5 Differences in Sex, when you are High and you are Drunk. Useful Tip.

in #health8 years ago

In different states of mind, we behave differently and perceive everything differently. It's time to find out how drunk sex not alike than stoned sex.

Marijuana becomes the most popular reactionary drug.
It has almost become an integral part of mainstream culture.

Attitude to it in different countries becoming more and more soft,
and cannabis is gradually gaining legal status.

In theory, more affordable marijuana becomes,
the more people will use it in the recreational and medicinal purposes.

This raises many interesting questions for researchers in the field of public health.

How the weed smoking will affect the next generation? How the widespread use of cannabis will be reflected in our jobs, and how will change our relationship with each other, because of this?

How will change sex after marijuana will become easy available for everyone in the country,
and the number of its customers will grow?

Under the effect alcohol our partner selection criteria is reduced.

When we are drunk people around us do seem much more beautiful,
and we make contact with them much easier and faster.

People who smoke weed usually know with whom and why they wake up the next morning after a binge.
The unexpected and unpleasant surprises are extremely rare.

In addition, cannabis, mainly guides consumers to have sex with someone they already know,
for example, with their current partners.

In opposite alcohol often leads to casual sex with strangers.

People often regret about drunk sex, but stoned sex - never

The next day after drinking most people have a sense of regret. After it a shame and embarrassment.
But marijuana users do not experience these negative feelings.

Usually I want to cook something for a person I slept with, being stoned. And when I'm drunk, I want to quickly get away, - says one man who like to smoke big joints.

From drunk sex you may vomit, and while stoned you may be distracted.

From alcohol people often are sick, they have problems with stomach and they are easy to "cut down".
Including while making love.

Being stoned such physical effects appear infrequent, but there are psychological.

Someone is losing motivation to intimacy, and someone can’t concentrate on the sensations.

When you're stoned, you start to think about what is sex at all, and why it is like it is, - says one professional smoker girl.

Under the effect of marijuana you get more fun.

Drunkenness dulls sensation and marijuana on the contrary, makes them more intense. In addition, people under the influence of alcohol have sex longer, but it does not make it better.
Sometimes it is prolonged too, but cannabis makes everything more striking, though not so long, - shares her impressions professional weed cutter from Colorado, who has daily sex in her greenhouses.
Many people also report that under the effect of marijuana their orgasms are more powerful and lasts longer.

In general, stoned sex is more gentle, slow and sensual than drunk.
Such sex increases emotional bond between partners.

Drunk sex is generally less secure.

People often forget about contraception, when drunk, take hasty decisions, fall asleep during sex,
and waking up without remembering with whom they were and what they were doing.

Marijuana users in contrast, say that it is easier to control themselves and the situation, when they are stoned.

Opposite, alcohol increases aggression and the possibility of sexual abuse,
in addition to the risks of unprotected intercourse.