expert in stealth, acrobatics, and looting, also makes use of explosive objects such as; incendiary bombs or mowers, it is also very efficient to climb your enemies.

After advancing a bit in history and getting some experience with our preferred class, we can advance to the next phase, that is:


this class specializes in massive magical attacks, such as: invoking whirlwinds, earthquakes, meteor showers, among other elemental spells. It should be noted that the sorcerers focus on the damage and their casting is very slow, therefore the positioning with the magician is fundamental.

The Warrior:

this class is the strongest in brute power with respect to physical damage, is specialized in the use of the sword or two-handed deck, with the ability to make attacks loaded with a really powerful damage capable of knocking down their enemies and stun them.

The Explorer:

this class specializes in daggers and longbow, with the ability to damage several enemies at once, but its strongest point is when we attack from a distance to do as much damage as possible with our bow.

The mystical knight:

this is a mix between wrestler and magician, that is, we can use a sword or mallet with a shield, and we can enchant our weapons and those of our allies with elemental damage, in turn we can make magical spells on a small scale, like explosive magical mines and invoke an orb of magical energy that by beating them with our weapons we can direct magical projectiles.

The Magic Archer:

I must say this is one of my favorite classes, this class uses a magic bow, capable of causing physical and magical damage at the same time, it has a great control and precision of its attacks, with the ability to detect weak points of the enemies.


we could say this class is very versatile, it can use sword, shield, daggers, and bow, it is par excellence the best class to shoot down enemies, either in air or on land, with a considerable amount of damage producing hemorrhages in the enemies, it is a mix between wrestler and strider.

Note, there are many different skills for each class to suit each player, therefore the gameplay and difficulty of each enemy will change considerably, adding a variety of game style that is not seen in other games. The altered states (debuff) provided by the enemies or ourselves play a very important role by adding that extra boost to "Dragon's dogma".

I must say that after final fantasy, I personally think that the soundtrack of dragon dogma is undoubtedly a work of art and full of many melodies of action, drama and suspense, fits perfectly in every aspect of the game, intensifying the gameplay and the experience of each player. making it part of that little moment of fantasy that video games represent. All composed and organized by Tadayoshi Makino among other collaborators.

With respect to Sound FX, I do not have any complaints in general, everything is very well worked the effects of the skills, the voice dubbing and even the dragons are more representative than the rest.



As a final summary, "dragon's dogma dark arisen" guarantees many hours of entertainment and fun, has everything that a medieval RPG can offer, exploration, spectacular environments, final enemies that are a challenge.

My experience with this game was really good, it's those kinds of games that catch you and you want to play it at all times, I was able to spend the whole game in about a month, since at the time I had responsibilities with the studios, so every opportunity I had enough for me to disconnect from problems and have fun with this great video game. It should be noted that this publication only mentions some of the most important aspects of the game. Dragon's dogma, has so much content that it is difficult for me to touch them all, so I invite you to discover them for yourself and enjoy this great video game.

source of the images used in the separators. 1 2 3 4 5


Wonderful review, @henryn2020! This entry undoubtedly deserves a place on the Faircrew Podium today!

Your entry has been upvoted by the @Faircrew trail. For more information about Faircrew & the podium, I invite you to be part of our Discord server .

Thank you for being attentive @faircrew I am delighted with being a candidate for the podium.

Awesome stuff indeed, especially with all the detail, thanks for sharing!
As you well mentioned, this game as well as most other similar games would require a great deal of your time, so sadly I can't take it up right now, but I will surely do so whenever I can!
I've actually been doing some "historical" gaming posts lately, covering noteworthy games released in certain years (just made two about 98 and 2000) and from what i can tell even with newer games, Dragon's Dogma is actually something that stands apart from most similar games or you can name anything that would be sort of similar to it?

Hello @emtecks, I like your profile, it is interesting what you do, I will take time these days to read them carefully, personally, I do not know any other game similar to Dragon's Dogma, I would like to see another similar or better than him. taking into account that the graphics and possibilities of the current graphics engines are better than two years ago.

maybe dragon age origins/inquisition, are other of my favorites.

Those dragons are hard to kill.
What we see more interesting the huge variety of weapons that can use the character.
And the game has a pretty graphic

Of course, especially prove the damage of the weapons with the Goblins. XD

Congratulations @Henryn2020,

You and this post have been selected to be featured in this week’s Author Showcase. Thank you for creating outstanding gaming content and sharing it with Archdruid Gaming!


I was thinking to go for this game. It is always good to have an honest review before you do anything. Thanks a lot for this. Followed you for more good content in future. Again Thanks :)

Thank you @writingpassion, you definitely have to play it, it's that kind of game that probably requires a lot of your time. xD

Your post was upvoted by the @archdruid gaming curation team in partnership with @curie to support spreading the rewards to great content. Join the Archdruid Gaming Community athttps://discord.gg/nAUkxws. Good Game, Well Played!

Thanks for the support @archdruid ,excellent work :)

I really love the great amount of detail you have included. Everything from a brief explanation on the different classes to how you travel around the map. Quite a lot of personalization and effort put into creating a custom look and feel for this review—amazing!

Thank you, I appreciate your words :), in fact at some point it was difficult because it has a lot of material to talk about and I had to look for a way to not extend it so much.

Veo que haces un excelente trabajo. Solo como un comentario, he visto que has estado levantando reportes en @steemcleaners para ganar recompensas, que dejas comentarios para que se te pague, pero los del día de hoy los eliminaste ¿Porque? si fue un error, podrías ver de que manera resacir el comentario eliminado, aunque no este visto ya en steemit, en la plataforma sigue vigente. Note este comentario tuyo, acusando de plagio el texto, y verifique con una página anto plagio y tus acusaciones son erroneas, tal ves la imagen no tenga fuente, pero deberías ver si son nuevos o no, y dejarles un comentario orientando, no levantando un reporte inmediatamente considerando que son nuevos, y se reinciden adelante, podrías reportar, pues ya tienen un primer aviso.


