Grow Your Own Antibacterial Bandages!

in #garden7 years ago

Woolly Lamb's Ear (Stachys Byzantina) is another one of the many multi purpose herbs that the more self reliant types should consider growing if they are not already. If you are already growing this lovely, velvety plant, maybe you can learn something new from this post.

The soft leaves make a great bandage because they are absorbent, antibacterial, and antiseptic. They also have anti fungal properties which is what gives them the ability to help cure candida overgrowth - something I forgot to mention in the above video. It can be used to treat cuts, scrapes, burns, bug bites and stings. I have used it on several occasions with a bit of chewed up yarrow or plantain in the middle of the leaf and held onto the wound with a a bit of gauze, loosely wrapped ace bandage, or even a small rubber band.


The bruised or dried leaves can be brewed into a tea and taken internally to help treat many things such as internal bleeding, soothing sore throats, candida overgrowth, and helping assist in heart and liver health. Because of the antibacterial properties, it can also be useful in treating staph infections, E. Coli, and more.

It even makes a great toilet paper substitute and I have tried it myself and I tell you, it is much better than toilet paper! One thing I did not think of until recently was daily picking a bunch of the leaves and keeping them in a mason jar with a bit of filtered rain water in the bathroom during growing season. Though I already save a lot on toilet paper by using cloth wipes (seen to the right of the photo below), I can save on laundry as well during this time of year by using the fresh leaves of this abundantly growing plant.


Lamb's Ear is also very lovely in the garden with is lavender flowers and silvery green leaves. Here at can bee seen growing just behind a couple of my runner beans with some of my marshmallow to the right and a lavender on the far side:


One thing to keep in mind is that it does spread and self seed quite easily and it can overtake your garden if you do not keep it in check. This year, I dug up three very large plants to give me more garden space!

Hope you enjoyed this post and that I was able to pass on some helpful and useful information! Thank you for your time :D

NOTE: I am NOT a doctor nor pretend to be one. Nothing I say should be used to replace professional medical counseling! Also, PLEASE do your OWN research!

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Upvoted, resteemed and following.

I'll start going through your blog after lunch.

Thank you! Following you as well after seeing your cool (or hot rather) rocket stove!

Hey Rain! I just created my profile over here on Steemit! Love your posts! I will most definitely resteem!

Yay! So glad you joined us here, thank you Oily! :D You going on tonight? I don't want to miss it this time

Great advice! I will be adding this to our natural remedies section of our garden. Might even add it to the back of our property since you say it is so prolific (won't have to cut the grass there then!).

How do you recommend drying the leaves?

I just use my Nesco dehydrator, it works great!

Awesome to hear, thank you! We have a cheapo dehydrator that's done a great job for us for years, so I'll be giving it a try.

I'm working to put together a wish list for my medicinal herb garden, this looks like it will be a great addition! You can also use mullein leaves for wiping (known as cowboy toilet paper).

I have heard that about mullein though I have not seen it grow in our area. I think it prefers dryer climates, but I am not positive on that one.

upvoted and re steemed, what a great article. Thanks for sharing and keep posting.

Thank you gardengirl!

great tips especially for those of us that want to lessen our impact on the environment and be self-sufficient/ independent of the consumer culture that has overtaken our everyday lives

hmmm very interesting. I will definitely be trying them as a bandage!

really nice ..I had no idea it could be injested...I can see how lovely they would be as a wipe as they are so soft...I thought of using reusable cloth too! you just have a diaper washer attached to the toilet? I think I will look for it and plant it..

I just keep a 1 gallon bucket with a lid next to the toilet. I only use them for urinating, not the messier stuff right now, but in a pinch I would and I would add a soak water to the bucket. For now, I do not add a soak to them as there is really no need. I line dry them too and there is never any smell left :)

This is great info and another plant im going to have to find some space for!