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The main purpose of green technology is to slow global warming and reduce the green house effect

Product Performance was the most frequently cited constraint in using recycled REEs.

could it function well?

It seems that REE is a great contributor for our industry. It helps in many different ways.

With these earth magnets, EV industry might possibly climb to the summit!

According to article the military uses night-vision goggles, precision-guided weapons, communications equipment, GPS equipment, batteries, and other defense electronics and REE appears to play a vital role to produce the militaries need.

Cool! these could potentially help development of technology for future use!

I could hear some applause! this innovation could be next in line for future success!

Through REE these elements could possibly give the United States military an enormous potential advantage.

I also like to suggest that they should proritize the safety of the workers in the rare Earth elements recycling process.