Más sin embargo luego de realizar el reporte o eliminaste junto con todos los demás.

También de la misma manera en la que les solicitas a los usuarios @notibroma, @verxdictive, @ebris, @roinv y todos los demás, ya que llevas bastante tiempo haciendolo les dejes los comentarios, ya que de otra forma se podría mal interpretar que no lo haces por ayudar, si no realmente lo haces con la finalidad de seguir ganando las recompensas que dan por reportes. Es la primera vez que noto esa parte en tu forma de trabajo de comentar y eliminar, el comentario que dejas.

con todo respeto amigo @rodrigoromellon quéjate aquí @lince, no sigas con esto, pienso que lo hacemos mis compañeros y yo es un excelente trabajo. Saludos

Amigo @rodrigoromellon, entiendo la sugerencia que haces acá en estos comentarios. En todo caso, deberían ser esos usuarios directamente quienes hablaran con el compañero @henryn2020.

Por otra parte, los comentarios dejados son a modo de orientación, tan poco son a modo de castigo o señalamiento. Pero igualmente gracias porque demuestras la preocupación por contribuir a forjar una red de calidad con usuarios de calidad.

por mas que intento no caer en tus acusaciones absurdas te responderé,1) primero la fuente es de la pagina de origen, no esa url que no me indica nada con precisión pero esta bien lo deje pasar borre el comentario, 2) Steempress no me había fijado que compartía su contenido externo, borre mi comentario, 3) usuarios nuevos que necesitan orientación, no veo nada malo en ello. 4) que se hacen reportes, amigo eso algo muy común en steemit :), lógicamente tengo que borrar mis comentarios para no abusar de los reportes no crees? y algo muy importante no pongas en duda el trabajo de steemcleaners su trabajo es muy necesario para todos.

que tal si traduces esta publicación y disfrutas mi contenido, apuesto a que te gustan los videojuegos ;).

Para empezar no dije Lince, dije a los STEEMCLEANERS, y también dije que es un buen trabajo. Más sin embargo comentarles, levantar reporte y eliminarlos, te exhibe a mal. Por eso comento la situación, @antoniomontilva la misma respuesta que me das, los usuarios que deben decirle a ellos que hacer o dejar de hacer deberia ser @ned Ya que es el fundador de la plataforma y de STEEMIT por lo tanto así como ustedes comentan en los POST de ellos, creo que también puedo hacerlo.

STEEMIT es una plataforma DESCENTRALIZADA que otros usuarios quieran meter reglas las cuales no existen es muy diferente.

Repito y recalco, si son usuarios nuevos, orienten. Si reinciden adelante reporten. No por ganarse sus 10 SBD que les pagan, van a estar afectando a los demás usuarios.

@henryn2020 no es que caigas en acusaciones absurdas, ahí estan las fotos de tus comentarios y que enseguida los eliminaste, con que fin. Que los usuarios no lean que los etiquetaste para reportarlos y no te digan nada. no te preocupes no dire más dejare aquí el link para que los usuarios vean tus movimientos, puesto que muchos como son nuevos no conocen la plataforma como es y como verificar comentarios borrados.


@notibroma, @verxdictive, @ebris, @roinv

Como dicen el compañero @antoniomontilva ustedes puedes quejarse que son los afectados. Vallan revisen y ahí aparece donde el compañero elimino los mensajes que les coloco para levantar el reporte.

@rodrigoromellon yo no vengo acá a discutir con nadie. Fue un sencillo comentario con orientación, además de que nadie está reportando para castigo ni nada, si el comentario se borró y no ya no se ve, pues no hay reporte sencillamente. Nadie ha recibido voto negativo ni nada por el estilo.

Sin peleas por favor...

gracias por informarme @rodrigoromellon desconocia que me habia reportado, la verdad desconozco la causa yo creo aunque al parecer ya no estoy seguro no hice plagio, @henryn2020 lamento que mi contenido no te agrade la verdad no sabia que lo que hago esta mal pero por lo menos hubieras dejado el comentario para saber que hice mal no? si el problema es lo que te pagan igual y si me hubieras dado el consejo inclusive yo te hubiera ayudado a obtener ese dinero que te pagan de una o de otra forma henryn2020 no lo tomes a mal te agradezco que evites el plagio pero por lo menos adviertan en que estamos mal porque según yo estoy bien

nadie te ha reportado amigo créeme xd si no ves comentarios de los agentes en tu perfil, es que no pasa nada, igual puedes revisar los reportes de lince no se rayen mas en serio xd. saludos

Ahora, con respecto a @steemcleaners jamás dije que no hicieran un buen trabajo, al contrario estoy en contra del plagio pero hay maneras para hacerla. Si me gustan los videojuegos, no necesito traducirlo, hablo perfectamente el ingles. Gracias por la sugerencia. Buen día, y en verdad no lo tomes a nivel personal, te repito hacen buen trabajo, pero si ya hicieron el comentario no lo borren, eso me da a pensar que solo lo hacen para ganar lo que les pagan por reportar, porque yo tambien he ido a levantar reportes en https://steemcleaners.org/ sin reclamar recompensa por que no me interesa ganar por andar acusando, me interesa ganar por publicar, por cuestiones escolares no me da mucho el tiempo de hacerlo. Pero ya salgo de vacaciones y comenzare hacerlo. Reitero nuevamente, no esta mal lo que haces tu y tus compañeros, pero hay formas.

dale mano suerte :)

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

thanks for sharing @c-squared :)