SLC S22W4 Knowing and Analyzing new places

in #geo-22w4last month

Knowing and Analyzing new places.png

Edited by canva

Create a new project in UTM Geo Map and Save it (Select it as active project)

To create a new project in UTM Geo Map and save it as an active project, I first opened the UTM Geo Map application and once on the main interface I clicked on the settings icon located in top right which opened a menu where I selected the Project option, then in the window that appeared I chose Create a project and I entered the name of my project in this case kouba01_week4 while adding a description if necessary, then I made sure to check the Set as active project box so that the project would be activated immediately and finally I clicked OK to save my project which was thus saved and set as active.


Mark at least 3 of these Coordinate Points:

I choose these points ( Point 4, Point 5, Point 9), I opened the UTM Geo Map application and navigated to the point management tool by clicking on "Marker Map", then searched for each point by entering its specific coordinates in the search menu.


For Point 4 I entered corresponding coordinates (41.89017565, 12.4925625) and marked the point, I repeated the same process for Point 5 (51.17886839, -1.8260676) and Point 9 (2.0688886, -88.469143), once the points were marked they appeared clearly on the map, each identified by their respective labels.


I also consulted the marker list to verify that these three points were recorded with their specific details, including coordinates in DMS and UTM format, as well as associated addresses, the images provided show each step of the process, with the visible points on the map for confirmation.


Export the points you took and save them to your phone (Make sure the name of the file you save ends in ".kml")

To export the points marked in UTM Geo Map and save them to my phone with a ".kml" extension, I followed the following steps, I started by opening the application menu and selecting the "Export" option ", a window then allowed me to choose the export format, where I selected "Export to KML", after selecting this option, a new window opened for naming the file, I entered “kouba01_week4.kml” as file name and I chose the storage location in the Downloads folder of my phone, finally I confirmed by clicking "Save", which saved the file containing the coordinates of the marked points in the format desired.


Import them into Google Earth and explore the places.

I first opened the Google Earth app on my device and clicked on the button to add or import a file. I then selected the “Local KML File” option to directly import the data stored on my device. Once I chose this option, I navigated my device. to locate the KML file that I had previously exported, I applied UTM Geo Map and saved it as “kouba01_week4.kml”, after selecting this file, I clicked on “Import”, which loaded the selected points into Google Earth.


Once the points were imported, I began to explore the locations directly on the map by zooming in on each point, for example, I viewed point PT_4, which corresponds to the coordinates of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, and used Google Earth’s 3D view to see the site and its surroundings in more detail. From the details, I then went to point PT_5 located in Stonehenge, UK where I could examine the historical structures and their surroundings from the air and in 3D mode and finally, I explored point PT_9 located in an area off the Pacific coast and navigated About this place to better understand its geographical location.


Go back to UTM Geo Map and select one of those places you visited and make a polygon of the most relevant part of the place, draw some Roads and make a Buffer of 300 meters.

I start by importing the points into Google Earth by opening the application and selecting a local KML file, I then navigate through the marked places, like PT_4, to explore the locations and visualize their surroundings, once this step is completed I returns to UTM Geo Map to analyze one of these locations in detail.


I select the point of interest, such as the ancient Roman theater, and draw a polygon around the most relevant area to outline its contours, then draw roads around the site to represent the routes of access and circulation, to deepen my analysis, I create a buffer of 300 meters around the polygon by entering the required distance in the tool provided for this purpose and finally, I customize the appearance of the polygon, for example by adjusting the type and color of the lines, and I save my work for better viewing and analysis.


Locate on Google Earth (or UTM Geo Map) a relevant tourist site in your country and its coordinates.

I start by opening the UTM Geo Map application on my device, once open, I search for the Ghriba Synagogue by entering its name in the search bar, I check the coordinates displayed on the screen, including the latitude, longitude and data in UTM, this information allows me to precisely locate the site, I visualize the location on the satellite map, if necessary, I activate the options to switch between satellite views and classic map in order to better understand the context geographic.

Geographic location:

  • Latitude and longitude: 33.8139019025754, 10.858724378049374
  • UTM system: 672034.157E 3743075.317N 32S

a) What places did you visit? Where are those places? What did you think of them?

I went to the island of Djerba and visited three emblematic places: Djerbahood, the Guellala Museum, and the Ghriba Synagogue.

  • Djerbahood is located in the village of Erriadh, it is an open-air museum where the walls of the alleys are decorated with works of urban art created by artists from all over the world, I found this fascinating place, as it mixes the traditional culture of the island with contemporary art offering a unique visual experience.

  • The Guellala Museum is located in the village of Guellala known for its pottery, this museum exhibits the culture and traditions of Djerba through scenes of everyday life and ancient objects I was impressed by the cultural wealth and the history that this place transmits.

  • Finally, I visited the Ghriba Synagogue, also located in Erriadh, it is one of the oldest synagogues in North Africa and an important spiritual site for the Jewish community, this place m has made a big impact with its unique architecture and peaceful atmosphere.


b) Describe in detail the place you chose. What is around it? What is most relevant? What draws your attention the most?


I chose to locate the **Ghriba Synagogue**, it is located in the village of Erriadh, in the heart of the island of Djerba, around the synagogue, there are small streets typical of Djerba, lined with white houses and palm trees, which gives the site an authentic character.

The synagogue itself is a sacred place with exceptional architecture, its walls are decorated with colorful ceramic tiles and traditional patterns, what particularly catches my attention is the peaceful interior of the synagogue, where there are lit candles and wooden benches which invite meditation, this place exudes a very soothing spiritual energy.

What is also fascinating is the history of the synagogue, it is said to house one of the oldest Torahs in the world, the historical and religious aspect of this place is what makes it so special to my eyes.

c) What is that tourist site in your country that you shared? Tell us about it and the things that make it unique/special.


I shared the **Ghriba Synagogue** as a tourist site, this place is unique for several reasons, it is one of the most important places of Jewish pilgrimage in the world, attracting visitors of all faiths every year , it embodies the coexistence between cultures and religions in Tunisia, because it is located within a majority Muslim community.

What makes the synagogue special is its centuries-old history and connection to the Tunisian Jewish community, which has played a significant role in the country's culture, its architecture is a harmonious blend of local and traditional Jewish styles, which makes it visually impressive, In addition, it is surrounded by legends, including that of the stones brought from Jerusalem for its construction, this place symbolizes the cultural richness and diversity of Tunisia, and it is a must for anyone visiting Djerba.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @sahar78, @stream4u, @fombae to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,
