Good afternoon all steemian friends. May we all be given perfect ideas and reasoning by Allah, so that we do not stop doing good and making meaningful posts that can be servants and entertainment for the people around us.
Today I am back to making a post, here I will discuss Long Distance Household. Actually, LDR can be built through communication. Many people when they are still dating, LDR is more intimate, rarely meet more intimate. Calling until 12 at night, until 1 o'clock. That is if the cellphone is not ringing, it doesn't stop. Until the ears are hot attached to it.
The difference is when you're already dating, married, have children, meet at home every day, and then your wife calls you outside, it seems very short, 5 seconds.
"Okay, okay.. okay.."
How do you guys respond to this?
For me, what's important is the commitment that when. But what I mean is that I think that the good or bad things you do will come back to you. So that's my principle. It means that it's up to each person to commit to building trust in their own style. As a couple, we definitely have our own characteristics, we have our own agreements. But be careful with the name agreement.
Well, every choice has consequences. Are you ready for the consequences? If I may suggest, it is better for us to do something constructive rather than just making decisions at the last moment. If at the time after we are married we feel "I already know what you are like."
And that's when the marriage will be problematic. Because every person will change until they die. When we make an agreement as a commitment, are we ready for the end of the agreement. The agreement is good if we can judge the end is okay.
Well, are we ready for this end.
Never try to be a police officer for your partner. Because he or she will always be smarter. That's not the way to do it.
Build a healthy foundation for marriage. And this requires hard work, sweat, even blood sweat if necessary.
Selamat mandum rakan steemian. Seumoga geutanjoe mandum neubri pikiran dan nalar njang sempurna le Allah, seuhingga geutanjoe bek tapeutheun bak tapeugot njang djroh dan tapeugot postingan njang meumakna njang djeut keu hamba dan hiburan bagi ureung-ureung lingka geutanjoe.
Uroe nyoe lon kembali peugot postingan, disino lon akan bahas Rumah Tangga Jarak Jauh. Seubeutoi jih LDR jeut ta bangun lewat komunikasi. Le ureung watee mantong pacaran, LDR leubeh intim, jareung meurumpok leubeh intim. Meuhôi sampo poh 12 malam, sampo poh 1. Nyan meunyo HP hana meu-ulang, hana meutheun. Sampoe geulinyueng suum meuleukat bak nyan.
Beda jih watee droeneuh ka pacaran, ka meukawen, na aneuk, meurumpok di rumoh tiep uroe, lheuh nyan peurumoh droeneuh neu telepon droeneuh u lua, deuh jih paneuk that, 5 detik.
"Oke, oke.. oke.."
Kiban tanggapan droeneuh mandum keu hai nyoe?
Bagi lon, nyang peunteng komitmen nyan pajan. Teuma nyang ulôn meukeusut, ulôn pike bahwa buet-buet nyang jroh atawa nyang brok nyang gata peubuet nyan teuma jiwoe ubak gata. Jadi nyan keuh prinsip lon. Berarti terserah bak tiep-tiep ureung untuk berkomitmen untuk membangun kepercayaan keu gaya droe. Seubagoe pasangan, geutanyoe ka pasti na ciri-ciri droe, na perjanjian droe. Teuma beu hati-hati ngon perjanjian nan.
Yah, tiep-tiep pilihan na akibat. Peuë ka siap keu akibat jih? Meunjoë djeuët ulôn sarankan, leubèh djroh geutanjoë tapeugot sapeuë njang konstruktif nibak tapeugot keputusan mantong bak watèë njang akhé. Meunyo bak watee lheuh tanyoe meukawen tanyoe meurasa "lon ka lon teupeu kiban droeneuh."
Dan watee nyan keuh pernikahan akan bermasalah. Sabab tiep-tiep ureung akan meu ubah sampoe mate. Watèë geutanjoë tapeugot saboh perdjandjian sibagoë komitmen, peuë geutanjoë ka siap keu akhé perdjandjian njan. Perjanjian nyan jroh meunyo jeut ta nilai akhe jih hana masalah.
Nah, peue ka siap geutanyoe keu akhe nyoe.
Bek sagai-sagai neu cuba jeut keu polisi keu pasangan droe. Sabab jih akan sabe leubeh carong. Nyan kon cara peugot.
Peugot landasan nyang sehat keu pernikahan. Dan njoë peureulèë buët brat, ruëh, bahkan ruëh darah meunjo peureulèë.
Sabe-sabe saboh salam nyang meusaboh.
Oleh @midiagam